View Full Version : D800 Pre ordered with Goldwafer

22-06-2008, 08:32 AM
Hello all
I will soon hopefully be getting my DM800 HD, I placed my order with Lee last night.
I have had great fun and help with my linux 9100 over the past year and can't wait any longer to get the DM800.
Just a few questions if anyone can help.

1. What is the best Image to put on flash
2. Can i use the same channel llist that i use in TM9100 or is there a better one out with HD channels listed in it.
3. Are there any tutorials out for things like loading software to flash, adding softcams manualy, downloadding apps and watching DB800 remotely i mean out of your local network.
4. is barry allen like IBoot for TM9100 never used i boot but was always advised to by echelon so may start off with barry allen if thats what its for.
5. Is it a normal SATA HDD that goes in it or is it the slim laptop one.



22-06-2008, 08:51 AM
Best image is down to personal choice. I use Gemini 3.60 at the moment, but also used Black Hole, Peter Pan, OoZooN, NewNigma...

Barry Allen allows you to have an image in flash, and other images in USB, and you just choose on bootup which image to use.. Cracking bit of software...

You flash just by powering off, hold down power button on front, then reinsert power cable. Wait until you get **STOP** and an IP address on the front, then release power button.

Then just browse to the IP address using IE or Firefox etc... Click firmware upgrade and away you go..


22-06-2008, 10:46 AM
Best image is down to personal choice. I use Gemini 3.60 at the moment, but also used Black Hole, Peter Pan, OoZooN, NewNigma...

Barry Allen allows you to have an image in flash, and other images in USB, and you just choose on bootup which image to use.. Cracking bit of software...

You flash just by powering off, hold down power button on front, then reinsert power cable. Wait until you get **STOP** and an IP address on the front, then release power button.

Then just browse to the IP address using IE or Firefox etc... Click firmware upgrade and away you go..


Cheers for your reply are the firmware on this board to download.

After doing a bit of research am i understanding it right that once you access the ip in browser there is a database of firmware to select from.

also what channel list are you using.


22-06-2008, 11:35 AM
The firmware is flashed over the network. You download the firmware from the net and unzip the .NFI file to your PC HDD.

Then follow the instructions below

22-06-2008, 12:16 PM
I take it we don't hold the download for Gemini on pimps anymore as it say download from data base will have to search for it

cheers for that hda5 i have now added it to my fav for safe keeping


22-06-2008, 12:24 PM
Hold on to your hats gentlemen but this product actually has an official website (irony :p ) and it really should be one of the first places to check for initial information before or after the purchase, might make things easier;



22-06-2008, 01:01 PM
I take it we don't hold the download for Gemini on pimps anymore as it say download from data base will have to search for it

cheers for that hda5 i have now added it to my fav for safe keeping


The link to the DM800 Gemini image is http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com (http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/)

07-07-2008, 10:08 PM
Thanks for the Info

Just one more question before it arrives Tomorrow.
can someone give me a quick how to load a cam manually as i have always downloaded them from the blue panel before but i need to load one Manually in to my new DM800

Kind Regards Jono

07-07-2008, 10:11 PM
As far as im aware DM 800 dont have CAM Slots only 2 x Card Slots.

07-07-2008, 10:45 PM
the dm800 is that big lee will possible send it in a small envelope. god annt it small.

07-07-2008, 11:34 PM
mine is coming soon, I'm quite excited, I've been reading up for the last month and a half on how to get images on a dreambox.

08-07-2008, 05:45 PM
As far as im aware DM 800 dont have CAM Slots only 2 x Card Slots.

lol i mean a softcam for example gbox 2.25 for dm800

cheers jono

08-07-2008, 05:47 PM
Just put the extracted file in /tmp folder and then do a manual install from within the image.

Otherwise, just put the files in the correct folders using ftp.

08-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Just put the extracted file in /tmp folder and then do a manual install from within the image.

Otherwise, just put the files in the correct folders using ftp.

cheers buddy