View Full Version : Which Diseqc Motor

06-08-2008, 09:55 AM
I currently have a Jaegar silent gold HtoH motor controlled by an old pace positioner. The system has been up since I installed the pace in the D2mac days.

I use a sammy DSR9500 for viewing but still use the pace to position. The time as come to make a little more room in the crowded TV stand.

Im looking for a Diseqc motor that will work with my sammy and my next HD reciever which will be one of the Linux recievers.

Im also thinking of changing the dish whilst im up there as its all getting on for 10 years old now apart from the LNb ofcourse.

Ive looked at the A*S*T Dark motor, is it any good ?
Also whats Diseqc 1.3 and is it worth investing in a motor which can handle this.

Any recommendations ?

06-08-2008, 12:22 PM
If you by new motor is it more important what SAT dish you have not what receiver. Normally new receivers have built in 1.2 and 1.3(USALS) protocols and all motors for digi receivers work with this.
When you have bigger dish or you are in windy area its better have stronger motor. Best are STAB motors (H-H 120 for 120cm dish ..) , but they are more expensive. I use SG2100 with 1,1m dish and it works without problems now about 3years. Don’t think that this big difference between models same have better speed(SG2100) or elevation angle(Superjack DG 120+) but this it not very big difference. More question is price STAB you normally find for 100EUR but others are about half from this.

06-08-2008, 02:13 PM
Sorry I forgot to mention only 90cm dish.

Location is wall mounted between 2 houses about 10 feet apart so It does get very windy as the gap acts as a wind tunnel.

The exsisting motor copes very well with the wind as I always have to adjust the elevation of the dish after high winds and never the direction.

06-08-2008, 03:03 PM
Stab HH100 is best metal gears and the only one recomended for use with USALS :king-042:

06-08-2008, 04:14 PM
Thanks SatPaul,

I like the design that the shaft is upward facing and not down. As a downward facing shaft would make my dish look a little low due to the position of my exsisting bracket.

06-08-2008, 04:14 PM
iv had my stab motor for 3 years now and its spot on still run this next to my 36 volt set up . just cant let go of the old ways and this dish is to heavy for the stab

06-08-2008, 04:16 PM
They also come with 2 or 3 year warranty depending on which one you have I have the V Bracket Cryptic one which has a three year warranty:king-042:

rick shaw
06-08-2008, 10:53 PM
I've used a stab h100 only 200 yards from the sea and it's been very reliable.
Regards Rick

Tony B2
06-08-2008, 11:49 PM
I have a very similar (well, actually the same) question.

My Jaeger 128 h2h is playing up yet again, so looking to replace it. I have been told that they stopped making them 5 years ago(?) and for my dish (1m aluminium) a Technomate 2200 will be sufficient.

Does this sound reasonable?

08-08-2008, 11:18 PM
Triax 110cm on a Strong SG2100, on a very exposed site in the west of Ireland and no issues for over 2 years, great dish, dependable diseqc motor

09-08-2008, 10:58 AM
Ive spoken to a couple of dealers and done a bit of research on the net and there seams to be alot of support for keeping the old 36V motor as the diseqc motors share the miliamp power to the LNB so when the dish is powered to move it is being driven by very small amounts of power, thus needing lots of gearing in the diseqc motor to achieve this. Some people have said im mad to take down a 36V motor and replace with a diseqc motor and should just get a Vbox. Problem is im trying to make room under the TV not add more boxes.

Anyone upgraded/downgraded from 36V motor to diseqc can give there opions?