View Full Version : progress so far..........

30-07-2008, 10:10 AM
Ok goy my DB800 HD PVR on Tuesday 29th July, first impression ‘I thought it might be bigger’. This is my first Dreambox, but I am not new to the sat scene. Opened her up and noticed that my 120gig HD was fitted also noticed not a lot of room inside for air movement or the fitting of a fan as I had earlier read.

Connected to TV and motorised dish, and had a good look around the menus on the preloaded image. Connect my games adapter netgear wge111 loaded DCC on my laptop and configured the network surprisingly easily so far so good.

Loaded Gemini 3.7 after backing up original software, connected to Gemini server and downloaded the goodies that are there Cccam etc…..

The above is what I though I would need help with but so far really easy, after of course ready the threads on here.

My next task was to setup my dish and motor, this bit I thought would be easy but I have still not managed to do it. I went to setups and menu for setting the LNB etc… and noticed there are a lot of settings here, a lot more than I am used too. Set the LNB to universal, and diseqc 1.2 and saved settings as LNB 1. The signal bar, locked on but the SNR signal was only 20% but the other one below was 90% on my manhatton they are both 90%. Only 130 stations were scanned and these were manily Free to view andd radio? I switched on network search it made no difference. Also I was unable to move my dish using the settings, fine tune and moving & Stop. When I reconnected my Manhattan 6900 this worked straightaway. Not tried loading softcam keys yet as I want to setup my dish and get it moving. I did read that you could use usals by setting the db800 on 19.2 placing your coordinates in usals and the dish will find its way. But I thought you had to ZERO the dish for to work? Can some please confirm?

This where I am as today I am going on holiday for a week, so I packed it away and noticed how hot it was. I will be taking my laptop with so I will be logging on for the replies to this thread hopefully. So armed with user manual and db for dummies I hope to return in the 6th August with the answers.

Thanks for listening and I hope you can answer the questions above.


30-07-2008, 11:11 AM
What make & model is the motor on your dish mate?
If your motor supports USALS or GOTO X features then it's USALS compatible.

Advantages of USALS
If the dish is not initially aligned perfectly to face due south (in the Northern hemisphere) then the search for satellites is normally problematic. However, with USALS , this inconvenience no longer exists because the program calculates the positions of all "visible" satellites, on the basis of latitude and longitude of the installation site, with a precision of +/- 0.05 degrees. This is possible because the USALS program also decides the direction of rotation.

With DisEqC1.2 a manual search and memorization of every satellite position is required. However, with USALS all you have to do is point the dish towards a satellite at the centre of the arc and USALS will automatically find and store the rest.

With DisEqC1.2, the user is obliged to seek the help of an expert every time a satellite position has been changed or a new one activated. However, with USALS , you need only to add the name of the new satellite to the list, and its orbital position. The motor will move to the new position without need for further programming or alignment!

As the user doesn't need to carry out complicated adjustments or programming, the risk of making a mistake is greatly reduced. This is unlike standard DisEqC1.2 where a small error can require the installation procedure to be started from the beginning.

30-07-2008, 09:43 PM
This is the worry I have, I go motorised and it will fook up, luckily I have the Humax as backup, but still the Dreambox is meant to run like a dream!

31-07-2008, 05:13 PM
my dish under diseqc1.2 gets every sat it can with its diseqc1.2 etc.... it is stab motor so it does support USALS but do i have to realine the motor or just change the settings to USALS from diseqc1.2.

02-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Enjoy your holiday wwe :)

Dean sat
02-08-2008, 02:14 PM
Stab motor do use USALS with no problems.

You don’t need to be on 19.2 you can be on any satellite in tuner menu change to simple, positioner, USALS and enter your coordinates EG: Long 004.123 west and Lati 051.123 north if your dish is set up correctly away it will go.
Download and install DM800_ROTOR_likra settings with opendbedit-3.0.6 and all done.
Get your coordinates from here _http://www.dishpointer.com/
Also look here _https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89624 and change ***** to m a p l i n both work well.
All the best Dean.

PS: don’t worry about the SNR signal it’s a bug in the software and Enjoy your Holiday.

02-08-2008, 05:21 PM
my dish under diseqc1.2 gets every sat it can with its diseqc1.2 etc.... it is stab motor so it does support USALS but do i have to realine the motor or just change the settings to USALS from diseqc1.2.

Just use disq 1.2 setting with your lat/longs, no need to move the dish. If you are scanning the sat manually or more then one sat or even single sat then you must programe each sat in tuner settings. to do this:
1. select tuner setting
2. select complex
3. select the sat you want
4. select disq 1.2
5. enetre your lat/longs with east/west directions
6. press Ok to save the settings.

Now do 1-6 above for every sat you want to use/scan. long/lat positions only need to be entre once as it will pick the last setting, after you have all the sats programed, check to make sure they are stored buy going to multiscan option, all the sats you programed should be listed there. here you can select which you want to scan.

Now this will make the motor move to each sat you programed when you select a channel. Most of the time when motor do not move is due to no sat programed in the tuner settings.

Likra settings have all pre-programed so there is no need to do all above.

I personaly only use few of the sats so its easier to scan and then save them using opendbedit.


03-08-2008, 07:30 PM
ive done exactley as you described yet my dish still refuses to move
but it works perfectly on my 500

04-08-2008, 05:56 PM
ive done exactley as you described yet my dish still refuses to move
but it works perfectly on my 500

Have a look in tuner setting, have you got the satellite listed in there, the one you are trying to move to ?. if yes then i am not sure what else it could be, if not then you must select the sat with all the lat/long setting and save the settings in tuner settings. this always works for me.

best of luck


06-08-2008, 10:28 AM
Enjoy your holiday wwe :)

I leave Greece today land back in the UK at midnight local time but greece time its 2am. Then let the fun begin when i connect my db again.

Standby I might have some questions



06-08-2008, 10:30 AM
Stab motor do use USALS with no problems.

You don’t need to be on 19.2 you can be on any satellite in tuner menu change to simple, positioner, USALS and enter your coordinates EG: Long 004.123 west and Lati 051.123 north if your dish is set up correctly away it will go.
Download and install DM800_ROTOR_likra settings with opendbedit-3.0.6 and all done.
Get your coordinates from here _http://www.dishpointer.com/
Also look here _https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89624 and change ***** to m a p l i n both work well.
All the best Dean.

PS: don’t worry about the SNR signal it’s a bug in the software and Enjoy your Holiday.

I was worried about the SNR thanks that,


06-08-2008, 10:33 AM
ive done exactley as you described yet my dish still refuses to move
but it works perfectly on my 500

Did you get this working if so what did you do, i might have the same issues not sure until tomorrow



07-08-2008, 11:40 AM
Stab motor do use USALS with no problems.

You don’t need to be on 19.2 you can be on any satellite in tuner menu change to simple, positioner, USALS and enter your coordinates EG: Long 004.123 west and Lati 051.123 north if your dish is set up correctly away it will go.
Download and install DM800_ROTOR_likra settings with opendbedit-3.0.6 and all done.
Get your coordinates from here _http://www.dishpointer.com/
Also look here _https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89624 and change ***** to m a p l i n both work well.
All the best Dean.

PS: don’t worry about the SNR signal it’s a bug in the software and Enjoy your Holiday.

dean where do i get these motor settings from which site, i cant seem to find them thanks
