View Full Version : Gbox Installation

07-08-2008, 08:36 AM

I have just bought Tech9100 which i am happy with it. I have download and installed the Image. Now i have problem how to install Gbox? Is it possible to download it direct to the box or i have install it manually??

thanks for you help
Keep it Up!!!

07-08-2008, 08:38 AM
depends on the image , and depends on if you are using an mmc or not

each image is different and so a question like yours means absolutely nothing unless you qualify the statement with the image and version , and if its in the flash , mmc or hdd ?

07-08-2008, 08:56 AM
depends on the image , and depends on if you are using an mmc or not

each image is different and so a question like yours means absolutely nothing unless you qualify the statement with the image and version , and if its in the flash , mmc or hdd ?

I have EDG-NEMESIS 4.1 and 4.2 installed on MMC.


07-08-2008, 09:07 AM
you may well need to use the extra.url file and ftp it into the images , reboot and then you will probably have the option available for the extra downloads, thats if I remember correctly

so if the options are not available in the images themselves , you need that extra url loading in , if the cams etc are already listed in the image download addons section you can download them directly from the menu system applicable to the image used ( once your internet is up and running )

a bit ambiguous I know but each image is different , so check if any cams or plugins are available , if not then you need the extra.url

07-08-2008, 10:07 AM
For EDG nemesis, any version, you will need the extra url file to get to the download section where the cams are kept.
The file goes in the var/etc folder and you will need to change its attributes to 755 and then a new section should appear when you press the blue button twice.
Any problems then reboot the box.
One thing to note about gbox with EDG is that you get 3 files with a *.orig ending in the keys folder. The way the gbox script is written these files will overwrite the standard 3 files without the *.orig ending (sorry not to put the file names but they could go against forum rules).
Put any customisations you have for gbox in the *.orig files and that will prevent your EDG overwriting your files.

07-08-2008, 11:42 AM
you may well need to use the extra.url file and ftp it into the images , reboot and then you will probably have the option available for the extra downloads, thats if I remember correctly

so if the options are not available in the images themselves , you need that extra url loading in , if the cams etc are already listed in the image download addons section you can download them directly from the menu system applicable to the image used ( once your internet is up and running )

a bit ambiguous I know but each image is different , so check if any cams or plugins are available , if not then you need the extra.url

Thanks for your help!!
I will give it a try (extra.url)!!!

07-08-2008, 11:44 AM
For EDG nemesis, any version, you will need the extra url file to get to the download section where the cams are kept.
The file goes in the var/etc folder and you will need to change its attributes to 755 and then a new section should appear when you press the blue button twice.
Any problems then reboot the box.
One thing to note about gbox with EDG is that you get 3 files with a *.orig ending in the keys folder. The way the gbox script is written these files will overwrite the standard 3 files without the *.orig ending (sorry not to put the file names but they could go against forum rules).
Put any customisations you have for gbox in the *.orig files and that will prevent your EDG overwriting your files.

Thanks for your help!!
I will give it a try (extra.url)!!!

Also i will rename those files that you said *.orig

07-08-2008, 10:00 PM
I managed to install GBOX as EMU through extra.url
But its not working unfortunatly.

I have copied the neccessary files like cwshare,gbox_cfg etc etc,but still not working.

When i go to check VIRTUAL CARDS it says /tmp/share.info not found

PEER STATUS, it show my TECH ip....

It says also MAKE SURE g-Box is running, and there is sufficient disk space.

Any help please??

07-08-2008, 11:41 PM
No mate you don't rename those files I was talking about, you edit them and put your customisations inside.
Then when gbox activates it will overwrite the originals without the *.orig end with the files with your customisations inside. This means that when ever you activate gbox your info is kept intact.
The files with the *.orig ending are part of the gbox config download which is in a seperate download section to the gbox cam and contains both the *.orig files as well as the original ones that are installed into the keys folder.

08-08-2008, 05:53 AM
No mate you don't rename those files I was talking about, you edit them and put your customisations inside.
Then when gbox activates it will overwrite the originals without the *.orig end with the files with your customisations inside. This means that when ever you activate gbox your info is kept intact.
The files with the *.orig ending are part of the gbox config download which is in a seperate download section to the gbox cam and contains both the *.orig files as well as the original ones that are installed into the keys folder.

It works!! Thanks for your help....

08-08-2008, 11:01 AM
Your welcome :)