View Full Version : Renationalisation

01-08-2008, 12:53 AM
Please sign this petition for the renationalisation of essential utilities if you agree.


maybe if enough people sign, we could make a difference.

01-08-2008, 09:17 AM
sorry, nationalised industry is a joke, look at british leyland, killed the uk motor industry poor cars badly built, british steel so exspensive they were bust, british rail never a train on time, british telecom prices only came down when they were not nationalised. Nationalised companys are always run by mates of the government not the best way to start, then.
You only have to look at the goverment for corruption, and how they steal from us tax payers then cover it up, second homes paid for by tax payers!! No reciepts required, jobs in europe for the failed MP's and all the family ( Kinnock etc).
Tax the utilities more YES YES

01-08-2008, 10:08 AM
Whichever system you choose it will be open to corruption,so it has to be VERY closely monitored!!!
But the petition is for essential utilities.
Essential utilities to me mean Electricity,Gas,water,Motor fuels,Council taxes,and MORTGAGE RATES!!
If the "government" can take control of these and stop unscrupulous profiteering,then and only then would we see a better run country.All profits from these industries should be used to make Great Britain a better country to live in.

01-08-2008, 10:47 AM
I would agree that essential utilities being run on a not-for-profit basis is a sound idea, but unfortunately I don't think we will ever see it again - the businesses were sold, and the money spent in the 80s and 90s to prop up the economy. I find it sad to see that most of the electricity generation, distribution and retail industry is now in foreign hands.

I don't fully buy the argument that nationalised industry has to be a joke. Sure things were bad in the past, but they were very different times. British Energy recently almost went to the wall, but was taken into temporary public ownership by this Government, turned around, and is now being pursued by EDF to the tune of £12billion.

I find all this rather ironic. EDF, who already own a very sizable slice of the electricity generation and distribution industry here in the UK, appear to manage these businesses well enough, and they are in fact state owned by the French Government.

It seems the French think nationalised utilities aren't so bad, and they have a policy of ensuring security of supply and minimising reliance on imported energy as much as reasonably possible, hence their big investmest in nuclear. These days, perhaps that may be a sound idea too.

01-08-2008, 11:57 AM
Nice petition but it seems to ask too many questions.

I wonder how much the organisers will get for selling the final list ?

If you do vote, slightly mis-spell your road name to see who then blitzes you with junk mail. Also, use a web email address that you specifically set up for suspect use.

01-08-2008, 02:54 PM
You must be off your trolley to consider allowing the Government to run the utility companies. Look how this incompetent lot have destroyed the economy. Is it a good idea to end up with a monopoly?? I can vote with me feet and change provider currently and want to retain that choice.

01-08-2008, 03:36 PM
Is it a good idea to end up with a monopoly?? I can vote with me feet and change provider currently and want to retain that choice.

All these providers are only acting like retailers, your gas comes from the same place regardless of who your provider is. How much difference is there between the prices of providers? Not a great deal.

It's the wholesale market that needs regulating.