View Full Version : mono block diseq help pls

21-08-2008, 10:16 AM
Hay everyone, I hope you can help me with a little question i have today.
ok so i have two fixed dishes, one on 28e and one on 19e. i have both going into my DB via a diseq switch. All is fine!
i just bought a mono block for the dish on 19e so i can get both 19e and 13e on this one dish. the block has one feed out and has diseq built into the lnb. I need to know if i can put the feed from the mono block into my current diseq switch or can you not do this? If you cant do this then whats the best way to get both dish's working on one box so i can swap between 28e 19e and 13e?
i have not set anything up yet as i wanted to ask the question before i started the install just in case i need to buy something else..

thanks as always for the help..


21-08-2008, 10:23 AM
no you cant mate, you will need a manual switch for the monoblock and 28
unfortunately it means another cable run to your dish.

21-08-2008, 10:33 AM
As ZAD says you cannot use a diseq switch on a monoblock basically because the monoblock has a diseq switch built in ther
efore your trying to swuitc a switch with a switch

The only way to achieve what you want is to by a 9 degree bracket for your 19 east dish use two lnb's then put a diseq 4 way switch at the dish run a cable from 13 east lnb 19 east lnb 28 east lnb to the switch then just use the existing 1 cable drop to your DB

Obviously you will have to configure your db for 4 way switch ie: Deseq opt a/b/c/d

One thing do you have db500 if so they do not work too well with diseq switches the only relliable ones I have found are global diseqc's even so the low voltage db500 struggles with the 4 way switching.

21-08-2008, 10:36 AM
cheers Zed, you know i actually bought a manual switch thinking it maybe required so I should be ok. So i take it the feed from the mono block in one side of the switch and the feed from 28e in the other side? just means i need to get up and switch the switch from 28e to the mono block i guess?
i dont understand why i would need another run to the dish though? you lost me with that one :-)

@mp thanks for the info mate. yes infact i do have a db500 and the way you explained seems a lot of hassle. If i cant get the manual switch idea to work then ill just have to use my other box for one of the dish's, the only down side to this is having to train the mrs and kids up on how to use the other box lol!

21-08-2008, 11:16 AM
Yes the manual switch will work I fing the hi isolation switches give good results they are available for around £5

However the down side being another cable run from the dish

In any case you really would struggle with the 500 and a 4 way switch I think the only way around it is to get a differented rated power supply, again, more hassle and expense

good luck

21-08-2008, 04:57 PM
you will need 2 cable runs upto your dish from the switch.
1 run for you 28
2nd run to your mono block

you will then select what one you will use manualy

21-08-2008, 07:26 PM
thanks for all the help lads ill go with the switch and let you know how it goes.

thanks again
