View Full Version : 2hand samsung...

snack attack
15-06-2008, 09:26 AM
Hi M8.

If i buy a 2hand Samsung reciver, which model shall i buy.
I have a Diablo 2.3 cam and cas 3 burner.Its for the conax channels.

Rgs Snack attack

15-06-2008, 09:31 AM
it may not matter as long as it has a ci slot

ideally you want the older 9500 viaci which can be patched , and preferably is already patched , so you get the best of both worlds , patch and cam

this is assuming you can find one in your country , wherever that is of course

15-06-2008, 12:54 PM
.....and more 9500 model VIA CI with 500 or 501 loader that you can see in system information.


snack attack
15-06-2008, 10:32 PM
Hi Echelon and Cuorino.:bowing-036:

Many thanks for your answer.
I just purchase a samsung dsr 9500. "2hand"
The details i dont know for sure.

As Echelon sayes : "it may not matter as long as it has a ci slot"

The remaining thing, i dont know eny thing about.
If it is an older reciver , then i have won in the lotto. he he.

Rgs Snack attack

23-01-2009, 11:56 AM
So, which one of the 4 kind that can be patched have you snatched, m8?:respect-051:

[Always read the Stickies!:respect-050::king-041: Fresh ones at the bottom, mostly...:respect-048:]