View Full Version : Dreambox DM800 setup help please

Dean sat
09-07-2008, 09:46 PM
I have installed OoZooN DM800HD 080614 in the box and BarryAllen, gemini2-360 and NabiloBlackHole in usb flash mem

I got the box yesterday have not got clue what I am doing can someone tell me step by step what I have to do and download and where to put it to get it working please I have looked around the internet but nothing is making sense to me
All the best Dean.

09-07-2008, 10:07 PM
In gemini press the "blue" button on your remote --> addons --> download & install.

Dean sat
09-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Thanks but install what
All the best Dean.

09-07-2008, 11:56 PM
I have installed OoZooN DM800HD 080614 in the box and BarryAllen, gemini2-360 and NabiloBlackHole in usb flash mem

I got the box yesterday have not got clue what I am doing can someone tell me step by step what I have to do and download and where to put it to get it working please I have looked around the internet but nothing is making sense to me
All the best Dean.

You've done better then me then, I am still in Enigma land, did you flash your box over a network or off a null modem lead?

10-07-2008, 12:41 AM
i think its only possible to flash dm800Hd over network ive tried many times using null modem without success..
i open DreamUP And select Use Network and Flash TAB wait for Flash loader message to end then input IP of dream800HD into search bar at top on your web browser much faster this way too. ive successfully loaded only Nabilo blackhole image with keymap classic nuetrino mode plugin for remote and CCcam2.09 Newcs 160b working 100% ok and card reader reading my cyfra card 100% ok aswell,
good luck guys its a lovely box and a pleasure to work with only advice i would strongly suggest is to Forget gemini team and thier very "Dodgy" images and try a real great team NABILO Team image as they make always superb images... once again hats off to Nabilo Team on an excellent image thank you,

10-07-2008, 12:54 AM
Thanks but install what
All the best Dean.

Here's a set-up procedure that I've copied and pasted from sleepy on another forum, all credit to sleepy, hope this helps.

1. Unpacked the dreambox
2. Plugged it in (including network cable to router or PC) and went thru the initial setup (probably dont need this step!!)
3. Turned off the box at the wall and held in the power button on the box, then switched back on at wall, to get into a mode to load new firmware
4. The oled on the front shows **BOOT** and an ip address.
5. Fire up a web browser and enter http://<ip shown on db>
6. This takes you into a web page where you can click to load new firmware.
7. browse to where your new firmware image is (I downloaded and LOVE the latest Gemini image)
8. Click on load/go and thats it - sit back for a couple of minutes till status bar on web page shows "complete"
9. Press the power button on your DB this will restart your box and load the new Gemini firmware with a CLASS looking boot screen.
10. Go thru initial setup (as per original image)
11. Here you can either scan satellites, or cancel and load settings from the gemini server (blue button)
12. After initial setup I pressed the BLUE button on the remote - then choose addons and selected gemini server.
13. This gives you access to softcams and all sorts. All I needed was Cccam, so choose this, and it installed.
14. FTP'd a cccam.cfg to my box (usual place /var/etc) then off I went.

Once you run thru the initial setup - press the GREEN button and choose "Software update" - this will install the latest dvb drivers

10-07-2008, 01:37 AM
That's great advice guys, I am just awaiting my network access point and USB stick, I guess before I install anything on the USB stick, I've guess I've got to format it using Fl**hWiz**d?

Magic Rat
10-07-2008, 05:20 PM
That's great advice guys, I am just awaiting my network access point and USB stick, I guess before I install anything on the USB stick, I've guess I've got to format it using Fl**hWiz**d?

I couldn't get Fl**hWiz**d to work with the DB800 :mad:

I used DCC to fire Barry Allen accross as a plug-in, then used barry Allen to sort the USB stick.

Hope this helps.

10-07-2008, 07:23 PM
I see from time to time how new DM800 users make a difference between Enigma(2) and inofficial images...ALL images are Enigma(2), the inofficial images are simply customized versions by different teams.

Dean sat
10-07-2008, 08:31 PM
Hi all got it working ok now and would like to thank you all

I installed gemini2-360-dm800-200806191232 onto db with browser then installed cccam-2.0.9 from blue panel and HackSat_Key_downloader_v9_for_dm8 00 with dcc ftp into /usr/script and change chmod (attributes) to 755 went into blue panel extras / settings then scroll down to user-script and run HackSat_Key_downloader
Only thing I can see that dose not work is prem erotic prem sport is ok

Hope this helps someone
All the best Dean.:001_07:

10-07-2008, 10:59 PM
Nice one Dean, glad to hear you got there in the end mate :)

11-07-2008, 01:45 AM
dean- erotic channels are on the green button when you are on the erotic portal channel.

Dean sat
11-07-2008, 12:23 PM
dean- erotic channels are on the green button when you are on the erotic portal channel.

Yes m8 I get service unavailable or check tuner configuration
All the best Dean.

11-07-2008, 11:11 PM
Hello guys,

I've done all this, but still black screen, I installed CCam 2.09 then ran the script, but still black screen?:frown:

21-07-2008, 02:23 PM
Here's a set-up procedure that I've copied and pasted from sleepy on another forum, all credit to sleepy, hope this helps.

1. Unpacked the dreambox
2. Plugged it in (including network cable to router or PC) and went thru the initial setup (probably dont need this step!!)
3. Turned off the box at the wall and held in the power button on the box, then switched back on at wall, to get into a mode to load new firmware
4. The oled on the front shows **BOOT** and an ip address.
5. Fire up a web browser and enter http://<ip shown on db>
6. This takes you into a web page where you can click to load new firmware.
7. browse to where your new firmware image is (I downloaded and LOVE the latest Gemini image)
8. Click on load/go and thats it - sit back for a couple of minutes till status bar on web page shows "complete"
9. Press the power button on your DB this will restart your box and load the new Gemini firmware with a CLASS looking boot screen.
10. Go thru initial setup (as per original image)
11. Here you can either scan satellites, or cancel and load settings from the gemini server (blue button)
12. After initial setup I pressed the BLUE button on the remote - then choose addons and selected gemini server.
13. This gives you access to softcams and all sorts. All I needed was Cccam, so choose this, and it installed.
14. FTP'd a cccam.cfg to my box (usual place /var/etc) then off I went.

Once you run thru the initial setup - press the GREEN button and choose "Software update" - this will install the latest dvb drivers

Im using Gem. Enigma Image -- I have a C line I need to FTP to box -- But dont see cccam.cfg in /var/etc Do I create one?

21-07-2008, 03:08 PM
Im using Gem. Enigma Image -- I have a C line I need to FTP to box -- But dont see cccam.cfg in /var/etc Do I create one?

No you go to Blue Panel > Addons and Configs then download CCam config file.

21-07-2008, 03:53 PM
Many thanks -- easy when you know how :D

14-08-2008, 11:55 PM
Here's a set-up procedure that I've copied and pasted from sleepy on another forum, all credit to sleepy, hope this helps.

1. Unpacked the dreambox
2. Plugged it in (including network cable to router or PC) and went thru the initial setup (probably dont need this step!!)
3. Turned off the box at the wall and held in the power button on the box, then switched back on at wall, to get into a mode to load new firmware
4. The oled on the front shows **BOOT** and an ip address.
5. Fire up a web browser and enter http://<ip shown on db>
6. This takes you into a web page where you can click to load new firmware.
7. browse to where your new firmware image is (I downloaded and LOVE the latest Gemini image)
8. Click on load/go and thats it - sit back for a couple of minutes till status bar on web page shows "complete"
9. Press the power button on your DB this will restart your box and load the new Gemini firmware with a CLASS looking boot screen.
10. Go thru initial setup (as per original image)
11. Here you can either scan satellites, or cancel and load settings from the gemini server (blue button)
12. After initial setup I pressed the BLUE button on the remote - then choose addons and selected gemini server.
13. This gives you access to softcams and all sorts. All I needed was Cccam, so choose this, and it installed.
14. FTP'd a cccam.cfg to my box (usual place /var/etc) then off I went.

Once you run thru the initial setup - press the GREEN button and choose "Software update" - this will install the latest dvb drivers

I have done all this again & again but still black screen on prem***
What am I doing wrong ???

When I restart the splash screen with the gp2 logo still says loading enigma once the blue panel has finished boot. Is this correct or do i need to do something else.

Please Help !!!

15-08-2008, 07:38 AM
"I used DCC to fire Barry Allen accross as a plug-in, then used barry Allen to sort the USB stick." How do I do this? Which folder do you put the plug-in in to then use DCC?

Still cant get my stab motor to move!!

Can the 800 be made to work with gfox2.1? Also got a 7020 on which it works.

15-08-2008, 09:14 PM
Getting there now but how do i get my C line?

15-08-2008, 09:52 PM
Getting there now but how do i get my C line?

Not sure you should be discussing this on the open forum, but if you know what it is then you must know how to get one.

You need help, from others.


15-08-2008, 10:25 PM
Not sure you should be discussing this on the open forum, but if you know what it is then you must know how to get one.

You need help, from others.


Ki your right, And I do but its where to look. Been comfortable/lazy with old Sammy for to long and missed the boat on this journey of discovery.:beatdeadhorse5:

25-08-2008, 08:13 PM
Following this..........

HackSat_Key_downloader_v9_for_dm8 00 with dcc ftp into /usr/script and change chmod (attributes) to 755 then into blue panel
extras / settings then scroll down to user-script and run HackSat_Key_downloader

But when I enter user-script via blue panel HackSat_Key is never there just this


What am i doing wrong ???

PS Using Gemini 3.7

25-08-2008, 08:32 PM
Abs, mate,

Installing the Hacksat keys wont get you any other packages that installing a dreambox key file. Using gemani here is how to install a softcam if you have not already.

Gemani 3.7 select the blue button then option 2 addons. Then download gemani server then select cam enteries and download a cam (use cccam 2.09), next then exit back and download the same name cam config file. After installing a cam exit back out then push blue button and select first option select cam using left and right arrows. It will change to the one you have downloaded. Then green button to start the cam. You will need the keys installed as describled earlier.

Installing dreambox key files is easier too.

Download the latest dreambox or eagle box keys file. Extract the file within.

Send the keys file to usr/keys
send the scce fiel to usr/scce.

This will give you all the latest channels.

Packages still clearing, polsat, premier, digi tv, plus lots of odd channels here and there.


25-08-2008, 08:51 PM
Thanks Ki, I already got the ******bundle method done.
Im trying to play with the box and learn the different methods but hit a dead end that I cant sort with the hack****** file. Just cant get it to appear even with the attributes changed.

15-10-2008, 08:15 PM
hi guys, this thread gave me the final knowlegde to get my dm800 up and running, so thank you so much, deepest respect:bowing-036::bowing-036::bowing-036:

22-10-2008, 11:12 PM
does this work with the satankey bundle?

It surely does.. Cheers kegnkiwi.. i was started a thread earlier abt how to get cam's working.. turns out i was ftp'ing var instead of usr... lol
Easy when you know how..

02-04-2010, 05:22 PM
Here's a set-up procedure that I've copied and pasted from sleepy on another forum, all credit to sleepy, hope this helps.

1. Unpacked the dreambox
2. Plugged it in (including network cable to router or PC) and went thru the initial setup (probably dont need this step!!)
3. Turned off the box at the wall and held in the power button on the box, then switched back on at wall, to get into a mode to load new firmware
4. The oled on the front shows **BOOT** and an ip address.
5. Fire up a web browser and enter http://<ip shown on db>
6. This takes you into a web page where you can click to load new firmware.
7. browse to where your new firmware image is (I downloaded and LOVE the latest Gemini image)
8. Click on load/go and thats it - sit back for a couple of minutes till status bar on web page shows "complete"
9. Press the power button on your DB this will restart your box and load the new Gemini firmware with a CLASS looking boot screen.
10. Go thru initial setup (as per original image)
11. Here you can either scan satellites, or cancel and load settings from the gemini server (blue button)
12. After initial setup I pressed the BLUE button on the remote - then choose addons and selected gemini server.
13. This gives you access to softcams and all sorts. All I needed was Cccam, so choose this, and it installed.
14. FTP'd a cccam.cfg to my box (usual place /var/etc) then off I went.

Once you run thru the initial setup - press the GREEN button and choose "Software update" - this will install the latest dvb drivers
I'm Trying to Flash an Image to my mates box and i'm not getting anywhere my head is a shed:001_07: I followed this to do list and everything went fine up to point 6....here i ended up at a page that said..... 'Dream Box Webbrowser TV'...or something similar and a row of selections like...TV.......Radio.......Films ....Web TV.....etc.
I had no option to do anything...Has anyone any Idea were iv'e gone wrong please?


02-04-2010, 05:37 PM
I'm Trying to Flash an Image to my mates box and i'm not getting anywhere my head is a shed:001_07: I followed this to do list and everything went fine up to point 6....here i ended up at a page that said..... 'Dream Box Webbrowser TV'...or something similar and a row of selections like...TV.......Radio.......Films ....Web TV.....etc.
I had no option to do anything...Has anyone any Idea were iv'e gone wrong please?


looks like you let the dreambox bootup instead of holding in the little button near the front oled when you first switch it on

once you have done this , you will get some details i,e BOOT , and an ip address so write that ip down

now put that IP into your web browser after http:// and you will get the loading screen on your pc ( assuming you are connected by ethernet through a router )

then you browse to the file as per the instructions and tell it to load , then leave it while it flashes the box until it says complete

when you reboot the box , go through all the menus to setup different things like the screen and network , and the motor or fixed dish part too

then when finished assign a fixed ip for the dreambox in its menu , so that it always uses this same local ip address ( apart from when you are flashing it )

so eventually if the router is say as a host , set the dreambox to say or some other number a good 10 or more away from the router host , turning off dhcp and setting that last number manually and saving it

02-04-2010, 06:21 PM
Thanks echelon....I did what you said about holding the front button down and got the IP of the box.... I pasted it in a browser and got a page saying something about ..' If you are seeing this page you haven't any Linux based operating system on the box'....I had the Dreambox Control Centre open and at this point the connection between the Pc..Router and Box..ie.(the green line) turns red and the connection is lost so i unplug the DB and plug it in again it then shows a Network...I then once again paste the IP of the box in the browser and it is at this point that i get the page i posted earlier....When I have done the first part to get the IP of the Box should i wait a little longer for something else to happen?


02-04-2010, 07:01 PM
you dont need dcc open at all . or connected

just follow the instructions as listed , but its the little tiny button near the oled that you press whilst powering on , not the power button mentioned in the copy and paste , and then when it says boot , wait for the ip address , and note it down , then use that ip address in the web browser

once you have the web browser up , you will see some sort of loading screen in that browser , and use that to locate the file

rebooting the box means you have bypassed the loading screen as its booting up if you havent pressed the little button on powering up , which is why you are eventually seeing the web interface for the box , probably on a different ip ( but could be the same ip )

so just follow the instructions exactly as listed but its the little front button you hold , not the power button

03-04-2010, 01:48 PM
OK...did that again...
pressed the button and got the IP..on the DB sscreen it says........

Dream Multimedia
ip..192. etc. etc.
*** stop ***

I copied the IP and pasted it into a browser...I then get taken to a page headed...

This is the DM800 bootloader Web Interface........

If you see this, your box didn't boot to Linux.
Unless you interrupted the boot process, this usually means that you have no valid operating system in flash.
Don't panic! It's not a problem. You can just flash a new version and everything will be fine!
Otherwise, you can boot from network or USB.
If you're about to give up, you might get help at the Dream Multimedia Support board!
Currently there aren't many other features...

I have done EXACTLY as posted and this is the page i am taken to....
any ideas please??

Thanks for the continued help..


03-04-2010, 02:29 PM
click the Firmware Upgrade Tryharder m8ey as in image 1
then you get new page as in image 2

navigate to nfi image you want to flash :king-041:

03-04-2010, 03:19 PM
Thanks spider...
Done that and loaded the image...NabiloBlackhole_DM800_07, nfi

Is that correct mate...Do I now connect it to the TV?


03-04-2010, 03:43 PM
I am surprised at you using such an old image

I would have used blackhole 0.11 or 0.12 , or one of the new dream elites ( 1.0 or 1.6 ) or the latest oozoon or similar ( providing its not a clone )

but the details spider gave you are correct for loading once you are on that webloader screen

the dm800 should be connected to the tv by say scart at first while you deal with all the questions it asks you on booting , then maybe change to hdmi later when you have got more used to it

03-04-2010, 04:45 PM
The Image was suggested to me Echelon so that is why i loaded it...
I have connected via scart and done the basic set up..d/l a cccam and settings....I have various menu's but no picture it says configure tuner A and then crashes via a green screen and reboots..The Lnb is connected but don't seem to get a signal...If i re-attach my Eagle it works fine..

Never seems simple when i do this stuff:eek:


regards Tryharder

03-04-2010, 04:49 PM
Just a thought....as daft as it may sound..does it need a particular LnB with it being a HD box?


03-04-2010, 04:50 PM
could be a bad flash , but I would try say nabilo 0.11 if you really want an image in the flash as opposed to a pureflash in there for usb booting

be aware if its a clone you may need to use a clonesafe image

a standard , modern , universal lnb will work just fine

03-04-2010, 05:49 PM
what image was on the box before this re-flash Tryharder m8ey ????

03-04-2010, 07:46 PM
As far as i know it wasn't flashed...So i asked a mate on Toes who has been really helpfull sorting my Eagle box out if he would help me sort out a mates Dreambox 800 HD PVR and he suggested the Image i mention in my 1st post..Anyway I have now loaded ...NabiloBlackhole_DM800_011G2.nf i as Echelon suggests.....I am trying to understand the next stage so i am reading plenty...I assume i need to D/L some settings..channel lists etc. to get it to do it's thing and i am VERY open to any suggestions:)

I appreciate all the help so far....Thanks


03-04-2010, 08:54 PM
do all the basics like av settings and set a fixed ip address up by doing it manually , turning off dhcp

then try logging in using flashfxp , dreamboxedit v3 ( or later ) using enigma 2 , and also dcc

then download the latest cajton E2 settings from here and load them into the box using dbedit

then start connecting to the server and load cccam , newcs etc

that way you should be able to set the settings and actually get some pictures on screen , like bbcHD , itvHD , bbc1 etc

once its getting satellites and free channels you can move on

03-04-2010, 09:22 PM
then start connecting to the server and load cccam , newcs etc

green button then yellow button [if me memory serves me right :respect-057:]
then you should be at addons Download Manager :respect-010:

04-04-2010, 11:14 AM
goodmorning Spider....:king-041:

Ive downloaded Dreambox edit...Dcc... E2..D800 settings.. but i haven't a clue what Echelon meant by flashfxp??? or were to look for it!..

Ive now taken the DB back to Strandman and we have plugged it in via scart..done the basic set up..although it says Tuner A:Alps BSBE2 (DVB-S2)..nothing connected..if i click on configuration mode it crashes to a green screen and re-boots..I don't suppose you could take us through step by step from here please mate...


04-04-2010, 11:36 AM
are you usin a motorized dish ????
look here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89495)

if not, what sat is your dish pointin at :confused:

04-04-2010, 01:09 PM
hi spider, tryharder has had to go home, this is strandman, i'm using a motorized dish, and it's on astra 28 on bbc2, free to air.

04-04-2010, 02:26 PM
set up motor

Press Menu -> Set Up -> Service Searching -> Tuner Configuration

Choose Tuner
ALPS BSBE2 (DVB-S2) - Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced [select Advanced by pressing > button on remote]
follow instructions

04-04-2010, 03:26 PM
hi spider, iv'e done what you told me and iv'e got the bbc 2 channel showing. i'd like to thank you very much for your help and patience in helping a first timer. and everybody else who has helped.
alan the strandman...

04-04-2010, 03:28 PM
hi spider, tryharder has had to go home, this is strandman, i'm using a motorized dish, and it's on astra 28 on bbc2, free to air.

using somebody elses login is against forum rules and etiquette

please sign up for free and use your own username from now on , thank you

04-04-2010, 03:58 PM
sorry for that mate. i didn't mean to break any rules. but i do have a lot of trouble logging in.

29-04-2010, 07:26 PM
can i first express my thanks and gratitude to all you guys who tried your best to help me solve the problem with my dreambox 800 hd pvr.. i would like to give special thanks to echelon sonic and spider...
i tried everything that was suggested to, but nothing seemed to work, i even thought that the dm was a clone. i finally contacted multimedia, and the end result is that the dreambox was sent back to a dreambox rep in the u k. and it was tested and although i bought new, it was in fact a faulty dreambox. the good thing that has come out of it. is that i now know what i'm doing.(hopefully). once again many many thanks for putting up with me,and for all the sound advice. kind regards.
alan the happy strandman..

29-04-2010, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the update and glad you finally have it sorted. :respect-055: