View Full Version : db800 won't scan..

07-08-2008, 11:28 AM
i am getting no where with this, i have sety up the dish settings and have tried to scan on 19.2. The first transponder 10744 H is shown but it just sit there and does not scan or move to the next transponder. Any ideas?



07-08-2008, 11:38 AM
Have you got it on the option of scan the satellite not just the transponder??


07-08-2008, 11:48 AM
yes i have tried both nothing just sit there, it works fine when my other sat box is connected


07-08-2008, 01:34 PM
You need to add a channels list to it, with an updated satellites.xml file.

Basicly it can see the frequency but doesn't know what it's looking for so just sits there doing nothing.

07-08-2008, 01:38 PM
what image are you using gemani 3.7 by any chance??


07-08-2008, 02:07 PM
yes 3.7 gemani 2 not very easy for me right now very steep learning curve, where would i find the satellites.xml file and where doers it go. Do you also recoomend a better image, although i'd like to get this one working before moving onto something else.



07-08-2008, 03:17 PM
I have found that my 3.7 on barry allen is not working correctly. It will not move the motor.

Problem is because you are struggling with the basics there could be a whole number of problems. You might have set something up incorrectly.

You could try gemani 3.6 there is little difference between the two.


07-08-2008, 05:06 PM
@ wwe
my suggestion is nabilo BlackHole 0.3 is the best..

download last channel setting from the blue panel and away you go.... best luck

07-08-2008, 08:32 PM
I have found that my 3.7 on barry allen is not working correctly. It will not move the motor.

Problem is because you are struggling with the basics there could be a whole number of problems. You might have set something up incorrectly.

You could try gemani 3.6 there is little difference between the two.


I am not using motorised anyway, so I've got my fingers crossed for wwe, as I might have the same problems as wwe is encountering now, I've noticed gemini 3.7 dosen't even install the satellites.xml file, it keeps on saying installation failed.

07-08-2008, 08:36 PM
I loaded nabilo blackhole 0.3 and had exactly the same problems, also i thought the image was to colorful for and have changed back to Gemini Project 2.

I can now move my dish ok using USALS but it still won't scan any channels, i have also loaded preset channels and settings but still no picture, there must be something wrong with my db800 tunner or my tunner settings

can anyone please help


07-08-2008, 08:39 PM
I loaded nabilo blackhole 0.3 and had exactly the same problems, also i thought the image was to colorful for and have changed back to Gemini Project 2.

I can now move my dish ok using USALS but it still won't scan any channels, i have also loaded preset channels and settings but still no picture, there must be something wrong with my db800 tunner or my tunner settings

can anyone please help


Have you tried the likra settings that people seem to be suggusting?

Do you get a signal off the bird?

07-08-2008, 09:34 PM
@ wwe
my suggestion is nabilo BlackHole 0.3 is the best..

download last channel setting from the blue panel and away you go.... best luck
yes agreed

07-08-2008, 09:36 PM
I loaded nabilo blackhole 0.3 and had exactly the same problems, also i thought the image was to colorful for and have changed back to Gemini Project 2.

I can now move my dish ok using USALS but it still won't scan any channels, i have also loaded preset channels and settings but still no picture, there must be something wrong with my db800 tunner or my tunner settings

can anyone please help

post your tuner config say for astra 19.2

07-08-2008, 10:04 PM
post your tuner config say for astra 19.2

config mode = advanced
sat = Astra1f/1g/1h/1kr/1l (19.2e)
Voltage mode = polarization
tone mode = band
use usals = yes
LNB = lnb1
diseqc mode = 1.2
tone burst = none
commited dis command = none
fast diseqc = no
sequence repeat = no
command order = commited, toneburst
diseqc repeats = none
longitude = set correctly west
latitude = set correctly north
lof = universal lnb
increased voltage = no

hope you spot something thats does the trick



08-08-2008, 03:43 PM
i'm not sure about your listing for Astra1 it should read [19.2 E ASTRA] and also am i correct in thinking that you're using a positioner if so set usals to [NO]

regards: canthackit

08-08-2008, 05:12 PM
if i set usuals to no then the dish will not move at all using the settings, I now have pictures but i am using my manhattan stb as a positioner then switching over to my db800. How do you set up disqc 1.2 and save the settings, because i could use my manhattan to set the dish and then save on my db800 but when i try this it reverts back



08-08-2008, 05:16 PM
Sounds like you have one of the boxes with a dodgy tuner! as the first batch were missing a capacitor off the tuner board, hence problems scanning

08-08-2008, 05:31 PM
i am sorry if i miss something but a lot of people on site saying to goto advanced and setup usals for each sat, wwe try going to simple setup and select positioner then choose you long and lat and ok to save. i have no problems with my disqeq 1.2 h-h motor using simmple.

hope this helps
the ninja

08-08-2008, 07:17 PM
Sounds like you have one of the boxes with a dodgy tuner! as the first batch were missing a capacitor off the tuner board, hence problems scanning

I wonder if I am on this boat, as I miss channels easily, I am going to put my Humax back this weekend.

08-08-2008, 07:45 PM
harshy don't give up, i can now scan channels and there all there, my issue now is the motor it won't keep on the sat i want it to, keep going,


08-08-2008, 07:48 PM
hello wwe are you using gemini?

08-08-2008, 08:02 PM
i am having tuner problems now premiere wont scan in i have d/l settings with premiere in and it just says tuner fail up until last night all was working ok i think my tuner has gone or going.mine was one of the first boxes i hope we dont see a trend here

08-08-2008, 08:57 PM
hello wwe are you using gemini?

Yes gemini 3.7 my only issue is motor settings, it has a mind of its own i have to use my manhattan as the positioner.

Not good but still working on it.


08-08-2008, 09:13 PM
config mode = advanced
sat = Astra1f/1g/1h/1kr/1l (19.2e)
Voltage mode = polarization
tone mode = band
use usals = yes
LNB = lnb1
diseqc mode = 1.2
tone burst = none
commited dis command = none
fast diseqc = no
sequence repeat = no
command order = commited, toneburst
diseqc repeats = none
longitude = set correctly west
latitude = set correctly north
lof = universal lnb
increased voltage = no

hope you spot something thats does the trick



try this turn usals off , you will then see a stored position appear , you will have to now select a number say 001 for astra, then you have to goto the motor and get the dish correctly lined to astra , if its moving off you are not going to find any channels.

then do youre search , or better still just load up youre channel list , saves you doing the search.

08-08-2008, 09:56 PM
try this turn usals off , you will then see a stored position appear , you will have to now select a number say 001 for astra, then you have to goto the motor and get the dish correctly lined to astra , if its moving off you are not going to find any channels.

then do youre search , or better still just load up youre channel list , saves you doing the search.

I have done this already but still moves off, how do I save the sat position i have tried the green button and resetting the stb, but it still moves, I have also done the same for hotbird on 002 position and both don't store there positions and move off


08-08-2008, 10:05 PM
ok menu / set up / service searching / positioner set up / set it to position 1 for astra (after you have moved to correct location) then green to store.

then back to do a search with the above settings , that should get you on youre way , if you have added a channel list then skip the search.

11-08-2008, 06:31 PM

when you've setup at least one sat then in the positioner menu scroll to the top select TUNE press red button manually select the sat your on and ok it>THEN GO BACK AND STORE IT.

regards: canthackit

11-08-2008, 07:46 PM
The missing piece in trhe jigsaw, thanks finally done it all sats set using disqec 1.2 and moving automatically, using db800 finally , thanks alot onr and all

off for a beer now i need it.



11-08-2008, 08:22 PM
cool you've got it going, it looks like Dreambox DM800 works better with these setups, not Diseq A/B like mine.

11-08-2008, 08:30 PM
harshy had loads of help and lots of time but finaly got it going with all the goodies were told not allowed to talk about. Its a great bit of kit how you doing with yours?


11-08-2008, 09:58 PM
harshy had loads of help and lots of time but finaly got it going with all the goodies were told not allowed to talk about. Its a great bit of kit how you doing with yours?


hello wwe, I am glad you have got it going with your motorised system, regarding my setup well its great with 28.2E, when I have the DM800 connected to the sly minidish, but upstairs on 19.2E and 13E with a simple Diseq switch, this receiver fails to tune in channels around 10.700 to 11.700 range, its been really frustrating, I've tried all images, downloaded latest drivers, but it just misses out channels with my 19.2/13e setup, just gutted really, maybe the answer is to go motorised but I am extremely worried at this stage as to why this box can't cope with a simple Diseq switch, my old Hummy is fine with this simple setup.

OK, thanks again,


30-08-2008, 11:42 PM
hello guys, I have a motorised setup and the good news is the DM800 is now picking up the channels that were previously missing, the bad news is the same as wwe, struggling to store the satellite positions in the right place, I have the same setup as wwe its using a positioner and diseq 1.2

OK, thanks again,


31-08-2008, 09:42 AM
harshy i have PM'd you, we will sort this asap took me while to get my head around it as my other boxes worked fine.


31-08-2008, 02:11 PM
I have tuned in 28.2E, 19.2e and 13E and stored these positions, but I am trying to find the rest and its like walking into darkness, you just don't know where you are!

31-08-2008, 02:47 PM
have you added a channel list , it makes it far easier to locate the sats.

the signal bars are very hit and miss i find.

31-08-2008, 02:49 PM
Ah I haven't done that. where do I get these from?



31-08-2008, 03:00 PM
try this one but im not sure if it is the latest one available.

31-08-2008, 06:15 PM
ok cosworth4x4, i'll give it a go.

05-04-2009, 09:53 PM
i i am also struggling to get the dm800 to turn my motor so this looks like the answer but what do i do with the attachment?

07-04-2009, 02:33 PM
uncompress the file and drag the folder inside to C: drive somewhere you know the file path to:iagree:

then open DBedit or openDB assuming you've got either setup CLICK>OPEN select file sat file edit it as you want then transfer it to the DB.

regards: canthackit