View Full Version : Snr and Agc Help

09-08-2008, 11:29 AM
I have noticed that the SNR and AGC are all 0% on all channels, so i cannot chech the Signal Quality and Strength . As image i am using Nemesis 4.2. and as EMU gbox, is this a bug, or i have to enable something??

09-08-2008, 11:46 AM
maybe its a bug in that image , try another image and see what its like on those other images , if it works on one image and not another then assume its a bug

09-08-2008, 01:00 PM
maybe its a bug in that image , try another image and see what its like on those other images , if it works on one image and not another then assume its a bug

I will give it a try.. Thanks

09-08-2008, 01:39 PM
Hmm It's not a bug that's been reported for 4.2 before, infact the reports on snr and agc have been favourable for 4.2.
Humax007 are you running EDG 4.2 in multiboot?
If you are that would explain the results as you are then using the drivers from the flash image and that can sometimes give unexpected results.

09-08-2008, 02:34 PM
Hmm It's not a bug that's been reported for 4.2 before, infact the reports on snr and agc have been favourable for 4.2.
Humax007 are you running EDG 4.2 in multiboot?
If you are that would explain the results as you are then using the drivers from the flash image and that can sometimes give unexpected results.

I am running the image on MMC. What do you mean in multiboot???

09-08-2008, 02:47 PM
I am running the image on MMC. What do you mean in multiboot???

he means the flash image you are using to boot the receiver

I use ds-cvs version 2 to boot my receiver , then I choose an image from the mmc to boot into

so I think he is inferring you may have edg-nem4.2 in the flash and then you may be booting the same mmc image , or something similar

I did tell you in this thread here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=90102 to let ppl know exactly what you are doing and how you are doing it

there are too many options on this receiver to expect that everyone does the same as you do , or that everyone is running the same configuration , so if you dont tell us what you are using it doesnt help you to get a good answer does it ?

so if you have something in the flash , say so , then in this case we know what flash image you use as well as which mmc images you are using

09-08-2008, 06:12 PM
From experience I can tell you that EDG in flash and EDG on MMC do not usually play well and this is often the case it appears when you run the same image off MMC as you have in flash.
I was actually not inferring that Humax007 has EDG in flash but establishing the fact that he is running EDG from MMC in iboot (multiboot) with something in flash.

But what have you got in flash Humax?

EDG 4.2 would need, as Echelon suggested, DS CVS2 as a minimum in flash as it is the closest in terms of the generation of drivers being run.
The further you go back in time in terms of the image being run from flash then the more unexpected the results can be when running upto date images like EDG4.2 from MMC.
Sometimes you can hit a sweetspot doing it this way but often the older the flash image then the worse behaved the newer image on mmc becomes.

11-08-2008, 01:37 AM
From experience I can tell you that EDG in flash and EDG on MMC do not usually play well and this is often the case it appears when you run the same image off MMC as you have in flash.
I was actually not inferring that Humax007 has EDG in flash but establishing the fact that he is running EDG from MMC in iboot (multiboot) with something in flash.

But what have you got in flash Humax?

EDG 4.2 would need, as Echelon suggested, DS CVS2 as a minimum in flash as it is the closest in terms of the generation of drivers being run.
The further you go back in time in terms of the image being run from flash then the more unexpected the results can be when running upto date images like EDG4.2 from MMC.
Sometimes you can hit a sweetspot doing it this way but often the older the flash image then the worse behaved the newer image on mmc becomes.

Hi, Dont forget that i am newbie for the receiver, its only one week in my hand.
I have installed the Nemises 4.2 using Iboot in MMC. I dont know regarding what i have in flash?? How can i know?? When you said what you have got in flash u mean what image i have installed in the receiver???

Thanks a lot for your help

11-08-2008, 09:24 AM
Ah, now we are getting to the crux of the matter, what you are saying then is that you have not installed any images other than in iboot.
This means that you are most likely running original TM11 in flash or even possibly TM009.
This would explain your difficulties as driver development has moved on quite a bit since then and so EDG4.2 is making calls that your flash image doesn't understand so no response.

What you have to understand about iboot is that it is not the image on the MMC that is driving things, it is the image in flash. All the image in MMC is doing is being like a window manager, it is telling the flash what to do but if the 2 are not compatible due to age difference then those calls get lost or mis interpereted.

What you will need to do humax007 is install a new image in flash such as the DS CVS.
There should be a guide on here somewhere on how to do it but if not then PM me as I have one you can have.

11-08-2008, 09:55 AM
and I did say in post 6 I was using ds-cvs2 in my flash , which is the receiver flash memory

think of it like an os on your pc , we may be booting win-xp and you may be booting windows 98 , but we may all be running a version of microsoft office , but ours work better due to us using win xp to boot from ( as in the flash for example ) and you are struggling due to the fact you may be using an older os to boot from , like tm009 . tm011 or some other image

best bet is factory reset your box , install ds-cvs2 using tcc6 and a serial null modem cable

when finished factory reset it again , then set the login password and the ip address for the ds-cvs2 , now use jiboot to install the extra-run file needed to see the boot menu from the images on the mmc

now your flash should be in harmony with your latest mmc images and your results should work a lot better as a result

12-08-2008, 12:19 PM
Ah, now we are getting to the crux of the matter, what you are saying then is that you have not installed any images other than in iboot.
This means that you are most likely running original TM11 in flash or even possibly TM009.
This would explain your difficulties as driver development has moved on quite a bit since then and so EDG4.2 is making calls that your flash image doesn't understand so no response.

What you have to understand about iboot is that it is not the image on the MMC that is driving things, it is the image in flash. All the image in MMC is doing is being like a window manager, it is telling the flash what to do but if the 2 are not compatible due to age difference then those calls get lost or mis interpereted.

What you will need to do humax007 is install a new image in flash such as the DS CVS.
There should be a guide on here somewhere on how to do it but if not then PM me as I have one you can have.

First of all thanks for your help. Now i am understanding. So i need to install an image on the receiver, so the one that i have is default (which comes with the receiver) .

What is the best image can i install on the receiver??? How about Ds-cvs2...?

Could you please send me the guide? i will send you my email address via a PM.

Thanks again.

12-08-2008, 12:24 PM
and I did say in post 6 I was using ds-cvs2 in my flash , which is the receiver flash memory

think of it like an os on your pc , we may be booting win-xp and you may be booting windows 98 , but we may all be running a version of microsoft office , but ours work better due to us using win xp to boot from ( as in the flash for example ) and you are struggling due to the fact you may be using an older os to boot from , like tm009 . tm011 or some other image

best bet is factory reset your box , install ds-cvs2 using tcc6 and a serial null modem cable

when finished factory reset it again , then set the login password and the ip address for the ds-cvs2 , now use jiboot to install the extra-run file needed to see the boot menu from the images on the mmc

now your flash should be in harmony with your latest mmc images and your results should work a lot better as a result

Thanks a lot for your help.

12-08-2008, 02:37 PM
Humax007 you have PM

13-08-2008, 07:35 PM
Humax007 Have a look here :- https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=66033 . This should help you get to grips with this great box. :king-041: