View Full Version : Edg-nemesis 4.2

20-07-2008, 09:47 AM
For those interested EDG-NEMESIS 4.2 is now out.
I have not had time to test so not posted,
will try in next few days for others that want to try it its at all ususal places. 4.1 was good so believe this may be worth a try.

Technical Infos:

* based on rel 2.0.16
* NEW DRIVERS by EDG-NEMESIS TEAM ( for many features ! )
* u-boot 1.1.2
* Linux version 2.6.9
* Web Interface: 6.0.4-Expert
* Busybox 1.01
* Tuxtxt v. 1.99
* for use in flash or MB (via NFS, HDD or MMC)
* Date image 18.07.2008

Function Buttons:

* BLUE - Nemesis Panel
* 2x BLUE - Addons
* YELLOW – Plugins
* YELLOW > 1s – *** - CS Info
* GREEN – subservices
* GREEN > 1s – EPG Control Center
* RED - EPG list for active channel
* 2x RED - EPG style menu(Included epgui, MvEPG, WeekEPG you do install it to activate a function)

Global News:

* Nemesis Panel 4.2
* Cam Manager 4.2
* Fix green button in play mode
* Minor bug fix

New CVS feature:

* Add Plugin reorder
* Add Plugin rename
* Add listbox shortcut (0-9, red, green, yellow and blue)
* Add Permanent timeshift (beta)
* And lot of bug fix

EPG Control Center:

* Hard recoded
* Integrated EPG loader directly form Sat, (Upgradable)
* Full support for EPGui, MVepg, WeekEPG (for next MaxZ4 plugin) and EPGFind.
* Manual EPG download
* Scheduled EPG download, via Enigma Timer list
* Select channel to download
* Reorder channel for EPGui via GUI interface
* Update EPG channel list, and channel name
* Full support for EPG Themes (Upgradable)
* Lot of EPG loader info

User Script:

* Partially recoded
* Add script cancel button
* Minor bug fix

Move var:

* Partially recoded
* Minor bug fix

Special Thanks to our developper MaxZ4 for EPG loader
Special Thanks to Lukkino for opentv source code

- developper and betatester.
- Skin by Matrix10
- New Bootlogo 4.2 and graphics by Server

Have NOT Tested yet so NOT posted

20-07-2008, 01:14 PM
testing now but cannot get the extra url to work.pilsner

20-07-2008, 03:18 PM
Its Here :respect-051:



20-07-2008, 03:48 PM
just tested this in iboot3 on an mmc running ds-cvs2 in the flash on a standard tm9100

booted ok , all adjustments made to comms , password etc as usual , and installed backup of shannel list with dreamboxedit2 , all ok

installed various plugins using flashfxp , all ok

copied over the extra url to folder /var/etc and changed its attributes to 755 - all ok after reboot

downloaded the cams , configs , some plugins , all seem ok

copied over the full dreambox keys using flashfxp , and various config files I use , all ok

so up to now its working on 28e as a multiroom box and decoding what it should , so will now try it again on another box and test premiere etc

so seems ok so far on an mmc booted as an original driver ( not the hacked one for dreambox images )


works ok on 4 way diseq switch and on 8 way diseq switch

ok on premiere , polsat , digi tv , ok on 28e ;)

seems ok to me at the moment and the extra url works fine !!

20-07-2008, 05:57 PM
Running it on mmc with ds dual boot in flash seems to be working fine not really seeing
any advantages over 4.1 but not spent much time using it yet

Think this is an image you need to run in the flash to gain any benefits, its reported by
some that both card slots working with CCcam when in flash so that will be a big
advantage to some doesn't work for me on mmc


20-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Got 4.2 in the flash -all working wellso far-signal levels seem to be fine & picture ratio seems fine on ITV 28.2 east

Can someone tell me how to access gbox menus on 4.2 -its not listed under plugins (yellow button) Cheers

So far big thumbs up to nemesis team:respect-067:

20-07-2008, 06:38 PM
you have to ftp the extra.url file over as I said earlier in post 4, then reboot , then you will see it under the blue button downloads

20-07-2008, 06:51 PM
Ive got gbox2.25d in the panel as a cam but cant work out how to access gbox when it tells u what its doing-(if u no what i mean!)

On ur13 i selected gbox suite -cant find it even though it been downloaded! -if that makes sense

20-07-2008, 07:57 PM
Ive got gbox2.25d in the panel as a cam but cant work out how to access gbox when it tells u what its doing-(if u no what i mean!)

On ur13 i selected gbox suite -cant find it even though it been downloaded! -if that makes sense

I just downloaded it with my browser and the cfg has type 5 meaning its in plugins
but called from somewhere else ;)

So my guess is press and HOLD yellow button and see if its in that menu

If you read the release notes above each button has more than one purpose


20-07-2008, 08:07 PM
Found it -cheers m8 -the timing had to be spot on though!

20-07-2008, 11:32 PM
Watch out for this image in flash guys, lots of reports of boxes not coming out of standby, possible memory leak and issues with it not using the swap file.

21-07-2008, 05:22 PM
I can add to the bugs list -my box comes on when i use the sly, tv or dvd remote -strange or what:confused::confused:

Has anyone else encountered any similar problems??

22-07-2008, 06:43 AM
If you are a nemesis user I would suggest reverting to 4.1 till they get a few issues sorted with this latest release, Dunc.

23-07-2008, 05:45 PM
Ive reverted back to ur13 for now-all working fine at the mo

23-07-2008, 05:59 PM
personally , I like the dreambox images using dsteam dual boot in the flash

but I have ur13 ds36 , edg41 and 42 and both dream images on a 1 gig sd card to choose from :)

23-07-2008, 06:18 PM
personally , I like the dreambox images using dsteam dual boot in the flash

but I have ur13 ds36 , edg41 and 42 and both dream images on a 1 gig sd card to choose from :)

Got to agree both DM images are very stable and have a lot to offer I would probably
switch to one off those full time if I could get round to installing all the bits I use :rolleyes:

EDG 4.2 will be a nice image when they iron out some of the problems