View Full Version : Softkeys

25-07-2008, 11:25 PM
Apologies for the newbie question but I have the following setup

DM800 currently non motorised existing Sly quad LNB dish config.

What can I expect to get with my new DM800 with a fixed dish that I couldn't on my Sly HD receiver and also what will do softkeys give me if anything?


26-07-2008, 09:34 AM
Since you're on a fixed dish, you will only receive all channels available on 28.2 satellite, which should be the same as your current hd receiver... You will only be able to clear the same channels as what your card allows you on that receiver, assuming you put the card in your dm800 and set up the right softcams.

If you want to receive more channels, you're best off get either monoblock/dual lnb or a motor...

27-07-2008, 01:39 PM

If I only currently have the Sly dish picking up 28.2 and I fix the following what sats could I expect to get with my DM800 using...

Dual LNB?

Sorry my knowledge of Sats is very poor so next question

Could I fit the Monoblock or the Dual LNB myself? I am assuming that I could.

27-07-2008, 05:30 PM
monoblock = one satellite
dual lnb= two satellites
motorised = many satellites within Europe.