View Full Version : digitalb no signal?

01-08-2008, 09:32 PM
is digitalb down at the moment? cant find anything on 11449 or 11055 or 11094. But I have good signal at 11324, 11304, 11471, 11513 etc. Anyone could confirm?
Or what could it be why I cant get signal there? I get 80% signal of the one I wrote here over.

01-08-2008, 09:34 PM
digital alba down on dragon cam? are you using a card?

01-08-2008, 10:05 PM
no I try to find the digitalb channels but cant get any signal of the freq were the digitalb is

01-08-2008, 10:07 PM
you have 16°E satellite?

you have here all freq

02-08-2008, 09:56 AM
dragon not opening digitalb unless using m2+ not sure if that will work either sounds like you're having signal problems

02-08-2008, 10:01 AM
digitalb change at the start of each month, friday was the first.

Usually they leave it till monday, I guess they did it early for once.

02-08-2008, 10:30 AM
I'ved edited your thread title to "digitalb no signal?" as i think the original title "DigitALB Down?" was confusing the issue hence most of the replies relating to keys and cards. You've also posted in the Dragon Cam section, confusing the issue further more, as people now think your refering to DigitALB being down on the Dragon Cam (which it was never on - without a card). It's important to post in the correct sections otherwise your not going to get the correct help you need.

As the problem is signal related try re-booting the receiver by powering off and on at the wall socket. If that doesn't help check the LNB is OK and the dish is correctly aligned on 16e.

I've also moved your post to a more suitable section.

02-08-2008, 10:58 AM
digitalb is still working on julys keys, they are sticking to only changing keys at the start of the week.

Very civilised.

02-08-2008, 11:28 AM
I'ved edited your thread title to "digitalb no signal?" as i think the original title "DigitALB Down?" was confusing the issue hence most of the replies relating to keys and cards. You've also posted in the Dragon Cam section, confusing the issue further more, as people now think your refering to DigitALB being down on the Dragon Cam (which it was never on - without a card). It's important to post in the correct sections otherwise your not going to get the correct help you need.

As the problem is signal related try re-booting the receiver by powering off and on at the wall socket. If that doesn't help check the LNB is OK and the dish is correctly aligned on 16e.

I've also moved your post to a more suitable section.

ok thanks for moved it.
But the lnb is ok and I get signal of many other freq on 16E but not where Digit ALB is. What could it been? Restart and try again?

but maybe it was becasue thet changed something in the beginning of the month and that was yesterday..
I will write here again when I´ve tryed next time.

02-08-2008, 11:54 AM
legit card or m2+ or diablo ?

03-08-2008, 07:58 AM
diablo but dont use it right now. but it doesnt matter. can get any signal from the freq. If I hade got signal but no picture thats another question but I dont ask for that.

03-08-2008, 08:28 AM
Are you imputting the correct S/R?
11055 V 27900 3/4
11094 V 27900 2/3
11449 H 27500 7/8
What receiver are you using, what size dish have you got and what is your general location?

03-08-2008, 09:07 AM
I find that 16E is more susceptible to dish alignment problems in the vertical plane that other sats - when my dish has gone out of alignment, I've still been able to receive 13E and 19.2E when 16E was dead. It needs to be spot on for 16E.