View Full Version : MV 9080 USB and MV 645 upd

23-07-2008, 08:12 PM
Can this update be used withthe 9080 USB?

The gmax website apprars to suggest it is suitable for all MV receivers...although I may be wrong in that !

When I try to load it gets as far as 85% and then crashes the receiver.

23-07-2008, 10:02 PM
No not for 9080 USB latest is 6.44, Regards.

23-07-2008, 10:19 PM
Well, I've gone and done a very stupid thing Maurice....tried to load the 6.45 version for the 8080 usb receiver...and totally f___ed up the receiver.....how silly can I get ! I presume that is it...no coming back.

Ah well...I was getting tired of this old multivision....think I'll look around for something new....and foolproof !

23-07-2008, 10:38 PM
think I'll look around for something new....and foolproof !
Want the number for Sly+ M8?:rofl:

23-07-2008, 10:49 PM
Want the number for Sly+ M8?:rofl:

It would have to be a really bad day before I would start giving any more money to ****** & Co...:ack2:

24-07-2008, 09:44 PM
Have you tried to reload 6.44??? I put the wrong one in once but had success on a re-load.

Update, new 6.45 is out for 9080USB at the normal place.

24-07-2008, 10:32 PM
If only I'd been patient and waited another day !
No joy....switch on and all that happens is it lights up and goes through as far as showing 0123, Boot and then a row of 4 dashes...cant get into the setup screen to try-reloading anything. Thanks all the same Maurice for trying to help !

24-07-2008, 10:50 PM
kalinkovichi1 load the 6.45.upb using pc and MVision e+ Utils. Should work ok.

24-07-2008, 11:10 PM
Thanks for that mb....I'll have to go searching about here for a null modem cable tomorrow and have a go...although I've never used the utils programme before...so it wil be experimental to say the least ! Could you give advice on the procedure / steps?

25-07-2008, 09:56 PM

1 Connect null modem cable to com port and receiver
2 Load MVision e+ Utils
3 Double click upgrade firmware
4 Leave selected firmware upgrade recommended
5 Click select under file to load, browse to 6.45.upb
6 Turn receive on and click upgrade
7 Leave plenty of time to upgrade and GOOD to come on screen

All your channel lists and favorites will be overwritten, but cant be helped.

If this doesn't work try upgrade boot loader and firmware as well.
Post back with any difficulties and results

all the best


26-07-2008, 10:01 AM
Thanks for that mb....just at the moment I cannot put my hands on a null modem cable.....and I used to have three of the damn things a couple of years ago...where do things go just when you need them? If necessary I hope to get a chance to pop into a Map _ _ n shop over the weekend and pick one up...I'll let you know how I get on.

One interesting result of my foolishness has been borrowing a receiver from a mate....a simple thing with the name 'Skyline DSR4000' ....very like one of those you would get from discount stores, eg. L*d* etc....the surprizing thing is that it pulls in quite a few channels on eg 36.oE that the Mvision could not get ....!! Even if I get the mvision going again I think I will look out for something else....I have a notion about getting either a Darkbox or one of the new Technomate receivers.

Another friend who is in the TV trade has offered me a second hand Triax receiver...I presume it is a clone of something else....it has CI slots etc..but I don't see it mentioned on here so I am not sure what it is capable off....but I will give it a try...!

26-07-2008, 10:04 PM
Well, I got as far this evening as borrowing what I assume to be a nul modem cable from a friend. It came with an adapter to reduce the large connection at one end to a 9 - pin . I have tried various combinations ...with and without the adapter and cannot get a connection between computer and box. Perhaps this is not the proper cable or perhaps I am just useless !

I have tried altering the com port settings...it was at 1 ..but nomatter what other number I choose , other than those already in use...it will not connect.

27-07-2008, 10:28 AM
Well, I got as far this evening as borrowing what I assume to be a nul modem cable from a friend. It came with an adapter to reduce the large connection at one end to a 9 - pin . I have tried various combinations ...with and without the adapter and cannot get a connection between computer and box. Perhaps this is not the proper cable or perhaps I am just useless !

I have tried altering the com port settings...it was at 1 ..but nomatter what other number I choose , other than those already in use...it will not connect.could well be the lead I have the 9800 but only use memory stick maybe some one will give you the right pin combi here

27-07-2008, 11:11 AM
HI Kalinkovichi, do you have any other STB to try the Nul with ( I have TM ), may be it is the cable as satwyn says.

Satwyn for you, have you loaded 2.45, I did yesterday but after about 15 mins I lost all scrambled channels on 1w (digi tv) and could not get them back, trying today 19e to see what happens there.

27-07-2008, 12:19 PM
HI Kalinkovichi, do you have any other STB to try the Nul with ( I have TM ), may be it is the cable as satwyn says.

Satwyn for you, have you loaded 2.45, I did yesterday but after about 15 mins I lost all scrambled channels on 1w (digi tv) and could not get them back, trying today 19e to see what happens there.no not used the old 9800 for ages I have the diablo in my fortec hd for conax etc

27-07-2008, 01:40 PM
Thanks anyway, regards Maurice.

27-07-2008, 06:03 PM
Thanks guys for the continued assistance !

I am a bit wary of testing the connection with the borrowed receiver....bad enough trashing my own...don't want to do the same to someone else's property, even if it is only switching on and checking...so I'll just have to be patient....I see plenty of null modem cables going cheaply on that well known auction site...and if I am really desperate I could pop down to M _ _ lin in Belfast..apparently they have plenty in stock...but that's about 40 miles from here ...I'm not that desperate yet!

I have been trying (with an adapter) to use both the 9 pin serial socket and the larger...? the printer port..on the computer.....I assume it should really be the 9 pin serial socket I should concentrate on and the printer port is irrelevant?

Also when I click on the configuration file in the Mvision utils folder I see a reference to port 2...so I assume I should have everything set up to use port 2.

As for the borrowed receiver it is a Triax 262 S....has two CI slots and diseqc 1.2...it's not a bad receiver but the diseqc seems to be malfunctioning every now and then....the dish goes walkabout every so often ! I'll be glad to get my old mvision going again or perhaps something new and more reliable !

27-07-2008, 06:54 PM
Hi, I use 2x serial cables (9 pin) plus a nul cable to do my TM, I found that if I wanted a longer nul it was going to cost me.
So its not only the TM's that send your dish walk-a-bouts, found the problem I had yesterday, file 6.45 wiped the machine clean of everthing, had to start again with 1w and got it now I will try 19e to see if the latest SCam holds out. Give my regards to Belfast.

28-07-2008, 06:30 PM
Finally got the correct cable and got connected.

Tried the solution as above...and at first it seemed all was lost....initially no change following an attempt just to upgrade firmware. Tried the second option , upgrade firmware and bootloader and I thought I was in business....it went through a series of loading sequences and finally indicated 'Good' The trouble was the box for a time would only go as far as indicating '0123' after switch on. It was beginning to look terminal ...and even though the MvisionUtils programme indicated a connection through port 2...after I ran the upgrade again (this time getting no response on the box led)..it finished by saying there is a connection problem. Finally, after several more attempts to reload..the box is now finally booting again and showing up with 6.45......and better still back in working order....just need to spend a while scanning the satellites again but a few days ago I never thought I'd get it back to this level of functioning.

The only reason I got into this satellite lark was because my wife is from Belarus and she wanted to see some TV from home.....the stress and strain I've had since with dishes and boxes..... I sometimes ask is it worth it....well, despite the frustrations I do get a buzz when things go right sometimes and this is one of those occasions. I also appreciate being able to share info and experiences on satellite boxes ..and very much appreciate the help I have got on this occasion from some very helpful people.

Looks like I wont need the telephone number for S _ Y after all !

THanks sincerely for all the help !

29-07-2008, 02:04 PM
Glad you got it working kalinkovichi1, com ports can be a bit tricky, if you have other applications that use the com port installed eg card reader, they can take over use of the port, best to uninstall them first.

all the best

29-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Great news, good luck.

01-08-2008, 05:59 PM
I loaded the wrong S/W to my MV9085 by USB and had the same problem. Fixed it with the utils prog and a null cable, lost all 23 sat positions and 4,000 channels, but it was winter so had dark nights to fill in!! Glad I am not on my own when it come to silly mistakes ;-)

01-08-2008, 08:51 PM
I make silly mistakes on a regular basis ...sometimes I feel I shouldn't be allowed out on my own. However, I am glad to report that every now and then I learn from my mistakes and also, on places like satpimps there are many helpful folk out there willing and able to assist ! :respect-051:

20-08-2008, 11:10 AM
HI Kalinkovichi, do you have any other STB to try the Nul with ( I have TM ), may be it is the cable as satwyn says.

Satwyn for you, have you loaded 2.45, I did yesterday but after about 15 mins I lost all scrambled channels on 1w (digi tv) and could not get them back, trying today 19e to see what happens there.I finally fired up the 9800 loaded 2.54 and can confirm all ok digitv etc

22-08-2008, 09:53 PM
Good news Satwyn, I am convinced that these boxes are crap, now having problems with the DiSEqc Switch, using 4 dishes, set-up at the dish end, all 4 work ok, take back indoors and when finished switch off for the night, next morning all to cock only can get 1 dish to work. Have now used 3 switches which act all the same so now I think it as got to be the box, anybody else had this problem. Regards Maurice.