View Full Version : cheapest cam

11-06-2008, 08:04 AM
I need to set up a digitalb set up for a friend for next seasons football , he has a technomate 1000 with a motorised dish , so what is the cheapest cam to work with his hardware and card ?

will a second hand dragon/matrix/magic dam work with his card or would i need to investin in a official conax cam ?

will the official conax be ok with the tm1000 ?

will the other cams be ok with this receiver since it it patched?

thanks in advance


11-06-2008, 10:20 AM
If the receiver is patched you don't need to buy a Conax Cam. I don't think the Technomate 1000 has a CI slot for a cam anyway.

The DigitALB card will work in the Technomate 1000 card slot (as long as the receiver is patched)

11-06-2008, 12:13 PM
sorry guys my mistake its a technomate TM 1000 ci+ it has a card slot but it is blanked off

just found this

h**p://cgi.****.co.uk/TECHNOMATE-D-G-TAL-SATELL-TE-CARD-READER_W0QQitemZ260248373214QQihZ 016QQcategoryZ96970QQssPageNameZW DVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem