View Full Version : 28e Nat Geo & History HD

08-08-2008, 08:26 AM
DVB-S2 TP @ 12363V was showing no signal for me. Turns out the FEC is wrong in the sat database.... changed 2/3 -> 3/4 for this transponder and all is well :)

08-08-2008, 09:14 AM
Urm... How did you manage to get any light out of those ?
They are broadcasting encrypted, but even though I have todays softcam they remain dark...

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
Through the network.... setup the octagon for cs/network (newcamd protocol only). My home net uses gb0x protocol, so I have to use mpcs (gb0x2cs) to bridge my local gb0x share.

08-08-2008, 11:45 AM
Where would you get the info to set this up thanks.

08-08-2008, 12:20 PM
Give more details about your setup logout.

I have dbox2 running gb0x 225 with multicam to host sly hd card. Google hellmaster2048 to find the forum where you can download mpcs-gbox-Beta4 & instructions to create gb0x<->newcamd bridge. Octagon is straighforward to configure for newcamd servers.

08-08-2008, 03:14 PM
Another question with respect to card-sharing:
Is there any application available that is able to card-share from PC to STB ?
Preferrably auto updating (daily automatic loading softcam keys) ?
What I intend to do is use my PC as a server in a (wired) internal home network with routers and switches (main PC is always on 24/24 and 7/7).
I do own a simple phoenix cardreader as well as a duolabs CAS3+ which is able to emulate a phoenix-reader, so both can be connected to my PC to read cards.
Specifically newcamd (5.00 and 5.25) interests me, since the SAB HD / Octagon HD both can use this protocol, but if the app can use more as one protocol simultaneously it might come in handy for other types of receivers too.

I might ask alot of you gurus here since I'm not all that experienced with CS (yet), but it's worth a shot I believe....


08-08-2008, 08:03 PM
The problem with PCs & phoenix/softcam apps is the PC's inflexibility with respect to baud rates eg the sly card in a 6MHz phoenix has an ATR at 16091 baud, followed by data at 64364 baud. PC is not the best platform to implement a multicas card slot!

Whereas under linux on eg dbox2, dreambox etc the emu can set the baud rate with much more flexibility. I've only experience with gb0x on dbox2 & pc, so cannnot comment on other emus. But I suppose newcamd running on an stb with a couple of card slots would be what you're after peter273, thereby doing away with the protocol translation step I'm having to use.

09-08-2008, 08:39 AM
Well, I found a tool NewCS V1.6 which already does the part of sharing a card.
It has NO emu inside, it just shares a card.
Works ok for say 15 hours now, but takes some fiddling in the config-xml.
It supports (if I read well) NewCamD (octagon HD/sab HD), EvoCAMD, MGCAMD, WinCSC and other CAM emulators via ethernet.

The readme:
Guide for newbies
How to setup a windows based pc as a cardServer with NewCS

Hi all
This is a small HowTo
After of a lot of search on the net for cs(cardsharing) i found a lot of info about this but only for linux based pc.

Nothing about cs and cardserver with a windows based pc.
this is a newbie guide to CARDSHARING with pc as a server
So here is how to setup a win based pc as a Cardserver

What You need:

a) A pc capable of running Windows XP or Windows 2000 with
1 network card
1 serial port
(memory and disk its not importand????...for cardsharing)

a) A serial card reader (phoenix oder smartmouse)
c) a dsl connection (if you want to share your cards with others)


a) Newcs 1.13 (in the atached file)
b) NewcsGui (a gui interface for the NewCS server)
(a and b files are incuded in the atach. zip file)
c) An clean text editor (like ultraedit)

Unzip the files in a directory
Edit the configuration file newcs.xml
1. find the line <node>COM2</node>
and put your com port where the cardreader its connected to yout pc
2. in the line <udp_host> </udp_host> put your pc ip address
3. in the <newcamdserver> section find the line <name>yourservername</name>
and put you cardserver name.
4. in user section put user name and pass
save the file

Now you are ready to run your server

Run the program newcsgui.exe and your server its ready
You can see any server activity in the file logfile.txt

Now your client can connect to the server using newcamd or mgcamd emu in port 10001 (default)

Just edit the configuration file newcamd.conf with server ip port username
password DES key and servername with the same values as the ones in newcs.xml

For wan connection you have to setup your router to forward all traffic in port 10001 to the pc's ip

Thats all you are UP and Running


09-08-2008, 09:39 AM
I have a dreambox running gb0x, is it possible to connect the octagon by RS 232?

09-08-2008, 12:02 PM
yes, there is alot of rs232 stuff in the octagon under menu-module-cas

- xcrypt
- hsic
- hsic gbox (whatever this might be)
- homeshare

including several individual com port settings

Didn't use it yet myself though, just verified in the menu, but according to several octagon newsgroups it works.


09-08-2008, 02:08 PM
Connection to gbox network via the serial port was the first thing I tried. The Octagon's apparently distinct HSIC & HSIC(gbox) modes are identical - unfortunately there's no direct gbox SSSP support. Instead you have to use an internediate "helper" to bridge between the HSIC serial protocol & gbox net protocol.

Connect the Octagon to your PC with null modem cable, and then run HSIC or Sharemax on the PC. In both cases you have to run gboxx86.exe on the same PC & connect to your dreambox's gbox with reciprocal D: lines.

It all works but there's extra delay which isn't good for 28e.

Much better results are had from mpcs (gbox2cs). That can form a network bridge between your Dreambox's gbox protocol & the octagon's newcamd protocol.