View Full Version : card killed

03-08-2008, 10:03 PM
hi folks, wondering if anyone has experienced anything like i have recently.
last month my s*y card died, gbox suite was showing it was updated, the box (500s not clone) was recognising the card but it wouldnt decrypt anything. i got a code sent out from s*y to the box to try and reactivate the card but nothing so they sent out a new card. this has worked for the past 3 weeks but has just died again. i have had to pay a tenner to get a new card sent out, they were wanting to send an engineer but wanted 65 quid! feck that.
anyway, it looks like its the box that is killing the card. as far as i know its not overclocked.

04-08-2008, 07:21 AM
So have you checked if the card updates in the standard sky box, by leaving in for 24hours? It could just be your emulation isnt updating the card, or updating incorrectly and killing the fuse byte. You could also try using another emu like cccam or newcs/mgcamd and that may update your card if its just simply missing updates.

04-08-2008, 07:30 AM
Where you using newcs that was lower than 1.6??? If so then I had herd that it overclocks the card and fries it. Thats why cccam 2.09 and newcs 1.6 are recommended.


04-08-2008, 07:36 AM
Where you using newcs that was lower than 1.6??? If so then I had herd that it overclocks the card and fries it. Thats why cccam 2.09 and newcs 1.6 are recommended.


thats only in the db800

04-08-2008, 08:06 AM
my card has been updating in the 500s for over a year no probs, in the standard box i left it for 24 hours after 'they' had sent a reactiviation signal to it, still had no joy with it.
bloody strange.

04-08-2008, 08:14 AM
thats only in the db800

Ah well there you go. I have the db800 so I knew it was correct for my model. Appologies if I caused any concern for being incorrrect.


04-08-2008, 08:53 AM
if you put the card in official box and got to services does it see the card and give you the sreial number ?

If it does i would of though it was not dead and is just missing the updates , we know the cam that you are using does not update that card properly so i think we can assume its just updates .

if you are 100% sure that the card is dead again then maybe you need to check your configs .

you can speak to me on msn between 12 and 1 pm today


04-08-2008, 09:29 AM
You do not say if the card is a subbed one or not, it can a long while for a non subbed card to update in a sly box. I have read that some have taken 72hrs. I have one that took around 48hrs, yet at the weekend when i dug it out again it took around 3hrs. I agree with the above can you read the card serial number in the sky box?

04-08-2008, 11:56 AM
card is recognised in services karl, but even when they sent the reactivation code it still didnt work. when i removed ther card from the sly box i get the reinsert card message so it is being recognised. card shows as being updated to end of sept and 2 lines are october (checked in gbox suite)
card has been working month in month out in the dm500 for well over a year but i have now had 2 dead cards in 3 weeks. something is deffo not right somewhere.

04-08-2008, 12:03 PM
As a test use CCcam 2.0.9 and the download the default cfg that is with the image you use.
Then just use the web interface option to check it.
I suspect you have am error within your cfg.
It may be worth posting it less your lines.

04-08-2008, 12:59 PM
As a test use CCcam 2.0.9 and the download the default cfg that is with the image you use.
Then just use the web interface option to check it.
I suspect you have am error within your cfg.
It may be worth posting it less your lines.

:117: not wise me thinks

04-08-2008, 01:47 PM
As you are using gbox do you have gbox centre installed, I prefer this to gbox suite.
Look at local card to read entitlements, use gbox trace to see emm's coming in, make sure no error messages or "buffer full" etc.
Check gbox_cfg A: {01} enable AU.
check softcam.cfg D: { 00 00 00 } NDS All SA UA enable emm.

04-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Check gbox_cfg A: {01} enable AU.
In all the time I used gbox I never managed to get NDS card to update, if you use the above you will most likely casue your gbox to freeze whilst using your local card.
Most that I know of stick the NDS card back in the original box once a month for updates.

04-08-2008, 05:57 PM
Well I regularly update FTV and full package cards like this, the FTV is usually the hardest, for instance the "climax" (crap) channel will update immediately on virtually any channel but four and five need to be on chan 4 and 5.
The reason most people switch off auto updates is the card gets ****arded with EMM,s and if it has heavy ecm traffic as well you get errors and buffer full etc.
I always look to see if this is happening with gbox trace, obviously it will never update under these conditions.

04-08-2008, 07:51 PM
Do a factory Reset on the 500s and start again.