View Full Version : HD 200 and diablo cam

12-08-2008, 09:55 AM
Hi guys,
I recently bought the Mvision HD 200 receiver and am generally pleased with it. However using the diablo cam the channels on thor and digitalb as well as other channels freeze a lot and show either"scrambled channel or cam initializing" sometimes the cam is not recognised in the CI slot, i usually have to pull the plug out and back in to get the picture back. Can someone let me know what the correct settings should be in the CI configuration menu etc. or what i have to do to ease this problem.
help appreciated.
thanks, Chopper.

15-11-2008, 09:06 PM
Hi well i have this reciever and use t-rex, and l even still have problems with freezing, and channels locking up and I also subscribe to S*Y Where i use the card in the cam, and it does still caus me a few problems, even when I turn to channel 4 HD that keeps breaking up no matter what I did, I was using the latest firmware version F2.03 but found this really bad and had to keep turning of my reciever and turning it back on again, so i went back to firmware F1.25 without any pvr and that sorted out some of the problems, so i dont think its your cam m8 I could be wrong You could have a faulty one but seems strange that its doing it to my t-rex cam as well, so i think its a firmware problem where they have alot of work to do to get this reciever working at its best, cant wait for a major and i mean a major firmware upgrade hope this helps a bit, and even still Channel 4 Hd Alway's breaks up with my reciever i've never sorted that one out?????

15-11-2008, 09:38 PM
I also have the HD 200 and use my diablo cam in it, it does sometimes take a while for C*nax channels to decrypt. Now running offical firmware 2.10 and seems to be running a little better now, but still a few bugs. Both the reciever and cam can get very hot and I've found it seems to be less of a problem if I leave the CI card flap open.

15-11-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the replys, i took the CI card flap off but it did'nt make a big difference.

15-11-2008, 11:57 PM
I still don't think its the cams that are causing all the probkems though, Take the cam out and just switch FTA channels you will see that most people still have trouble with this reciever. Yes the reciever does get hot and maybe that is contributing to so much heat comming from the reciever, Maybe someone in the know how can tell us all how to modd the hd200 with a ultra quiet fan in it. If its not the cam and the heat, Then its got to be a software problem which in time they will iron out, and have a fantastic working reciever with a much more updated firmware with better emulation With i hope, More encryptions in the firmware so we dont have to use a cam, HINT HINT to GXMAX PLEASE lol IF POS

16-11-2008, 12:10 AM
Just went and ran through a couple of satellites on mine and the only one I have problems with is C*nax at 1w, 16e c*nax changes channels normally without any waiting. not had any problerms fta,

16-11-2008, 12:47 AM
I think when they have sorted out all the channels again and they no what the next stage is i will go motorised i'm still stuck on sky 28e at the moment, but everything seems to be going down at the moment, as everyone is changing there encryptions over, i can see new cams comming out soon, or someone doing something oherwise we are all gona lose our channels :mad:

16-11-2008, 10:40 AM
The HD200 i own makes some lockups sometimes with the cams but not very often , only when i play a lot with it.
But im sure they will fix it as the pcmcia drivers are the same used on S5 series and that models had some updates lately making them working much better with cams.