View Full Version : Octagon HD PVR Software (TEST)

18-07-2008, 12:28 PM
Ok Guys.

Here is the software for you to try it for External HDD, I dont have HDD so cant try my self, I did load software and done factory reset can see section added on PVR section, Can not record on USB just yet i been tald so that one will be added...

So lets try...:respect-050:

IT is here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=409

18-07-2008, 08:07 PM
Just in time for the arrival of my new Octagon :)

Yep, recording works, eSATA only. Initially the HDD/PVR menu items were ghosted out. I'm not sure whether it was deleting the hard disc NTFS partition (on my PC), or simply rebooting the receiver which fixed that. Once the HDD Manager was unghosted, I was able to format the hard drive (fast) & start recording with a single press of the record button.

While recording, a lot of menu items are ghosted out eg all of the installation menu, as you'd expect on a single tuner box (otherwise you'd interrupt recording). Pressing the info button gives record time & disc usage. To stop recording press STOP or RECORD, and confirm / cancel.

Recordings are then selected in the Menu->Channel/PVR->File Browser menu item - there's no shortcut eg by hitting the play button on the remote. FF x2 is the only search speed, RW does not work. Pause is OK. Slight lip-synch issue noticable.

One small bug - having stopped recording, changing channels via the RECALL button (recent zaps) prompts you whether you want to cease recording, even when you are already stopped.

No emu in this version - I'm off to install the last version & play with that.

20-07-2008, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the info mate, i am getting my HDD so i can do some record as well, as it is test wersion it's not emu in in so i am hopeing will be in next PVR update and lots of fixing.