View Full Version : what a mess!!

20-08-2008, 05:18 PM
Hey guys
I have a bit of a problem that has been doing my head in all day. My motorised system has been a bit off since strong winds last winter so I decided to take it apart and put it back together.

I have everything back together but I'm having major problems realligning the dish. Using my satellite meter I am getting really strong readings but nothing on two different boxes. I have tested all satellites in the vicintiy and all are not registering on the box. I have changed LNBs, tried different sat finders and changed the wiring with no effect. Some strange things I am noticing is that the Visionet box constantly says that signal strength is 80% no matter where I point the dish.

Anyone any ideas? I'm going out of my mind!!!:ack2:


20-08-2008, 05:30 PM
reboot stb might help as i could of locked on the last singal as my vn did that before . also make sure you are on a channel that is on the air at the time you are setting up free to air is better , dish must be spot on all you will get sod all ,

20-08-2008, 05:36 PM
already tried rebooting. The strange thing is that I am using the satellite meter and tuning it in really accurately but the boxes (the vn and a technomate 9100) are showing nothing at all. When using the satellite meter the strength of signal that I'm getting from the satellites I'm catching seems to be far higher than I ever had before.

One other thing I'm thinking might effect it. When I took the dish down I gave it a quick wash with fairy liquid. could this have put a coating on the dish that is blinding the lnb? i know - i'm clutching at straws now!!!

20-08-2008, 05:54 PM
already tried rebooting. The strange thing is that I am using the satellite meter and tuning it in really accurately but the boxes (the vn and a technomate 9100) are showing nothing at all. When using the satellite meter the strength of signal that I'm getting from the satellites I'm catching seems to be far higher than I ever had before.

One other thing I'm thinking might effect it. When I took the dish down I gave it a quick wash with fairy liquid. could this have put a coating on the dish that is blinding the lnb? i know - i'm clutching at straws now!!!
the fairy liquid is not your problem or are you having a laugh probably the dish is pointing at the wrong satellite as mentioned you need a fta channel on the satellite you're looking for usially 1w although I use amos here 4w you will need signal and quality with video to be sure a proper sat meter would help with dedicated transponders to the satellite you're looking for you will get there eventually

20-08-2008, 05:55 PM
Signal strength can be misleading at times a strong strength is just an indication your on a sat and this is what a meter reads, its possible
you have aligned your dish on the wrong sat which would give a strong strength and zero quality

You need to put your box on a channel on 1 West then manually move your dish until it clears, by manually I mean outside with a spanner :302:


20-08-2008, 06:53 PM
finally got it up and running. It was far trickier than i have ever experienced before. The problem I was having was that the signal strength was so high that my meter was reading high signals even at low sensitivity which meant i couldn't fine tune. This meant that although I could get in the general area the picture was breaking up.

The way I got round it was to bring the TV up to the back of the garden and play with it there. I could do the manual stuff through the meter and the fine tuning then through the TV.

still getting some strange signal changed though. for example on premiere signal strenghth and quality are both in the 90s with exception to premiere direct were i don't get a picture.

Pain in the bum!! any ideas what might have caused this? I have never experienced these problems before.
