View Full Version : Backup Sat?

08-08-2008, 06:18 AM

I am experimenting with my Tech9100, to learn how it works,images,emus etc etc.

I have just loaded an IMAGE on the MMC, and when i done reboot, all sats are gone.

DO i have to insert them one by one??
Do i need to make a backup before installing and IMAGE???


08-08-2008, 08:28 AM
when you boot an image using iboot or jiboot , each image needs to be set up all by itself , and depending on the image used will depend on the sat list used as each has its own list

some ppl will store a list of their satellites and copy this over to the new image on the mmc card , reboot , and then go into the config and set it all up , depending on your knowledge and experience will depend on how much you can back up , restore , or re-use in different images

sometimes the ppl who make the image use an old satellite xml file that has some sats missing so it is sometimes advantageous to replace this old file with your own before starting to set the image up

I have about 6 images on my mmc card , 4 tm and 2 db and I think I have only overwritten on sat file on 1 image , the rest have usually worked when I set each one up

so the golden rule here is to set each image up yourself , but you can sometimes use backups made from your working first image , like a channel list , config files , plugins etc , ftping them over to the new image and usually chmod the files to 755 too , this will speed up the process by reusing the working files from 1 image into another image

10-08-2008, 08:53 AM
You can also use jiboot to back up images held on the mcc card and back up the var of the image in flash.

10-08-2008, 11:45 AM
As i use 2 dishes both with matching vboxII's with identical setting for sats i have a satelite xml file that I FTP over to the image, it took ages to make the correct one to match all my boxes, but should now work with any image/linux based box.( well my 9100 and dm 7020 it works with)

10-08-2008, 03:28 PM
You can also use jiboot to back up images held on the mcc card and back up the var of the image in flash.

I didnt realise jiboot could do this as I have only just started with jiboot43

does it do the backup to the hdd in the tm9100 ?

or is it to your pc hdd ?

my ultimate aim would be to clone an mmc card using either the tm9100 or a pc program like jiboot ( and not using linux like ubuntu as I could not get the hang of it , lol :) )

10-08-2008, 05:17 PM

It creates a backup on your PC iboot also has this option "Backup/Restore":respect-051: