View Full Version : DM800 Tricks

14-06-2008, 08:13 PM

Setup viewing TV via a WEB Browser Local and remote -- is awesome -- means can watch Wimbledon in the garden via Laptop :D

will post instructions after this>

14-06-2008, 08:24 PM
Cool... Lemme know how!

14-06-2008, 09:00 PM
Has anyone tried putting a mkv h264 in a TS container and playing it with the dm800 or streaming mkv from pc > dm800 using vlc ?


14-06-2008, 10:03 PM
yes this id like to know too

15-06-2008, 02:04 AM
If you want to access around your house then all is simple. just use a Ethernet Hub to connect Dreambox + Laptop,

If you wanna watch your home sat system remotely ---- them your need to setup your router so as to access your Dreambox from your office or holiday. Its all about Port mapping of your INternet Broadband Router. Im using a BT Home hub and its worked from internaly_+externaly.

Going to start developments on EPG/Program lists as they are based on MySQL which coming from a mac world -- they are also :D

Lying in the garden with your laptop watching hard core tennis is slick!

OK using a UK BT HomeHUB I Create a new game or application

Need to open ports and assign to Dreambox800

1- Port range 8001 to 8001
2- Port Range 8123 to Port 80


Just click on the TV image on the far right --- on a Mac it loades in itunes - so I just take the source URL and put into VLC and plays -- or play in web Webrowser

15-06-2008, 11:11 AM
[QUOTE=TNT;534895]Has anyone tried putting a mkv h264 in a TS container and playing it with the dm800 or streaming mkv from pc > dm800 using vlc ?


what about a wmv9hd file or just a hd file in general,also does anyone know how to mount the pc to the dreambox,on the 500 it was quite easy,but this seems a bit more difficult any ideas anyone

15-06-2008, 03:13 PM
Can you watch wmv9hd on vlc never tried it myself but if you can then it might be possible to transcode
to h264 and stream to dm800 if your pc is good enough and your network could handle the bandwidth

I asked the question about h264 because obviously the dm800 can handle this the same as it can mpeg ?

This is all just theory on my part though as I don't own a dm800


Streaming outside your local home network is not easy, just a SD channel will use anywhere
between 500KB/s and 800KB/s so you need a upload rate from your home that can support that speed

Run a bandwidth monitor on your laptop when your streaming to it :)

You can use VLC as a server though and transcode it before its sent to lower the bandwidth


23-09-2008, 06:27 PM
Have anyone succesfully played 1080p mkv on the dm800 ?

24-09-2008, 12:20 PM
I saw something on the main dream multimedia forum in german that there is a plugin that should allow MKVs to be played.
That if I read the german correctly.