View Full Version : Dreambox 800HD cooling

19-08-2008, 07:56 PM
I have just read this on another site, I looks like dream may looking at the cooling issues on the 800.

I just got a call from the satellite shop I ordered the 800HD from,

"10-12 days till the next delivery from DM. They are solving the cooling problem,
so the units coming are with new improved cooling"


19-08-2008, 09:24 PM
Well I hope there is a recall, or dream will send out the components foc to customers with the existing box's.

19-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Well I hope there is a recall, or dream will send out the components foc to customers with the existing box's.

hopefully they should,although even though mine gets hot i don't seem to have any probs with it

19-08-2008, 10:30 PM
hopefully they should,although even though mine gets hot i don't seem to have any probs with it

That doesn't mean you won't get problems with it at some point though ;)

I hope you don't as I have 1 too, and I don't want issues with mine, just pointing out that because it is fine so far, doesn't mean it will stay that way.

24-08-2008, 09:13 AM
mine keeps locking up every now and then, and when recording on the internal HD the replays sometimes go out of lipsysnc. This might be the heat


28-08-2008, 08:22 AM
One should avoid internal drives until the heat issue is solved. I have an external hd which works flawlessly. My dm 800 and external hd are sitting happily on a laptop cooler. No more lock ups. I believe this is the most practical solution.

28-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Oh look I got my fan to sit just nicley onto of the chip. A slightly smaller one that is available would be perfect. This one is 30x030x10. There is also a spare usb slot hidden to the right of the card reader that might power it up.

http://www.allsats.co.uk/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6 259.0;attach=2309;image


28-08-2008, 12:02 PM
I have a 40x40x10 fan sat ontop of the harddrive, and a 25x25x10 fan down the side of the tuner.

Box seems happy with that, and they are both powered by the usb port inside the box (5v).

28-08-2008, 10:17 PM
i get regular lockups with mine, so I put mine next to a fan and its not quite as bad, I am regretting buying this DM800, its been nothing but pain so far.

28-08-2008, 10:44 PM
Mine also lockups up on certain HD channels so am gonna go with the fan idea as well.

28-08-2008, 11:08 PM
I have a 40x40x10 fan sat ontop of the harddrive, and a 25x25x10 fan down the side of the tuner.

Box seems happy with that, and they are both powered by the usb port inside the box (5v).

Glad that worked for you.

Similar here, first 40x40mm, then added 25x25mm and finally sat the box on top of laptop cooler. All each additional cooling device did was extend the time it took for box to lockup.

Mine on its way back to supplier, so its back to my trusty 7000.

29-08-2008, 04:34 PM
so as i have my internal hd already what can i do, i don't want to attach fans on the inside? Could i remove the hd and get an external fan and external hd, and a laptop cooler


29-08-2008, 05:09 PM
This is what you need


or google "Antec notebook cooler"

01-09-2008, 08:43 AM
Running gemini 3.7 with internal HDD and I have cooling issues. I will be buying a laptop cooler that runs on the USB port. Does my db800 usb ports work or do i have to load any plugins or other little tricks to power them up, hopefully its just plug and play



01-09-2008, 08:49 AM
It's plug and play mate.

28-02-2009, 10:06 AM

I think, it is time to ask again about this problem of cooling as summer approach.
I would like to know if the Dreambox Manufacture has solved this cooling problem of DM800 HD.
Advice require from any user in Dubai or Arabian Gulf for this DM800 HD cooling problem.
What is the safe running temperature of DM800 HD without any additional fan?


03-03-2009, 11:06 AM
I think that cooling problem is solved with new bootloader witch is included in any new image. My DM800 came with #62 and I had overheating & crashing problems, but now I do not have any problems.

03-03-2009, 07:09 PM
it's nothing to do with the bootlaoder, it's the tuner that initialy runs at surface of the sun temperatures particularly on DB's like mine ,which is one the earlier versions and so when you put a HDD in it's hello Hades here i come.

it's subsequent versions ie later models of the 800 that have rectified or should i say almost rectified the problem.

regards: canthackit

03-03-2009, 08:06 PM
Gone off dreambox totaly

bought dm 500 and the power supply went dead in one week
then diseq packed in a month later

bought dm7000 then discoverd power supply was under rated could not run harddrive and cam together

bought dm 7020 then they tell me there is a hardware fault in lan

now bought 800 gets red hot

i thought they would have leart by now ? i have

all the above faults are common to dreamboxes

I dont think i will be buying dm8000 at £800

oh well

03-03-2009, 08:31 PM
Gone off dreambox totaly

bought dm 500 and the power supply went dead in one week
then diseq packed in a month later

bought dm7000 then discoverd power supply was under rated could not run harddrive and cam together

bought dm 7020 then they tell me there is a hardware fault in lan

now bought 800 gets red hot

i thought they would have leart by now ? i have

all the above faults are common to dreamboxes

I dont think i will be buying dm8000 at £800

oh well

Sometimes you have to look at how you use it maybe.
DM500 clone running 247 no problem
DM7000 4 and a bit years old running 247 ( tuner replaced last year ) still going strong.
DM7020 running 247 ( main box for 3 years ) never misses a beat.
DM800 5 months old, running 247 no lockups or reboots and those that have used dreambox from early days know all about impromptu reboots:flowers-007:

So for me as soon as the finances are there I shall be getting the DM8000 :respect-050:

03-03-2009, 09:08 PM
DM8000......nice, although its hard work earning a crust down ere. I think the price will come down before my savings go up :o10:

22-04-2009, 01:58 PM
DM 800 can be solved nicely with SCART connection on pin8 as + and pin21 as - or earth!
It's red wire on + and black on - and it will work nicely cooling inside the case, turned over alps and chip which it will cool quite well !
Also it would be good to unscrew lower part of the case, that aluminium part where card reader lies. It will free hot air to vent under the rec!
2.5 inch laptop cooler can be mounted under upper part of the rec with cable screw-wires through air holes!
After that procedure Dream will start Enigma2 with 12 volts of power in order to be lowered to 5 volts in working condition, hd channels and so on.
Great part is that on that way, Dream 800 will turn off Cooler just on standby on remote, and turn it on when you hit button on remote only!

Great method and very easy, only hard part is soldering pin 8 and pin 21 with red and black wires of cooler! And that's it ...
If there's some pics needed just ring da bell ;)

22-04-2009, 06:55 PM
would be great if you could show where you count from i.e pin 1 left or right?

pic would be even better,

great idea though

22-04-2009, 09:10 PM
nice would be to get a fan with heat sensor like the 1 used on PC that automatically makes the fan work whem needed

22-04-2009, 10:15 PM
This is the scart pinout:


24-04-2009, 02:45 AM
After connecting cooler on USB connector inside, cooler was spinning all the time, and that was not what I wanted!
So I found the solution over scart connection.

Cute scart cable connector case, opened it, soldered wires of the cooler on pin 8 red wire or + and on pin 21 (earth) black wire or - and thats it!

When DM 800 works, cooler works, as soon as I stand by the rec, cooler goes off also, no anything else, no special buttons and switchers.

Here are infos which are 21 pins on scart cable case, pin by pin, and also some pics of it !

Pin 1

Audio output (right)

Pin 2

Audio input (right)

Pin 3

Audio output (left/mono)

Pin 4

Audio ground

Pin 5

RGB Blue ground (pin 7 ground)

Pin 6

Audio input (left/mono)

Pin 7

RGB Blue up
S-Video C down1)
Component Pb up2)

Pin 8

Status & Aspect Ratio up3) [0-0.4V → off, 5-8V → 16:9, 9.5-12V → on/4:3]

Pin 9

RGB Green ground (pin 11 ground)

Pin 10

Clock / Data 24)
Control bus (AV.link)

Pin 11

RGB Green up
Component Y up2)

Pin 12

Reserved / Data 14)

Pin 13

RGB Red ground (pin 15 ground)

Pin 14

pin 12 & pin 16 ground

Pin 15

RGB Red up
S-Video C up
Component Pr up2)

Pin 16

Blanking signal up
RGB-selection voltage up [0-0.4V → composite, 1-3V → RGB]

Pin 17

Composite video output ground (pin 19 ground)

Pin 18

Composite video input ground (pin 20 ground)

Pin 19

Composite video output
S-Video Y output

Pin 20

Composite video input
S-Video Y input

Pin 21

pin 8 & pin 10 ground




Cheers :respect-051:

Mr. Wolf
03-05-2009, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the great idea!

However I have a question.
I noticed that for my setup the voltage supplied is only 5V and it's not enough for my cooler. But, it looks like during boot there is a voltage increase and the cooler reach the optimum speed dropping back after boot. So, it's definitely a "software" possibility to command this voltage on the 8th pin.
Any idea on how to switch it permanently to 12V?

I also noticed that the power on the 8th pin stops in standby mode but, strangely enough, not in deep standby mode.


17-05-2009, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the great idea!

However I have a question.
I noticed that for my setup the voltage supplied is only 5V and it's not enough for my cooler. But, it looks like during boot there is a voltage increase and the cooler reach the optimum speed dropping back after boot. So, it's definitely a "software" possibility to command this voltage on the 8th pin.
Any idea on how to switch it permanently to 12V?

I also noticed that the power on the 8th pin stops in standby mode but, strangely enough, not in deep standby mode.


For what its worth -
I had lock up problems with my 800 a few months back and took the advise of someone on here to sit the box on a Notebook Cooler, I got mine online at Mapl*n for £19.95 and not had a single lock up problem since.

If you go for this option then just make sure you go for a USB powered cooler and you then just plug it into the 800s USB port on the back of the box.


13-10-2010, 06:38 PM
any idea why this is not working on my DM500s the voltage seams to be fine bit more than 5.5 volts but the fans don't work....

when i plug the fan in the laptop they work !!

03-12-2010, 01:14 PM
Hi Guys,

Just thought I would share my simple cooling method for the DM800. Bought a laptop cooler from e**y for £1.50 (inc P&P) and a micro switch from M*plins for £1.99.
Wired to the internal USB socket and the switch positioned for easy access, now whenever the unit gets warm, simple switch on/off as required. See photos below.










Works extremely well.

Does anyone know where the HDD temp reference (Blue button, yellow button) comes from as this does not register correct temperature?