View Full Version : Tuner and diseqc Vantage 7100?

10-08-2008, 10:37 AM
Hi All

I am interested to buy a Vantage 7100,but i dont know if tuner is so good as is present anywhere;is sensitivity is so high to lock{very} weak signal?{I am dx in satellite and feedhunters}in that matter to whom receiver you can compare with? On the other hand,I read that this receiver has diseqc protocol 1.0 and 1.1,but what i want to know is if I have access to both on the same page in the meniu?I have a toroidala antenna with 16 lnbs and i should like to use all of them with this function!In that matter I am using 4x4/1 diseqc 1.0 switch and 1X2// 1.1 switch.In order to use all these switches the receiver must have protocol diseqc 1.0 and 1.1 separate on the same page!Can someone put o photo with this page here or tell me if i this receiver is what I need for this purpose?I need yours advise and for which i thank you in advance.
my best regards for all of you:respect-049:

14-09-2008, 08:57 PM
I have 4 receiverds-- Vantage 7100, nanoxx 9500HD, Interstar 890HD and Octagon 918 HD and Vantage is most sensitive. I use motor so can't answer about Disecq