View Full Version : Octagon HD Software Tools

12-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Octagon HD Soft Tool, Uploader, Dowloader, with other futured tools,

First Release for HD

20-06-2008, 02:42 PM
Lovely tool I must say.

One question though:
Is there anywhere some tool to convert the .key or .bin files from www. ****** .ch ?

The tool doesn't read those formats by itself, it absolutely needs to open .kdb files.
And to modify the default list manually... well, it gets me a real headache just by looking at all those hex-numbers.

Reason why I ask this:
The .kdb file I found for the octagon SF918 (also working for the Sab ultimate HD super pus by the way) appears to have some different keys as the file from www. ****** .ch, maybe due to a time-lag between both, but anyways several differences were found (didn't check them all though, for reasons of same headache).
Also www. ****** .ch seems to be the authority on the web (as far as I know upto now, please correct me if I'm wrong)


Found a trick:
Download the keyfile from ******
Start the tool as if to download the keyfile from its default location
Change the default web-location to where the file from ****** was stored (eg c:\softkey.key)
==> done converting
Click "save as", pick a filename, and afterwards change the extention to .kdb
==> load it in SAB HD by usb