View Full Version : 0.1dB LNB's

25-06-2008, 09:34 PM
Anyone ever heard of or tried any of the so called 0.1dB LNB's?

I've always been led to belive this would be a very hard thing to achive, and if such a product was to come about they would probably not live up to the promised specs, of a 60dB gain

Would we see any impovements over say a Titanium 0.2dB LNB?

Has anyone had any experiance of these.

The Manafacture is megasat, who I have never heard of.

25-06-2008, 09:55 PM
60dB gain
do you mean 0.6 db gain
when satellite got going in about 1980 ish lnbs were about 1.7 db gain called blue cap lnbs that came with the old amstrad white dishes for sky
befor that ive seen a 2 db gain but never a 60 db lnb

25-06-2008, 10:13 PM
Would we see any impovements over say a Titanium 0.2dB LNB?

No and this question keeps popping up. You might see an improvement from 0.1 over, say, 0.7 or so but not 0.2. There's so many factors involved in a satellite signal if whacking up a 0.1 improved things over 0.2 why would anyone want to make or sell anything else?

25-06-2008, 10:24 PM
No and this question keeps popping up. You might see an improvement from 0.1 over, say, 0.7 or so but not 0.2. There's so many factors involved in a satellite signal if whacking up a 0.1 improved things over 0.2 why would anyone want to make or sell anything else?


Thought as much, but technology is always changing..... So I thought I'd ask anyway..

Who'd have thought a few years ago we'd be using the processors we use now in PC's!

25-06-2008, 10:33 PM
Who'd have thought a few years ago we'd be using the processors we use now in PC's!I agree there M8. 64k mainframes weren't cheap.

25-06-2008, 11:43 PM
if you want more signal, its a bigger dish.

end of story.

26-06-2008, 09:03 AM
60dB gain
do you mean 0.6 db gain
when satellite got going in about 1980 ish lnbs were about 1.7 db gain called blue cap lnbs that came with the old amstrad white dishes for sky
befor that ive seen a 2 db gain but never a 60 db lnb

He does indeed mean 60dB gain. That gain is the output ooomph necessary to push the signal along the cable. So for example, extreemly long cables need a line amplifier to compensate for the attenuation.
So 50-60 dB is typical.

26-06-2008, 09:48 AM
He does indeed mean 60dB gain. That gain is the output ooomph necessary to push the signal along the cable. So for example, extreemly long cables need a line amplifier to compensate for the attenuation.
So 50-60 dB is typical.indeed 60db gain is available but .1 noise over a good .3 is a waste of time go for a good quality invacom .3 or the sharp .3 are amongst the best

28-12-2008, 03:35 PM
hi ferddie here, could someone please tell me whats the best lmb is to buy for humax 5400 need to try and get better signal.many thanks

29-12-2008, 02:52 AM
noise figure values from those chinees LNBs are all bullsh*t !!! i do have an LNB from swedish microwave with 0.8 and would just win any sharp with even 0.0 figure,,its simple is comercial ;) ..regards