View Full Version : Rev Gold 7.8 out

08-06-2008, 10:49 AM
in usual place :respect-055:

12-06-2008, 04:25 AM
From Papagen, thanx to Mau, re. TPS AU procedure:

Try this little procedure to get the AU on TPS:

*Stay on two channels like Ushuaia and M6 Music Black. Or any other channel on the same frequency.
*Go into EMU Menu and set Sharing Mode to DSR SSSP
*Change the channel and it should be clear now

Once you set the Sharing Mode to DSR:
*press the "EXIT" button [not the INFO button!), without pressing the "0" [zero] button!
At this point you must be able to see CAID=0500 ECM-PID=104 IDENT=007C00
*Press EXIT

You can put your Sammy in Standby mode and the data is not lost.

Probably [Mahdi may well have a better answer], we must repeat the process because TPS is changing the AU routine every 2 hours since yesterday.

Not right now, in my experience, since 14:00. I checked now and EVERYTHING IS OK.

I have the DSR mode for original vi*ccess card and both cards are working perfect since the first time I tried.:respect-051: