View Full Version : ONE XL-which version?

10-07-2008, 04:27 PM
Can anyone tell me how you identify which version of this model. It is fairly recent so I assume it is Version 4 but wondered if it is shown anywhere on the unit?

Power Bank
29-07-2008, 10:25 AM
Sorry for a late response, I just spotted your post.

In a sentence, the answer is "On TomTom Home Main Menu-go to Help-and then to System Information".

If you are new to it, this detail will help: (sorry I don't mean to patronize)

Start TomTom Home software on your computer.
Log in (on top right corner of the Main Menu)

Connect your XL device(via USB).
Switch on your XL device. It will automatically ask what you want to do.
On device screen display, select option to "connect to computer"

On TomTom Home main menu click Help and go to System Information.

It will list the version of the TomTom Home software you are using and also all versions of all the software, maps etc. loaded on your device.

Power Bank