View Full Version : Motorised settings on DM800 usals

17-08-2008, 08:45 PM
Hello satpimps members,

I am planning to go motorised very very soon, so I am doing as much research as possible, what are the settings to use in the tuner configuration settings.

Would these work with USALS for example if the installer positions it at 19.2E.

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite : Astra1F/1G/1H/1KR/1L 19.2e
Voltage Mode: Polarization
Tone Mode: Band
Use USALS for this Sat: yes
Diseqc Mode: 1.2
Toneburst: None
Committed Diseqc command: none
Fast Diseqc : No
Sequence Repeat: No
Command Order: committed, toneburst (what is this)
Uncommitted DiseqC Command: None
Diseqc repeats: None
Longitude: My location from Multi***
Latitude: My location from Multi***
LOF: Universal LNB
Increased Voltage: No

Would this work with Gemini 3.6, or 3.7?

ok, thanks again, i'm off on holiday for a week, but hopefully I can come online for a few minutes.

Thanks again for your help,

harshy :)

17-08-2008, 09:50 PM
thats fine m8, and all you do is choose lnb 1 for all other sats you want to get. but you need to set the motor up on 1 west then all other sats should fall in.

17-08-2008, 10:10 PM
Thanks scrupples, so I go into tuner configuration use the same settings on all the sats needed, so if this works how do I start tuning channels, I guess I go to Automatic Scan and select 1W and then tune in, how I move the motor to the next satellite etc, its not very well explained in the manual.

Once I do this, say for example you're on B*C one on 28.2E and you want to go to B*C World on 13E, how do you do this?

OK, thanks again,


17-08-2008, 11:30 PM
hi m8. Yes, in tuner configuration using any satellite put in your details, making sure lnb 1 is chosen, then all you do is choose each satellite you want, changing the lnb to lnb1-this automatically uses all the same settings.

As for tuning in, when you go to 'automatic scan' you can choose which satellites to scan, and the dish will move automatically. But, for some reason, mine just sometimes sits there.

To be perfectly honest, all I do now is use the latest lirkra settings and the latest satellite.xml - this gives me everything I need, if there's some channels I want to scan in manually, I just do a manual scan for them, this way it save a hell of a lot of time.

Once you have all your channels, moving from sat to sat is done automatically-just choose the channel you want, as long as your usals settings are correct, you are good to go!!

17-08-2008, 11:36 PM
many thanks scrupples for your answer, just one last question is gemini the best image to use?

OK, thanks again,


17-08-2008, 11:40 PM
Harshy are you using disc 1.2 or are you going to use usals. I am currently writting a ulitmate beginners guide v1 for e2 for usals. I have take 16 screen shots on how to get started on enigma 2 today. It will be ready within 48 hours if you can wait.


17-08-2008, 11:49 PM
Hello kegnkiwi

No idea really, but I am going to ask the installer if he's going to use USALS, it sounds a lot easier then using a positioner, I look forward to reading your guide kegnkiwi :), it will help me and many other people who are trying to get their DM800 to work properly.

OK, thanks again,

harshy :)

18-08-2008, 07:49 AM
personaly i use the lt image for sky epg.

just a correction to scan more than one sat, you choose manual scan.

18-08-2008, 10:40 AM
whats the lt image?:001_07:

regarding manual setup, will the motor move automatically if I set it to network scan?

OK, thanks again,

harshy :)

18-08-2008, 10:47 AM
LT image https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88131

yes m8 motor will move automatically.

18-08-2008, 11:49 AM
that's great advice scrupples, many thanks again, harshy :)

30-08-2008, 12:30 PM
Hello guys,

I;ve got the installer coming around this afternoon, he's going to set it up on my Humax HD-2000CI, but how do I input my Longitude it says (-1.79539), how do you input this value?:eek:

OK, thanks again,
