View Full Version : HD Transponders

17-07-2008, 01:53 AM
can any one tel me why HD chanals like premier HD polsat sports HD and others would not work in DM 800 HD they worked but when i chenge to auther chalnel and came back thay would int work any more ??:woohoo-022::woohoo-022:
But ther is i thig pvn HD on astra works

17-07-2008, 01:55 AM
sory i forgot to sey ther is no signal its strenge

17-07-2008, 12:47 PM
polsat sport HD is only a test channel it displays signal but i think programs have not yet started for this channel,
however premiere HD works fine and you should have n/p with premierHD as it opens via Emu/keys ..
There is is some bugs with images for this dm800HD box but in general it shows very nice quailty pics especially for BBC Hd which shows very well indeed,

17-07-2008, 10:14 PM
thank you for i alredy git BBC HD yes its exelent pictur for premier HD chanel i only watcheted for half an hour it wase miss sun shine film i changed the chanal then came back to it for the hol night and now ther is no signal strenge??