View Full Version : 9100 streaming issue

23-06-2008, 07:36 PM
hi guys got a bit of a problem and banging my head against the wall, im running edg nemisis and trying to stream some video from my box to my laptop.

everything fine as far as connecting goes vlc player is installed however the the file association for the link in the enigma interface is calling up winamp rather than vlc... obviously winamp is looking at that file type association rather than vlc but im damed if i can suss out what file type it is so i can change vlc to the default player for it...

any ideas?

cheers in advance

23-06-2008, 08:03 PM
It generates a "m3u" file which is used for play lists with mp3 thats why its calling winamp

Best solution is to put a vlc icon on your desktop right click on it and select "Properties" and in the tartget box replace whats there with the below

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" http://root:Your Password@

Add your password and and correct ip, then all you do is double click that to start stream saves you messing with the file associations


23-06-2008, 08:05 PM
It happened to me a while ago, it was trying to use Real Player instead of VLC.

As far as I remember it was OK after installing/reinstalling the latest VLC.

24-06-2008, 10:11 AM
cheers guys