View Full Version : something big with digitalb super

11-08-2008, 07:38 PM
Hi Guys,

it seems there is something big going on at digitalb supersports.

no one on ***** will talk about it except one guy who believes they have lost the champions league rights. He states other things willl happen.

do any of you know whats going on?

11-08-2008, 10:18 PM
quick update guys -

it looks like digitalb and supersports will have rivals in albania!

12-08-2008, 11:26 AM
yes a new company called TRING from albanian satellite communication ASC

is starting 1st septmeber ! on 16e 12282

12-08-2008, 12:22 PM
what encryption will they use - cant find anything on the net about the company !

12-08-2008, 12:50 PM
At the moment their transponders are FTA, optimists are claiming that the encryption will be the same as digitalb, ie conax.

If digitalb have sold the CL and some of its premier league rights already they are in serious financial trouble or worse, they are about to fold ?

Either way its bad new for its subscribers who pay up front.

12-08-2008, 01:43 PM
Digitalb and Supersports are supposed to be different companies. Supersports wouldn't be much without EPL. Might of course be another 'sting' on subscribers to squeeze more out of the market, in a similar way to what happened earlier with EPL when it was taken out of the Digitalb package. Maybe Darkman will enlighten us?


I misread the post. EPL is safe. It's the FA cup and Champions League that's at issue.

12-08-2008, 04:49 PM
yes a new company called TRING from albanian satellite communication ASC

is starting 1st septmeber ! on 16e 12282

There's no transponder listed at 12282 vertical or horizontal on any of the W2 lists including Satcodx, also ASC's site states they work with Hellasat at 39e so I'm slightly confused.
11283H would make more sense since Vision+ is currently residing there with a bunch of Macedonian channels.

Edit : Just read on the digitalb focussed forum (not sure if I can mention the name) that it is 11283H, it seems the package has or is going have 20 channels. If they're all on that transponder then I guess the Albanians are continuing their trend of superior video quality ^_^.

13-08-2008, 07:55 AM
it is confirmed on the vizion + .tv website that they have the uefa cup, champions league , and fa cup on their new digital platform tring!

which starts on the 1st september! tring!

thay will have 5 channels dedicated to sport!

13-08-2008, 10:43 AM
Which is the same number that digitalb have ! (had)

Not a good time for punters to take a gamble !

13-08-2008, 02:05 PM
no metion of hd from them - digitalb ss still have hd

althought with no cl