View Full Version : Pleased to be a member

14-06-2008, 09:01 AM
Hi. I'm a satellite addict and live in one of the Northen Isles off Scotland.
I have bought and tried all kinds of satellite devices in my years, so will help as much as I can.
Day time job...Deliveries..
Moonligt job....Satellite....

Good to be here..

14-06-2008, 09:25 AM
welcome on board - what system do you have?

14-06-2008, 04:37 PM
Thank you for asking.

Channel Master 1.2 meter dish.
Polar mount.
SuperJack EZ2000--( Was a Pace MSS 500..Faulty) Swing of 30W to 28.2E Then solid wall.
Quad lnb feeding
1 Humax 5400z (Zboard built and patched by hand)
1 Dreambox 7000s ( Various Images and addons)
Dragon cam.
Diablo cam. (1W)
Dynamite/Cas2/Cas3 etc (blew the cas 3...OOPs! cas2.5)
Various cards up to cerebo.
Sly+ system on other side of wall.

Pretty much it.

Oh! And a Cat called paddy..