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15-08-2008, 11:21 AM
better than this, for the first time connected my DB 800 to a hidef TV, the very first randam Hidef picture was Live Orf 1 HD. Picture quality excellent, what is on even better, Ladies doubles Volleyball in Hidef.


15-08-2008, 08:19 PM
thats awesome, strangely enough I don't get this channel on 19.2E, I am hoping the motorised setup will sort it out :)

15-08-2008, 08:22 PM
motorised or not if you pick up that sat you should receive it

15-08-2008, 08:57 PM
I am feeling a bit left out but I will stick it out and wait for the 8000, been waiting so long now a few more months wont kill me :respect-023:

15-08-2008, 09:54 PM
I am feeling a bit left out but I will stick it out and wait for the 8000, been waiting so long now a few more months wont kill me :respect-023:

You must have deep pockets, at approx 900 euros they aint cheep.


15-08-2008, 10:05 PM
Been saving for 2 years lol :iagree:

16-08-2008, 01:06 AM
I must say im impressed with BBC HD.
It looks the best to me and its free!!!!

The box itself I find a bit difficult to use (but it is my first dreambox)
Saying that though More channels but still only same oopen as my samsung and set to become alot less in the Autum could be a dissapointment.
Trying to find tutorials for the things we are not allowed to talk about, so i have something to do in the winter:nopity:

16-08-2008, 10:40 AM
aabs, its my first venture also into the DB world and i have has loads of help. There are still things i am not sure about like setting up favourates, deleting, unused sats, etc.. but the footies on now so now I will move my dish to Showtime. Now in Spain i'm on 8 satellites and have all the goodies open that were not allowed to talk about. I was waiting for the db8000, but could not wait any longer, I have also just ordered my new TV Panasonoic PZ 46" 85E but when the db8000 does come out i will buy it as it will be better then db800 I will then consolidate all my kit with an aution.

16-08-2008, 10:42 AM
thats awesome, strangely enough I don't get this channel on 19.2E, I am hoping the motorised setup will sort it out :)

harshy, get a motor it opens lots of other goodies, have you now sorted your scanning issues?

Keep at it


16-08-2008, 11:50 AM
no still missing channels out on 19.2E, 13E but perfect on 28.2E, totally baffled, I am assuming there's some problem with the Diseq switch, but it all works perfectly off my old box.

16-08-2008, 12:50 PM
harshy start scanning from the middel of the transponder batches say 11890, it may then revert back to the earlier ones that you miss.

16-08-2008, 07:35 PM
motorised or not if you pick up that sat you should receive it

Its not working for me at present, the tuner will just disappear.

17-08-2008, 09:57 AM
Its not working for me at present, the tuner will just disappear.


Have you checked your LNB ?. I had similar problems with channels not all scanning and next time I scanned some more diapered. my motorized disk been there for years, never had much problems on my old DM but had problems since I got DM800, got up the ladder and saw a gaping big hole in LNB , replacd it never had any problems since.

just a suggestion :)


17-08-2008, 10:25 AM
Its not working for me at present, the tuner will just disappear.


This is the settings required, please note frequency... its just changed and also system should be DVB-S2 its easy to make mistake and leave at DVB-S

tuner= Alps BSBE2
type of scan = single
system= DVB-S2
satellite= Astra 1f.....etc
Frequency= 10832
Inversion= auto
symbol= 22000
polarity= Horizontal
Network= no

Hope this helps

17-08-2008, 10:35 AM
aabs, its my first venture also into the DB world and i have has loads of help. There are still things i am not sure about like setting up favourates, deleting, unused sats, etc.. but the footies on now so now I will move my dish to Showtime. Now in Spain i'm on 8 satellites and have all the goodies open that were not allowed to talk about. I was waiting for the db8000, but could not wait any longer, I have also just ordered my new TV Panasonoic PZ 46" 85E but when the db8000 does come out i will buy it as it will be better then db800 I will then consolidate all my kit with an aution.

Good choice for your new TV, I have the PZ70 a £1000 cheaper than my faulty poineer and just as good.
Could do with some help finding tutorials if you still have the links, PM them to me as no live links on posts.
The tutorials Ive found have confused me more than guide me.
Ive now got somewhere with Gemini 3.7 but i find it difficult to navigate and i dread to think what damage the mrs could do with the remote in her hand !!!

Im off to play with Nabilioblackhole 0.3 today, have you tried that image yet ?

17-08-2008, 06:30 PM

Have you checked your LNB ?. I had similar problems with channels not all scanning and next time I scanned some more diapered. my motorized disk been there for years, never had much problems on my old DM but had problems since I got DM800, got up the ladder and saw a gaping big hole in LNB , replacd it never had any problems since.

just a suggestion :)


The LNB is fine, it works in the Humax, its the DM800's buggy Diseq A/B software thats the problem, i'm sure of it.

17-08-2008, 06:39 PM

This is the settings required, please note frequency... its just changed and also system should be DVB-S2 its easy to make mistake and leave at DVB-S

tuner= Alps BSBE2
type of scan = single
system= DVB-S2
satellite= Astra 1f.....etc
Frequency= 10832
Inversion= auto
symbol= 22000
polarity= Horizontal
Network= no

Hope this helps

Nothing, its the DiseqA/B switch software in DM800, its fooked.:o10:

17-08-2008, 11:11 PM
Nothing, its the DiseqA/B switch software in DM800, its fooked.:o10:

Too bad man:ack2:

Position sat on 19.2 & change to non motorised single sat and pass cable direct to LNB to confirm.

What Diseqc motor are you using?

17-08-2008, 11:14 PM
its just two lnbs connected to a diseq switch a simple setup that an expensive receiver like this one cant cope with!