View Full Version : box wont drive motor

28-06-2008, 05:27 PM
heres my prob just changed from my 500 which worked perfect
set up 800 cant seem to get the motor to drive its stuck on 19e were it was when i disconnected my 500 any help please the menu on the 800 is driving me nuts

29-06-2008, 01:39 PM
u want to manually install each sat ??

29-06-2008, 05:24 PM
OK bluenose50 this is how i do it:

go into tuner menu from the top option using left or right scrolling select advanced.
under select usals for tihs sat select no.
select diseqc 1.2
then assuming you've stored your sat positions in the positioner select the position number.
do this for all your sats.

got into positioner setup scroll up to tune and press the red button and from that page select the sat you want in your case 19.2 'cos that's where we are then ok it, your now back to the positioner setup scroll down to positioner stroage and with left or right scrolling select the number of the sat in you postioner, do this again for all you sats.

and that's it just wanna say it might look difficult but it aint once you get used to it it only takes a couple of minutes to setup.

regards: canthackit

29-06-2008, 06:02 PM
thanks a lot ill give it a go now

29-06-2008, 06:46 PM
tried your suggestions but no luck the box wont talk to the motor at all wont move it in any direction even if you try the move west/east bottons in motor movment window

29-06-2008, 09:17 PM
Ok,seems you recalculate you motor and its all mess with this,
do it in this way,
conect motor on db500 and set up a satelte position and remember or write a sat position, and then conect dm800 and goes with procedure with describe a canthackit,of course you must use satelite position number from dm500 to dm800
good luck

29-06-2008, 09:46 PM

i take it you've got a remote for your positioner use that to drive the dish, then store the positions on the DB with the DB remote, that's how i do it.

regards: canthackit

29-06-2008, 10:21 PM
no i dont have aremote for the positioner
maybe iam giving the wrong info i have a disque 1.2
motor is that correct

30-06-2008, 01:49 AM
configure tuner and select lnb 1 and under you should see diseq settings, select for each sat you want to use, ...then on to the motor setup..
not used usuls as i have positioner....

30-06-2008, 12:53 PM

Sorry to be different to above method. I use usuls and input my lat and long postions to drive diseq motor. you can find you lat and longs by inputing your town/conutry in this link

This will give you the co-ordinate you need for your location.

No need to program any other positions. this works for all dreamboxes


30-06-2008, 05:52 PM
hi lolo

what your talking about mate is a diseqc rotor, i'm talking about a v-boxII positioner what i think bluenose is using.

mind if i'm wrong then i'm way off course and giving him the totally wrong info.

regards: canthackit

30-06-2008, 06:25 PM
Simple question do you have just a motor attached to your DM and nothing else correct ?

30-06-2008, 08:47 PM
Hi mate, I don't know if your sorted but have you tried putting your 500s back onto the motor?? If you have and the motor will now not move then you have the same problem as I had. The 800hd confused the motor and I could not get a responce from it at all. I had to use my east/west buttons on the motor to drive back to 0 and then I reset the motor. It then came back to life and all OK.


07-08-2008, 12:25 PM
ok i have the dish moving and i am getting a signal but no channelks are download its just staying on the same transponder and not scaning anything


07-08-2008, 01:24 PM
ok i have the dish moving and i am getting a signal but no channelks are download its just staying on the same transponder and not scaning anything


OK what about a simpler solution, send a channel list across to your box using dreambox edit. Then you at least have a starting point.


07-08-2008, 01:29 PM
ok how do i do that?