View Full Version : LNB fault :(

28-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Just have my motorised dish up and running for a week now and my Technomate 6900 is displaying "LNB Fault" (flashing on screen). Everything was going great until this.

I've checked all the obvious things like all the connections from LNB to receiver and they are all intact.

Equipment (all new):

Moteck SG2100 DiSEqC 1.2 Motor
LNB 0.2 strong
Fracarro 1 Metre (Steel) Dish
18" T&K
Technomate 6900 HD

There was a bit of rain just before it went – it can't be the rain though? I was also doing a bit of playing around with some fine tuning – is it possible to fry them if I choose the wrong frequency? There were only 2 options in the menu and I was just seeing if I got a better picture with the alternative frequency.

I was also playing around with the multiple LNB menus – could this have caused it?

I am a total newbie so if I need to change the LNB is it difficult? Can I mess up the picture. The installer didn't fit the screw which holds it in place - could this have messed it up?

simon 2003
29-07-2008, 12:17 AM
not sure if changing the parameters for the lnb at the box could fook your LNB up m8 possible i guess,double check your settings at reciever possible changed a crucial setting try a factory reset,has anything moved,have you got braid touching the core at either end of cable,though you say you have checked connections,you say installer didnt fit screw ,do you mean round the collar of LNB?,if so has a bird landed on it and moved it,have you got access to a signal meter or another rec,sky box even if you can motor to 28 east,and replacing the LNB is as easy as swapping them round m8, just a few things to think about m8

29-07-2008, 07:52 AM
"LNB Fault" usually means you have a short circuit in your down cable. This could be due to water ingress - you or your installer did seal the "F" connectors properly with self amalgamating tape if they are not covered by a shroud. Chances are that moving your dish has caused a piece of the braid to come into contact with the central conductor. Just to be sure I would remake all connections taking special care to keep all the braid filaments away from the central conductor and reseal with self amalgamating if necessary.

29-07-2008, 09:20 AM
Thanks for getting back so quickly.

Too worried to re-set to original settings as I'm afraid of loosing my satellite positions. I think it's more what "TheBadger" is suggesting, there's no sign of "self amalgamating tape" :(

installer didnt fit screw ,do you mean round the collar of LNB?

Yes, I think so. He said it's easier for me if he doesn't connect it because it's a pain to undo. Apparently it's easier to replace the LNB if it's not put in.

I can't use motor as everything eems dead. Just get flashing text on my Technomate screen "LNB Fault".

simon 2003
29-07-2008, 10:15 AM
a decent installer should definately of used amalgum tape to seal m8,
,have you got braid touching the core at either end of cablelike i said above m8 this would cause that message,check for a short,or a dead LNB,thats what you rec is trying to tell you
water ingress after a week shouldnt be an issue,how much did you pay??get him back tell him you want your cable sealed against the elements,and if its only been a week down to him still to get it back working,and id want the collar screw secured also

29-07-2008, 11:48 AM
Paid £150 for the job. I'm now worried about the water moving down the cable to the receiver. It was only a small bit of rain – should I worry about this. If he just replaces the LNB and tapes it – will this be ok?

simon 2003
29-07-2008, 12:26 PM
in my opinion m8,would take a good few months for rain to work its way down to reciever if not sealed properly,so dont worry,ring him tell him it lasted a week and you want it sorted ,whether its a faulty LNB a short or whatever,and you want it properly sealed with self amalgumating tape

29-07-2008, 12:26 PM
Paid £150 for the job. I'm now worried about the water moving down the cable to the receiver. It was only a small bit of rain – should I worry about this. If he just replaces the LNB and tapes it – will this be ok?

the connection should be checked both sides for short the lnb should still work ok even if the connections turns out faulty I would then try a new cable run if you're using diseqc motor you will also need to check the short lead from motor to lnb could also connect straight to lnb and see if the problem is still there

29-07-2008, 07:14 PM
Here's some pics:


Does this look like a good job?

simon 2003
29-07-2008, 07:45 PM
bit of an eyesore but hey thats our hobby,,bit of a tight loop in cable halfway up back of dish,cannot really see from pic angle,but must be tight i always went on radius of a claw hammer head,anyway have you spoke to installer yet!!!my moneys on a short between mount and LNB or rec to mount

01-08-2008, 05:24 PM
Apparently, he said there was a problem with the motor. He had to re-set it and he's moved the dish slightly so I have to re tune all the satellites :( Now I can't get 1W or anything past 1W so it must be out of line :( This installer is a complete waste of time – I'll have to get someone else to have a look at it. Anyone here near NW London?

01-08-2008, 05:49 PM
BTW looking at those pics it doesn't look like the f-connector has any self amalgamating tape on it.

01-08-2008, 06:35 PM
On a setup like that, when a display shows "LNB Fault":

Disconnect the LNB cable at the receiver end.

Does the Technomate 6900 still display "LNB Fault"?

If not reconnect it then disconnect the LNB cable from the motor.

Check the display again. If all good reconnect it then disconnect the LNB cable from the LNB.

This will tell you which leg the short lies in.

Once you identify which leg is the problem then you need to check the connectors.
If the "F" connectors are screw on, unscrew them and check that there is not even a single strand of the braid touching the inner conductor or that the inner conductor isn't bent and touching the metal outer.

It isn't likely that rain is the culprit in such a short timescale.

01-08-2008, 06:50 PM
I don't know the Technomate 6900 but does it have a manual control of the motor position usually called E-W.

If so set a 1W channel and then manually drive (nudge) the dish a bit E or W and see if 1W comes in.

What probbaly happened was that during the LNB fault time the dish moved off a bit but the receiver didn't register it. Then your installer moved the clamp on the silver pole to get them back but that messes up the arc tracking.

As you are in London the 1W position should be when the dish motor is about central (or near its maximum elevation position).

01-08-2008, 08:58 PM
Defo garbage install the t+k are upsidedown (the k should be at the bottom). you should never put coax through the mast as it rattles in the wind and the sharp edges can cut through the coax, and there is no amalgy tape on the f to lnb. i would be ashamed to put my name to that install.

06-08-2008, 12:26 PM
Thanks for all the replys. Had to get another installer in to take it down and re-install the whole thing. Wasn't catching the full arc anyway. It's all sorted now so hopefully I won't have any more problems. First installer was a cowboy.