View Full Version : Yazz here

14-06-2008, 07:29 PM
Greetings, dear Satmoz inhabitans. It is Yazz, your beloved Diplomatic Advisor, signing on to be in your midst with great deal of pleasure and delight :respect-001:

14-06-2008, 09:29 PM
Welcome brother Yazz my friend glad to see you hear enjoy your stay here.:respect-067:



15-06-2008, 11:17 PM
hehehehe... You are simply amazing !!! I'm sure if I went to Outer Mongolia, I'd find you already there long before me :D :D

And thanks for the welcome, brother :respect-055:

15-06-2008, 11:52 PM
:respect-051::king-042::willy_nilly::respect-062: Welcome Yazz m8'y welcome to Satpimpz have Fun enjoy the forums its nice to see ya here .

16-06-2008, 07:35 AM
:respect-040: Hey m8, dead fish (or long time no see). Hope you can devote a bit more time to the scene - missed your erudition m8!:D

16-06-2008, 10:20 AM
Welcome Yazz m8'y welcome to Satpimpz have Fun enjoy the forums its nice to see ya here .

Thank you kindly for your warm welcome, Barney. I'm sure I'll have fun amongst all the "pimps", experienced and amateur ones alike... :D

16-06-2008, 10:52 AM
Hey m8, dead fish (or long time no see).
...errr..."long time no see" would be more appropriate and welcoming than "dead" fish as the word "dead" somewhat gives me the shivers. :eek:
I know I would have to be (deceased and wholly departed) one day but at the moment I'd rather not precipitate the event and let nature takes its course :nopity:

Hope you can devote a bit more time to the scene - missed your erudition m8!
The "en mass" erudition shall resume as of today with renewed enthusiasm as long as you're willing to join me with your rather rivetting and quite compelling stimulation :respect-051:

17-06-2008, 07:52 AM
:respect-001: I in no way intended to imply that that your final demise should be so imminent - just a little pun! You were "departed" and for quite some time but obviously not "dearly"! The stimulation shall be forthcoming as long as there are situations to which I can apply my rather twisted sense of humour without upsetting too many people!:party::respect-013::respect-057:

18-06-2008, 11:46 AM
I in no way intended to imply that that your final demise should be so imminent - just a little pun!
I was myself "punning" along too. No offence taken nor considered as such :biggrinjester:

Is there a lounge where we could actually sit down and liberally
indulge in a frantic social intercourse (in the hope that it would
encourage other "Social Fornicators" to join in)?
We could then gather all these "Would-be Philosophers" in a safe
and healthy enclosure and have what you might call an En Mass
Philological Orgy (EMPO for short) :respect-048:
Please advise at your earliest.
Many thanks

19-06-2008, 07:49 AM
:respect-057: You are quite correct in your observation that there are no little nooks where one might enter into metaphysical debate. We could take our discussion thread to the "General" section but that might be inappropriate. Perhaps if one of the Admin staff has perused this thread we might respectfully suggest a "Snug", "Debating Room" or "Off Topic" section for those like minded seekers of erudition not related specifically to the reception or watching of satellite TV.:sifone:

19-06-2008, 10:42 AM
...We could take our discussion thread to the "General" section but that might be inappropriate. Perhaps if one of the Admin staff has perused this thread we might respectfully suggest a "Snug", "Debating Room" or "Off Topic" section for those like minded seekers of erudition not related specifically to the reception or watching of satellite TV.:sifone:
Let us hope that the Executive Admins are of a very persuasive nature and wide open to briberies...or am I dangerously on a verge of committing a miscarriage of justice towards the Elite? :frown:

19-06-2008, 07:02 PM
:respect-069: I have always found the higher echelons here to be of a very reasonable nature! If there is sufficient demand for a new section I am sure one will be forthcoming. In the meantime we shall just have to carry on here. Unfortunately we seem to be in a minority of two at present. Hopefully some other gullible - oops, friendly - souls will feel inclined to contribute to our ramblings!:party:

19-06-2008, 10:49 PM
We can always make them an offer they simply cannot refuse..such as a Knee cap redesign or an amputation from the neck down. The choice is theirs :D