View Full Version : bit of help please

big mick
20-07-2008, 06:48 PM
hi guys
its been a while since ive had to do anything to my dreambox 500s
now i cant remember how to put the vhanibal latest channels list on my box.:eek:
i know i used to ftp it over using dcc but i cant remember which folder or what to do next..

help please :blush5::beatdeadhorse5:


20-07-2008, 07:04 PM

down load flash****** pro (you should find it on this site ) then upload the channel settingsof you choice.

I like pet123 settings :respect-050:

using flash****** is easy

just put in you IP(dreambox) ser and pass(of dreambox)

click on service/favs backup and restore . and point it to the unzipped file (pet123 /captians what ever you want) and away you go .


PS the forum will star out w i z a r d this is not due to this program but i think more to do with an online shop .