View Full Version : Dreambox DM800 Tuner Problems

12-07-2008, 12:24 PM
Hello guys,

At the moment, I'm set up on 19.2E and 13E, however it seems to have missed a lot of channels on 13E and a few on 19.2E, I thought the tuner in this box was excellent, but its found all the Premiere stuff which my Humax couldn't.:001_07:

12-07-2008, 12:31 PM
-Is your satellites.xml list fully up to date?
-Do you have the latest drivers in your software?
-Is your outdoor unit error free?

The problem is almost certainly with your setup and not the actual hardware.

12-07-2008, 12:34 PM
-Is your satellites.xml list fully up to date?
-Do you have the latest drivers in your software?
-Is your outdoor unit error free?

The problem is almost certainly with your setup and not the actual hardware.

How do you update satellites.xml and get the latest drivers?, the outdoor unit is fine as my Humax could tune into all Eurosports on 13E for example.

12-07-2008, 01:03 PM
You can for ex check the date of Enigma in Main Menu ->Information ->about;
Depending on your image you can update the different software packages via the net. In some images this is done in Main Menu ->Plugins ->Update software. In other images, for ex the NewNigma2 images, youŽll find it in their extention menu.

If you have a newish image installed you should be fine though. It should contain the latest tuner drivers.

As for the XML list, it can be found in the /usr/share folder, you can edit it or replace it.
If you want to determine whether or not it is the XML list that is to blame, then simply open it up and check to see whether or not the transponders carrying the missing channels are in the XML or not.
You can also check this in the manual scan menu under 'predefined transponders' by going through all the transponders.

12-07-2008, 01:15 PM
Thanks Eugenie, I am going to try again with the tuning, I somehow also need to get the G **ma card working.

12-07-2008, 01:59 PM
still same amount of channels, I'm going to try manual scan, not a great day so far :(

12-07-2008, 02:57 PM
manual scan with network search on

12-07-2008, 03:08 PM
manual scan with network search on

OK, i'll try that A.

What can I do about the ***** card, is the chip meant to be facing up, I'm so disappointed I haven't got this to work.

12-07-2008, 03:17 PM
chip down for all cards

12-07-2008, 03:54 PM
Hello A,

Chip side down and still black screen :(

Is they anyway to tell if the card reader is working?

12-07-2008, 04:30 PM

12-07-2008, 04:42 PM
card reader /dev/sci0
handled 22(22) ecms and 24(24) emms
Irdeto card
Caid 604 ACS 505
Cardserial xxxxxxxxxxxxx (7a747)
Provider 00 05db81
Provider 01 ffffff

does it mean its doing something?

12-07-2008, 05:04 PM
the card reader is working as the numbers keep changing, so why black screen ?

12-07-2008, 05:10 PM
its decoding handled 22(22) ecms and 24(24) emms but you either have not correct frequency or something is wrong in your ccam config.

13-07-2008, 12:45 PM
Thanks A, for editing my post, I didn't realise I kept the card serial number in the original post, I am very sorry about that.

Kind regards,


23-07-2008, 06:06 PM
It looks like there's a problem with the early transponders of both Astra and Hotbird, I can't get anything between 10.700 and 11.500, after that its fine, I am going to try my Humax tomorrow to confirm if its an antenna problem.

23-07-2008, 06:26 PM
It looks like there's a problem with the early transponders of both Astra and Hotbird, I can't get anything between 10.700 and 11.500, after that its fine, I am going to try my Humax tomorrow to confirm if its an antenna problem.

Have you checked in your tuner configuration, that you have selected UNIVERSAL LNB ???????

23-07-2008, 07:02 PM
Have you checked in your tuner configuration, that you have selected UNIVERSAL LNB ???????

How do you that?, I thought you select DisqA/B, select your satellites and you are away.

23-07-2008, 09:27 PM
How do you that?, I thought you select DisqA/B, select your satellites and you are away.

In tuner config you choose your alps tuner and then in the next page the top line will say SIMPLE config.....change that to advanced and you will see the second bottom one says...LOF.......UNIVERSAL LNB

23-07-2008, 09:31 PM
Can I do this for two LNBs connected via Diseq A/B switch?

23-07-2008, 09:38 PM
Yes m8 I am sure you can....Select advanced and then select your two sats that you want.....obviously one will be A and the other B.....I use an 8 in 1 so its easier in here......A/B I 'm not sure but I dont see why not

23-07-2008, 09:41 PM

I'll give it a go tomorrow as my Dad is watching at the moment.

Thanks again,


25-07-2008, 01:06 PM
I am going to give it a go with the Humax today, see if it can receives the channels i'm currently missing on 19.2E and 13E, I know the tuner in the Dreambox is sorted as it works on 28.2E, so I am guessing it is a tuning configuration problem, but i can confirm it by connecting the Humax.

11-08-2008, 08:30 PM
OK, I am confused and very worried, I connected my old Humax HD2000CI and it found the lower transponder channels on Hotbird with ease, in fact I can tune in as well, the same with Astra on 19.2E, so my dish is definitely not out of alignment, I then took the Dreambox downstairs(to confirm if its a tuner problem) on 28.2E connected to a Sly dish, but it finds everything under the sun on this satellite, but its just using Single and not DiseqA/B which I have to upstairs.

I then connected the Dreambox back to 19.2E and 13E using Simple and Diseq A/B an it simply can't lock onto channels between 10.700 and 11.700 on both sats (but the Humax has no problems), after this the Dreambox is fine, I am really confused now, I really don't know what to do and to be honest feel totally gutted especially after spending so much money on it.

OK, thanks,


11-08-2008, 09:42 PM
Have you tried a scan with just one of the satellites connected directly to the Dreambox and therefore not using the disecq switch? This would tell you if it is a tuner problem or if it is a disecq setup one.

You could also try downloading one of the settings files and installing that so that you don't have to do a scan as this should have all the channels already set up.

I would try to sort one satellite at a time and then sort out the disecq setup.to switch between them.

I hope this helps


11-08-2008, 09:51 PM
i tried one of the likra settings file when I had the blackhole image, this got the channels but it broke up badly on channels in the lower range and of course some channels in the lower range just failed to tune in altogether, it says Tuned Failed, but as I said it works beautifully on 28.2E, I can only conclude that this box hates Diseq A/B, I really just don't know what to do really and this box is so expensive.

11-08-2008, 09:52 PM
Have you tried a scan with just one of the satellites connected directly to the Dreambox and therefore not using the disecq switch? This would tell you if it is a tuner problem or if it is a disecq setup one.

You could also try downloading one of the settings files and installing that so that you don't have to do a scan as this should have all the channels already set up.

I would try to sort one satellite at a time and then sort out the disecq setup.to switch between them.

I hope this helps


What shall I put in configuration to try one at a time?

12-08-2008, 03:02 PM
I would use the Simple Setup option to try each satellite and be prepared to switch around the satellites linked to each port

12-08-2008, 09:13 PM
I will give it a go, however I feel its something that the Dreambox dosen;t like the diseq switch, I am going to look on Dream's forum, maybe send them an email explaining the problem.

16-08-2008, 01:21 PM
Hello guys,

I've sent an email to Dream Multimedia, I am hoping for some good news really, if not I will be gutted.

09-03-2009, 10:06 PM
Any news on this problem? Did you get a reply or maybe found a solution? I'm having similar problems on my new DM800