View Full Version : How to update the 918 ??

09-07-2008, 08:39 AM
hello guys

seems im to dam stupid to find out how this receiver can be uploaded a new software.

Just gott 1 off this receivers today ( post arrive 7:30 :respect-023:)

i will appritiate some help with this
how can this dam thing can be updated to new software and with emu offcourse.

Can i upload software from usb ?? or do i have to use rs232 com port??

can some one help out here please
im used to linux receivers :reddevil: and have not had an normal receiver for about 6 years now



09-07-2008, 10:37 AM
hello guys

seems im to dam stupid to find out how this receiver can be uploaded a new software.

Just gott 1 off this receivers today ( post arrive 7:30 :respect-023:)

i will appritiate some help with this
how can this dam thing can be updated to new software and with emu offcourse.

Can i upload software from usb ?? or do i have to use rs232 com port??

can some one help out here please
im used to linux receivers :reddevil: and have not had an normal receiver for about 6 years now



Its very simple actually.

Just UNZIP ALL the Files when you place them onto your Stick.
NO Folders what so ever..Just the Files..!

1.Get yourself a Memory Stick 2GB.
2.Load the unzipped S/W onto the Stick.(OCTAGON_HD_SF918_EMU_AU_V1 022__07_07_08_HDT V)
3.Get the Latest Main Softcam for SF918HD..(approx 67KB size)
4.Get the latest Softcam for BISS and CW updated.(approx 6KB size)
5.Get the latest TPS Softcam Update (approx 6KB size)
6. Insert Stick into 918.
7.Stick will be recognized..iF NOT go to Menu and USB..
8 Now LOAD the S/W V.1022...Box will ReBoot..
(after Loading do a Factory Reset.)
9.In the same way as above Load the Softcam...
(The Instructions how to Activate the EMU are in the the S/W included.)
10.Scan your Sats...Go to Memory BackUp and Save these settings.

That's it basically now you should be UP and running.

You DO NOT have to do a Factory Value (Reset) after loading Softcam Files....!!

Everything else ..How to Save Settings etc..etc..IS HERE IN THE OCTAGON SECTION..


Thanks to Andrew Mr Bond:respect-067:

09-07-2008, 12:04 PM
how to update emu biss if file biss is (.key)

09-07-2008, 12:21 PM
@ efeoglu
thank you for you,r help.

Yes was easy, now stb is updated with lates software
posted here on pipms from you.

I am having some problems acctualy with the scrambeld channels, then freeze so much ,

all scrambeld channels is impossible to wach this
as they just freeze. i have canal digital nordic card
and my card is not reconised at all, it says Initialising or something like that.

then i try my conax cam , card gets readed , but picture
just break up like there is no signal.
i have good signal , 86% and quality 87% but still channels cant be seen .

on free to air channels it works good so far

anything im missing with this now ??
what maybe the problem with it, and how to fix it

i have read all over the place here , and on other forums
but cannot find a solution.



09-07-2008, 01:57 PM
@ efeoglu
thank you for you,r help.

Yes was easy, now stb is updated with lates software
posted here on pipms from you.

I am having some problems acctualy with the scrambeld channels, then freeze so much ,

all scrambeld channels is impossible to wach this
as they just freeze. i have canal digital nordic card
and my card is not reconised at all, it says Initialising or something like that.

then i try my conax cam , card gets readed , but picture
just break up like there is no signal.
i have good signal , 86% and quality 87% but still channels cant be seen .

on free to air channels it works good so far

anything im missing with this now ??
what maybe the problem with it, and how to fix it

i have read all over the place here , and on other forums
but cannot find a solution.



Hello Mate

After Loading software you need to activate Emu, to do that
Manu> Module > Pres Red Buton > Enter pasword 9999 and now you see CAS and EMU Key!

Go in to CAS and make sure all turned on

EMU Auto Update > ON
Common Interface 1 > ON
Common Interface 2 > ON
CI Message > ON
Smard Card 1 > ON
Smard Card 1 Auto Update 1 > ON
Network Server > ON
Com Port > ON

Save it and all shuld work

Hope this helps

09-07-2008, 04:20 PM
and the biss and tps(is .bin not .kdb) how do you update please?

09-07-2008, 05:12 PM
Tps bin is fine just load on to your usb stick then update your box the same way as any other file kdb is the format for the setting's files
when using your conax cam just turn of the emu + card slots this works great for me when using my diablo cam no freezing at all

09-07-2008, 10:27 PM
Efeoglu Thanks for all the updates.
Every time I try to load the softcam, I get the message "unkwon Cas key".
Please help.

09-07-2008, 11:18 PM
Efeoglu Thanks for all the updates.
Every time I try to load the softcam, I get the message "unkwon Cas key".
Please help.

If you mean Octagon HD? then you only put BIN or KDB files on your USB then will reconise it it self, when you dowload file from here save on your desktop you see Zip file, Open it you see normal file insite and open that one as well then you see th file BIN or KDB thats the one you need to put on your USB stick, Just drag and drop on usb and stick in Octagon will detect its self just select ok, done,

Hope this helps for you

10-07-2008, 05:49 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I have doneexactly as you said. For some reason, my receiver won't accept the KDB files.
More help please.

10-07-2008, 08:33 AM
Have you Formated your USB to FAT32 first?

10-07-2008, 10:46 AM
i think this box i have gott must be foulty.

i reinstall the software last night, then i gott picture via my card in the conax card
i try all the cards i have , and still they do not work on this box.

i think i will return this back to supplier, but first i will try a second box i have to see
if the other one works better.

does this receiver reads any card out of the box ?? it says conax , so im guessing that
it reads conax when it comes from the fabrick ??

and can some one help with original software please



10-07-2008, 07:16 PM
Thanks for the reply.
Usb stick is FAT32, can't understand why receiver won't accept KDB file.
Please help.

10-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the reply.
Usb stick is FAT32, can't understand why receiver won't accept KDB file.
Please help.

Hello Mate

Are you sure you got rigth files because all the HD softwares come as Bin files and KDB files only for SD series and you have to convert it thats nothing to do with HD any way,

What you need to do dowload this files here


This is lathes HD Software dowload on your PC and open open it till you find (OCTAGON_HD_SF918_EMU_AU_V1022__0 7 _07_08_HDTV.bin) when you see this bin file just drag and drop in your Usb and stick it on Octagon you will se window pop up and select ok, when finish will box will restard it self, done

Dont forget to back up first!!!

11-07-2008, 06:19 AM
Hello Efeoglu
I am using all the HD files.
The main emu file (bin) is uploaded without problem.
The receiver won't recognise Emu & Key files (KDB).

11-07-2008, 01:07 PM

just try to copy the HD softcam fils (*kdb)
without the folder from the zip-pack to your stick....
insert the stick to the box and change to menu -> USB

select the just copyed file with ok...

and please don't rename oder change something on the file...

The SF918HD only acepts *kdb files.
every other file like *key or *bin, the STB tells you done, but there is nothing changed on the keylist in the STB


11-07-2008, 03:33 PM
for redbull301:
the 16-6-08 you tell "4. Ext. HDD only will work with the right soft inside, what is not ready yet, but will be out in a few days" you know if the firmware is out this summer thaks

11-07-2008, 09:03 PM
For redbull301!!! :respect-023:

Please make new EMU fo 918 HD, to spuport NDS Videoguard SmartCard.... old 518 read everythings... :seeya:

11-07-2008, 09:10 PM
Thanks for advice. Got it to work

11-07-2008, 09:53 PM
Thanks for advice. Got it to work


have fun.

will be out 99% next week...

this will also be fixed...... please be patient

12-07-2008, 12:26 PM
thanks redbull301

12-07-2008, 07:22 PM
redbull301 Thanks a lot!:respect-applause-00