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guitar man
29-06-2008, 06:12 PM
Hi. Anyone any ideas why my 50in. Hitachi keeps going to power save mode? I,ve disconected all external items but you can be watching the news say and when it goes to the wheather it will just switchto power save. It won,t come on at all now. Its one month out of guarantee. Any help welcomed. guitar man

29-06-2008, 07:37 PM
Have you tried looking on avforums, best site for TV related info, you may find something there?

29-06-2008, 11:42 PM
There's a known problem with the 'light engine' in that model. Do you get a blue spot on the screen before it shuts down. Anyway if it is the known problem then speak to Hitachi who should arrange a fix.

guitar man
30-06-2008, 10:19 AM
HI. Thanks for replies. No blue spot, just goes off and blue light pulses. Contacted c---t who will charge me £75.00 to come and look at it, so will be sending them a letter. Also contacted hitachi who said c---t must deal with it. I am now going to contact oft. Thanks again. guitar man.

guitar man
31-07-2008, 07:49 PM
HI Ihave now got my tv back from c----t today , fully working
they have replaced parts valued at £676.00. and charged only standard price for labour .ie£75.00
As said before it is only 14 month old but 2 month out of gaurantee so i'm dead chuffed.
Just thought i'd let you know.
guitar man:respect-055: