View Full Version : warn when driving faster than....

21-07-2008, 08:30 PM
for some reason i cant put it all in the title but you get the idea...

i have activated the feature "warn me when driving faster than allowed" in the prefs menu set up a sound however i have to be going well over the limit.... noticed i was doing 48 in a 40 zone (dont shoot me it was late at night and i could see a good distance and then slowed down once i realized) however i think this little blighter should have warned me when i was doing at most 43 since it was in red on the display so it knew how fast the road was..... little swine lol

anyways does anyone know how to set it so it pings when you just tipple over the limit rather than when your going to get a speeding ticket:auto:

27-07-2008, 07:48 PM
I have 530T. I have to go into change preferences then
safety preferences and check speeding box. You can also set the sound emitted on the next page, Hope this helps.


28-07-2008, 06:34 PM
I think the default is the point at which the speed cameras are set. e.g. 78 in a 70 zone.

48 in a 40 zone doesn't seem right. Is that 48 on the SatNav or 48 on your speedometer?