View Full Version : Wiring for Jaeger V box 11

25-06-2008, 09:06 PM
I'm not sure of the wiring set up for this and don't want to do any damage, is there anybody who can clarify it.
At the back of my Topfield I have a yellow and green wire going into pulse, I have a black wire going into GND, I have a brown wire going into M1 and a blue wire going into M2.
On the back of the V Box 11 there 's motor +, motor - and sensor- and sensor +.
Any help would be appreciated.

25-06-2008, 09:59 PM
If your jack is a conventional 36V one, it will have the same connections as the Wiring for the Jaeger V box II.

Sometimes the sensor uses a twin screened cable and the screen is just connected to the Sensor -ve at the V box as well as the sensor -ve wire in the screened cable.

The sensor is just a reed relay with open close contacts so it doesn't matter which is +ve or -ve at the jack.

If you get the motor the wrong way round it will just drive east when you want west and vice-versa.

26-06-2008, 08:47 AM
I wired the motor up about 18 months ago and can't remember which is which. I realise it does n't matter which cable goes to the sensor or reed so long as the M1 or M2 doesn't go to either, as it would probably burn the reed out. So I've concluded that blue goes to motor+, brown goes to motor -, yellow and green go to sensor - and black goes to sensor + on the Jaeger V box ll.
Thanks for your reply . I was looking for some reassurance. So hope I've got it right

26-06-2008, 08:48 AM
For you:

vBox motor +, motor - > use the brown and blue wires (reverse if dish goes wrong way)
vBox sensor- and sensor + > use the yellow/green and black wires (anyway round)

26-06-2008, 09:56 AM
Cheers glad to see I was on the right track and I appreciate your confirmation.:respect-051: