View Full Version : Bbc prime

21-08-2008, 07:10 PM
Hello, I have a HUMAX z5400 patched (with an old silver card inside), after an year, or perhaps more, I had the bad interest to change something on my Hummy. I tried to load manually the latest key that I found here to clear the SRG SWISS. I did not succeded and I loaded the key bin file "TPS[1].BIN 20.08". This was the ..beginning of the end!! The only channel for me (or better my wife!) important to have clear is BBC PRIME (my wife is British and we live in Italy!) suddenly became scrambled. Therefore I loaded the HOT11.1 (previously I had an old one that I do not rememeber) and also the CATone3.3 but nothing happened. Now when I go to "menu" and I try to enter in "config" or "about" the STB is stucked. If I go on BBC PRIME with the silver card inside the STB it stucks. What can I do to have clear again BBC PRIME? Please help me or my wife will kill me!!!:001_07:
Thank you
An italian married with a British.

21-08-2008, 10:05 PM
HoT11.1 is just a small (149KB) module4-EMU update.
You have to download the whole latest firmware ToH3.4_HoT11.0 (1.03MB) and send it to your box first and then you can download that HoT11.1 over it as the latest update and of course the latest key-bin.
Go for it.

22-08-2008, 10:01 AM
Hello sat rrstm,
thank you for your reply. I followed your indications. I loaded the HoT11.0 and after that the HoT11.1 and the latest TPS key bin I found on this site, but still does not work. (Before BBC PRIME, since a long time perhaps 18 months, was working without to change the key bin) The Ram is always empty. What has to be the ToH configuration ("CAID preselected" and "CARD Blocker")?
Thank you regards

22-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Hello, settings are. CAID preselect = CARD+EMU.
card blocker =OFF.

22-08-2008, 01:54 PM
Try loading this bin file

22-08-2008, 02:57 PM
thank to all of you, I loaded the HoT3.4ToH9.4, CATone3.3 and the Key.bin you suggested and BBC PRIME works!!
Thank you very much for your kind help

22-08-2008, 03:22 PM
Hi tebbiit, Now you have TPS working ok with HOT 9.4
you will probaly have problems watching premeire direct channels
if so Try HOT 10.3 or any patch Higher

23-08-2008, 06:52 PM
Hi Marco,
Thanks for the info. I'll try it.
BBC Prime is working now so my wife is happy.
Thanks for all your help