View Full Version : tm 9100 any good

11-06-2008, 08:29 PM
been thinking of buying one of these , but read on another forum that they are a load of **** is this true? thanks in advance

11-06-2008, 08:31 PM
Had one and sold it within 2 months
Get a dreambox lol:respect-059:

11-06-2008, 08:34 PM
thanks sonic1 for quick reply saved me a few bob all the best

11-06-2008, 08:36 PM
I sold mine off in a month:D

11-06-2008, 08:37 PM
I am sure many will disagree but trust me I will only ever spend my money on a DM
The 800HD is out now and with the amout of feed back it will be top notch within no time.
The 8000 will be the daddy.
Save your pennies for a few months and get a 800 or 8000
All good things come to those that wait :Angel_anim:

11-06-2008, 08:38 PM
I sold mine off in a month:D

Enough said :respect-069:

11-06-2008, 08:53 PM
Had mine for over a year now had a DM500 and sold it for 9100 very good box little bit unstable with bugs on software but for some time now been using UR013 and its great just as good as the DM7020.
But must agree with the guys above mins off to fl**** and in comes a DM800 in its place.
Save your pennys and buy HD.

Regards Jono

11-06-2008, 09:01 PM
I guess it depends who you ask and what you want to spend, I've never really had many problems and a
year on things just keep getting better so happy with mine

Running nab darkstar and gemini on mine and its very stable I suppose I could have spent more and done the same with a dreambox :applause-003:


11-06-2008, 10:09 PM
The TM9100 has always been a pile of crap until now.

It does actually work reasonably well now, depending on what image you use.

I think I will get rid of my old DM7000 in favour of the TM9100 which I will keep for a short time until I get a HD PVR.

The DM800 is not worth buying at the moment, judging from all the problems people are having with them.

11-06-2008, 10:29 PM
i have a 9100 ist model, i would dump it, but i still love the d700 dreambox i have had for years now. at lest u can record and watch a recording at same time, more than the 9100.

12-06-2008, 06:35 PM
This stb had a lot of problems at the start but over time most of these have been solved.

over the last six months the support and images have improved tenfold and it is now a very stable receiver.

12-06-2008, 06:54 PM
I have a couple of the 9100 units and as mentioned the software has taken time to catch up but now I have 3 tm images and 2 dreambox images to choose from using dsteam dual boot and a 1 gig sd card on each box

seems fine to me and these dreambox images are very impressive

my second box cost me £80 and has a pata hdd fitted as well , so cost wise its very effective for an SD box

I am sure if I had a dreambox I would love that too , but I wouldnt have loved the cost !!!!

so until I buy and use a HD tv then I am happy with two tm9100 units using an internal lan as multiroom , and 1 tm1500ci+ unit on a diseqc motor

at the end of the day , they are extremely good units for what little money they cost , and the software just gets better and better

my samsung 9500 viaci was 4 times the price 6 years ago with a lot less features as well !!!

regrets ? not me , no regrets buying them whatsoever , although its took nearly a year to get some decent images and more use out of them

so to answer post 1 , no , not true whatsoever

and the learning of these boxes will prepare me for any newer HD linux boxes that may I buy in the future

in the meantime I am running nabilo dreambox image on one box and gemini dreambox image on the other box , cannot see what I am doing wrong , especially at the price I paid

12-06-2008, 07:32 PM
And happy to say my 9100 was painfull first year..Yep.
But now I can survive with it and picture quality is pretty good indeed,

And its working:applause-003:

13-06-2008, 08:40 PM
think i will take the plunge after reading all your posts thanks again for all your help

13-06-2008, 08:58 PM
think i will take the plunge after reading all your posts thanks again for all your help

Get yourself a good 1GB SD card you will need it for sure I would even go as far as to say its essential if
you want to get the best out of the box


15-06-2008, 09:16 PM
Mixed feelings about the 9100 to be honest-a step learning curve- had a lot of help from folks on here & elsewhere in resolving issues

Some decent images although most still have some bugs- currently using ur13 which for me seems most stable so far

I dare say the image makers will release more stable images in time -some of the later ones i believe are dreambox based ones

Picture & sound quality excellent- My advice would be to read loads & have lots of patience m8!

16-06-2008, 10:16 AM
have two machines.
tm 9100 and dm 7020
the dm7020 is more stable but 3 times the cost
the tm9100 has improve massively over the last year and now about equal.
I have enjoyed playing and learning with the tm9100 so would say it was good but that is relating to the cheaper cost, i was more disapointed with the dm7020 when it came out it too had probs and i paid a lot more and did not expect them.

If you want easy buy on older sorted linux based unit, then the tm9100 is great value, do not buy recent launched linux from anyone if you do not want pain. All seem to be launched then over a year or so sorted out, but fun if you have another reciever that works and like a challenge.

16-06-2008, 11:59 AM
It is good if you don't mind experimenting and testing different options.

Don't expect same stability as dreamboxes because they have been around for longer and most bugs have been ironed out.

Tm9100 is getting there and will just improve from now on

16-06-2008, 04:51 PM
The tm9100 has been one of the most interesing box's that I have owned. From the beginning it was unstable and need constant messing with. But with all the latest images edg 4.1 and ds 3.6 and running dual boot in flash the box is just so stable. I think my box was the best I've had. Now gone for a 800hd and my poor tm9100 is sat there redundant for now.


16-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Couple of other factors that the TM9100 has over the dreamboxes is better build quality and a better tuner.

17-06-2008, 07:09 AM
Hi joe, nice to see you over here,pleased to see the 9100 users finally replying to this thread,you would think the devil was inside this box reading the early posts....lol
What you need with a newly introduced linux box is stamina,it happened with dreambox,technomate,itgate etc and is happening again just ask the DM800hd owners,but they know that a few months down the line that they will be sorted.
Ownership of these boxes when they are first introduced is what has made this such an interesting hobby,and hobby it is,if the 9100 in its early days was not for you then would suggest either repurchasing or dusting them down and having another go,as Echelon says there are loads of images including Dm ones that do work, Dunc.

19-06-2008, 10:31 PM
Does the 9100 do timeshifting yet?

I really want to get me a linux box and I've always had my eye on this cost-effective one but from my brief reading it doesn't timeshift!!

20-06-2008, 06:16 AM
There is work being done,but at the moment no official image carries time shifting for this box.

20-06-2008, 09:31 AM
have seen clone db 7020 about 150 pounds, same as original
even better
tunner is best an work as hell, in my openion if tm 9100 is same as db then why dont we buy db
plz guys dont waste money on tm buy even clone or even original 500 buy buy only db i use tm for 6 months but every time its problem
really unstable,
and 1 big example u can see computer without opreating system is nothing
so reciver without s/w supports is nothing,
u can see 800
every day new s/w
lot of support
dream multimedia knows how to sale products, and they support it , trough ur money in bin its better buy bit expencive but better thing to save 100 euros ur trouging ur 200 euros,
or better buy HD,
choice is urs but in my openion ther eis no reciver in world only dreambox.

20-06-2008, 12:30 PM
Where do you sell them............lol If there is only DM for choice then,
Why advocate buying clones? gemini dont like them,neither do your favoured DM,but I suppose we could all buy clones and put DM out of business,then hey presto...no more clones...easy.
Technomates work,have you tried since you found it unstable?they have software support the same as DM,their 800 is having upgrades by 3rd party teams because they have problems,the same as when they first brought out the DM range,not seen a unix box that has worked straight away,except if you want to use it fta.

20-06-2008, 02:34 PM
Have to agree with Dunc. As a proud owner of both a tm9100 original and a db800hd I can tell you both have had issues and still continue to. But there is a hell of a price difference too. I paid £100.00 for the tm and £359.00 for the dbhd.

Running an original TM with ds.cvs dual boot and ds3.6 and edg 4.1 on iboot I have not have one reboot in ages, other than when scanning for faint signals.

The db800hd has tuner issues, incorrect signal strengh. Meter wont go above 25%. It locked my motor up the other day on 7w. I had to do a manual reset. Also you cant see the oled screen its that small.

The tm has now got a great following and great support, great images and is a 1st rate box for the linux newbie.


20-06-2008, 02:40 PM
have seen clone db 7020 about 150 pounds, same as original
even better
tunner is best an work as hell, in my openion if tm 9100 is same as db then why dont we buy db
plz guys dont waste money on tm buy even clone or even original 500 buy buy only db i use tm for 6 months but every time its problem
really unstable,
and 1 big example u can see computer without opreating system is nothing
so reciver without s/w supports is nothing,
u can see 800
every day new s/w
lot of support
dream multimedia knows how to sale products, and they support it , trough ur money in bin its better buy bit expencive but better thing to save 100 euros ur trouging ur 200 euros,
or better buy HD,
choice is urs but in my openion ther eis no reciver in world only dreambox.

this is a very biased and one sided report where you seem to think everyone should only buy a dreambox and nothing else ( apart from maybe a clone ? )

why ? what happened to choice ? what happened to members making up their own minds ?

just because you had problems with yours doesnt mean its dreambox or nothing for everyone

I suppose you live in a zero carbon emitting , eco-friendly detached house , and run a rolls royce or a bentley or a ferrari ( the best cars in the world ) , only eat caviar with your chips and only watch blu-ray dvd,s on a 104 inch high definition plasma tv ?

dont belittle others just because of your own prejudices

I dont own a dreambox , but then again I dont belittle others for buying or not buying a dreambox , as that is their choice

maybe if the official dreamboxes has cost 100 euros I may have bought one , but as they were double or treble that figure I chose to buy a couple of tm9100 standard boxes for less than 200 euros for the pair in total. these are currently running dreambox images and I am quite happy with my purchases

its one thing advising others on what to do , its quite another to tell them they are fools if they dont buy the one make that you hold so dear to your heart.

let ppl make up their own minds based on the experience of others , but do not be dictatorial in what you think of them that do not follow your choices, as that is the way of democracy , the right to choose a ford focus instead of a bmw m3 or a bentley arnage :)

20-06-2008, 05:03 PM
this is a very biased and one sided report where you seem to think everyone should only buy a dreambox and nothing else ( apart from maybe a clone ? )

why ? what happened to choice ? what happened to members making up their own minds ?

just because you had problems with yours doesnt mean its dreambox or nothing for everyone

I suppose you live in a zero carbon emitting , eco-friendly detached house , and run a rolls royce or a bentley or a ferrari ( the best cars in the world ) , only eat caviar with your chips and only watch blu-ray dvd,s on a 104 inch high definition plasma tv ?

dont belittle others just because of your own prejudices

I dont own a dreambox , but then again I dont belittle others for buying or not buying a dreambox , as that is their choice

maybe if the official dreamboxes has cost 100 euros I may have bought one , but as they were double or treble that figure I chose to buy a couple of tm9100 standard boxes for less than 200 euros for the pair in total. these are currently running dreambox images and I am quite happy with my purchases

its one thing advising others on what to do , its quite another to tell them they are fools if they dont buy the one make that you hold so dear to your heart.

let ppl make up their own minds based on the experience of others , but do not be dictatorial in what you think of them that do not follow your choices, as that is the way of democracy , the right to choose a ford focus instead of a bmw m3 or a bentley arnage :)

I agree with this 110%, I could'nt have put it better. Thanks!!:respect-057::respect-046:

20-06-2008, 06:55 PM
There is work being done,but at the moment no official image carries time shifting for this box.



Do unofficial images timeshift then?? :respect-010:

21-06-2008, 07:57 AM
It is one of the issues being worked on by the image teams,they are getting there,but at the moment as always its one step forward and two back.........