View Full Version : digitalb

18-08-2008, 12:17 PM
has digialb stopped showing premiership footy on 3pm sat - they did not last sat - and from checking lovelly jubblys site they arent this sat coming either !!

18-08-2008, 04:05 PM
I've just read the following on the Morning Advertiser


Bottom page posted by Dave Moses...

UEFA have taken Digitalb and Nova to court for "allowing" their cards to be sold in the UK. Consequently they have lost the right to screen 3pm saturday matches until 30th November. This is because the FA are heading across land and sea threatening pubs who screen 3pm saturday matches. Appalling since both Digitalb and Nova have paid for the 3pm rights. They are being blamed for something that is out of their control. It seems this country is heading into a blame culture. Not only that Sly are busy buying into the European TV market changing encryptions to videoguard so you have to have a card married to a box to make it harder for anyone in the UK to get hold of the cards.

If they are losing money they take the easy route and blame someone else. Disgusting! Sly charge the earth so I have no sympathy for them whatsoever if they are losing money because don't want any competition and they are trying to force everyone to have Sly. This is despite Karen Murphy's case going to the European Court. They want to monopolise the pay TV market all over europe so even if they lose then we would still have to subscribe to Sly. No doubt pubs would find another way to watch the footy without subscribing to Sly.

19-08-2008, 07:35 PM
On the other hand.... though I'm not an apologist for **** (I have a digitalb card and am very disappointed with not getting prem league on sat 3.00pm) I have to say that legally the use these cards in UK is on very delicate ground. I am sure that digitalb have bought the rights for epl for showing in Albania only. Just cos some enterprising people see a good market for these in Uk and sell em on doesn't mean its legit. I see that Canal$at is still broadcasting 3.00pm games, maybe that's because they ain't selling their cards in UK! Ah well.


19-08-2008, 09:07 PM
the worst offender for selling out of area cards is..... ? STY tv itself.

There cards are sold from portugal to eastern europe, Sty is available all over the continent from the med to the north sea.

Sty have some nerve when their cards are readily sold by suppliers and dealers everywhere on the continent, there must be millions of sty set ups in mainland europe.

I've never been on holiday yet where Sty wasn't available in bars hotels and restaurants, they are quite plainy a bunch of hypocrites.

The reason for their reaction is pubs and clubs are under the cosh and are ditching Sty in droves, even in a recession Sty have to stump up their £1.3 billion for 3 years.

I hope they struggle.

19-08-2008, 09:19 PM
well said i couldn't agree more:respect-067:

19-08-2008, 09:39 PM
like the itv collapse a few years ago. it would be as funny as fcuk with the greedy prem clubs getting caught out , spending money they havnt got

19-08-2008, 11:18 PM
:puke:Glad I never bought one then, mainly due to the big price hike

19-08-2008, 11:48 PM
[QUOTE=A-SAT;549174]I've just read the following on the Morning Advertiser


Bottom page posted by Dave Moses...

UEFA have taken Digitalb and Nova to court for "allowing" their cards to be sold in the UK. Consequently they have lost the right to screen 3pm saturday matches until 30th November. This is because the FA are heading across land and sea threatening pubs who screen 3pm saturday matches. Appalling since both Digitalb and Nova have paid for the 3pm rights. They are being blamed for something that is out of their control. It seems this country is heading into a blame culture. Not only that Sly are busy buying into the European TV market changing encryptions to videoguard so you have to have a card married to a box to make it harder for anyone in the UK to get hold of the cards.


This is just a post on the forum and someones opinion I can find no news article on the web relating to such a story

Can anyone validate this story? other than a thread on a forum?

Also novasports 1 were switching between two 3pm prem games last sat not the normal full coverage but still showing some prem footie lets wait a week or so to see how it pans out they are trailering prem games all the time on their channels. Furthermore novasports 1 rarely showed the 3pm games anyway they were always on 2,3,4 which do not start transmitting until 25/08 Also you never knew with nova what they were going to show until 7 days in advance

20-08-2008, 02:05 PM
As has already been said there has been nothing in newspapers or media in the UK reporting this and in view of digitalb's underhanded manner in dealing with it's UK subscribers in the past (myself included) I just wonder now who to believe.
As for sly pairing cards & boxes is not the same being done presently by digitalb.
If the situation is not rectified by november at the latest I will have to reconsider if it''s worth renewing the card especially since the recent price hike.

PS just noticed Lee (gold wafers) who I did my renewals with has suspended digitalb dealings anyway.

regards painter

21-08-2008, 12:07 PM
Just as a matter of interest darkmans ite (*****) is not accesible anymore dunno if it's just to me or if other members are having probs but I cannot log in and if I ask for a password/username reminder my email address is unrecognised.
So somethings afoot it seems.

regards painter

21-08-2008, 01:30 PM
I have no problems logging in Maybe you have been banned lol

My email address has been banned for some reason benny m8, beats me why!

regards painter

21-08-2008, 02:59 PM
Maybe they didnt like your comments Reg again using a y*h*o addy lol

Do'nt think I'll bother benny, if darkman gets upset by a few negative comments thats life.
If I can't renew my sub without darkmans help I may go for a showtime card next time.
Anyway I am not a y*h*o member.

regards tradesman