View Full Version : 6900 scart input

16-07-2008, 03:25 PM
Hello peeps,
I have a problem with my 6900,if i input my scart box output into my vcr input,it should upscale to 1080i when watching on the hdmi.The scart box has a vcr,freeviewbox,technomate1500 and a sly box going into it.The thing is you would expect the output of the scart box when input to the 6900 to be viewable via hdmi,but it doesn't!!!.I have selected vcr mode on the handset and you can see the display cycle through TV,VCR and back to satellite as you press the tv sat button.There is nothing in the handbook or menus to activate the vcr scart.What's the point of a scart socket when it wont receive signals?.I know this should work because i have a Panasonic dvd recorder that has hdmi out and if you hook the outlet of the scart box to the input on the dvd recorder scart it upscales through the hdmi with no problems.I have checked the scart leads to make sure they are fully wired (ixos)and they are fine.Any ideas out there?.It's very annoying because i only have one hdmi on my TV and at the moment the 6900 gets the connection because of the HD channels which i must say are superb.Help!!!
Regards DaDragon:frown:

16-07-2008, 03:49 PM
from what I remember the details on the technomate were incorrect regarding what the scart does , so if I were you I would email technomate about the problem explaining what you expect this socket to do , and see what they say

but most vcr sockets are wired as cvbs as all vcr inputs are cvbs so I wouldnt expect more then cvbs from a vcr scart anyway

16-07-2008, 04:04 PM
Thanks for your quick response mate,i will take your advice and email them,regarding the wiring of the vcr socket i am sure RGB is the usual,it is on the dvd recorder and on the sly box,you can see the difference when you switch between composite and RGB.Thanks anyway i will see if there are any more responses on here then i will email technomate.Once again thanks for your time.
Regards DaDragon

16-07-2008, 04:06 PM
dvd recorders are rgb but vcr is always composite , so I suspect the socket is wired as composite which is probably why it says its a vcr socket

you may find the 6000 series tv scart is supposed to be rgb but I have heard its actually component and possibly composite

as for the sky box , the vcr socket is composite and only the tv scart is rgb

I would suspect they have got the vcr socket wired as composite ( cvbs ) on the technomate

16-07-2008, 04:12 PM
My old Panasonic vcr (which is still wired up so i can use it's rf out to pipe the 6900 round the house)has rgb wiring,if what you say about possible component output via the vcr output is true then this would be acceptable as it's superior to RGB.
Regards DaDragon

16-07-2008, 04:26 PM
I meant the tv socket on the 6000 is supposed to be component and not rgb , not the vcr

standard wiring for a vcr scart is composite , which is what the sky box uses on its vcr socket

my point being that vcr sockets are cvbs , wired as cvbs and this may explain some of your problems

the vcr socket wouldnt have component as no vcr uses component , only composite , although there may be the odd vcr like yours that has rgb , cvbs is the norm and so you should expect cvbs only on a vcr socket

16-07-2008, 04:33 PM
"cvbs and this may explain some of your problems."It should still be active though even in composite,the 6900 scart wont even recognise it has a source coming in!!
Regards DaDragon

16-07-2008, 04:38 PM
well , if they havent put an rgb connection on the tv scart socket , you wouldnt expect them to put one on a vcr socket , especially when a vcr socket is cvbs like your sly box

try connecting the vcr socket on the sly box into the vcr socket of the tm , then see if you get a composite signal through it into the tm by using the selector button

16-07-2008, 04:43 PM
Have tried that in fact have tried connecting other devices to the vcr scart(as said in my opening question)and still no joy.I think the email to Technomate is the way to go.
Regards DaDragon.
ps signing off.