View Full Version : Help needed.

22-08-2008, 09:23 PM
@ keano

Hi m8. Just got my ipbox 250 and realy need to know which firmware should i bang into it?
This is my first linux box, and since the thread that i had put in here a few days ago somehow been deleted, want to know at what order should i do it (need to activate the cam for sly card also).
I think you mentioned enigma (cant recall the version number) and another f/w.

Appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance.

22-08-2008, 09:52 PM
m8 I have no idea why the old thread was deleted.

OK you have box, go and find flashtools and hook up your receiver to your pc, turn on power and at the same time press the standby button on the box.
Wait until you get the word "ser" on the box display and then let go.

Now you can flash your box with enigma images.

You find these on the net, if you google hard enough, d e n k t e n k .

Once you have flash box you now have a box just like a dreambox.

So you can download "things" etc.

I don't know how much you know so for now I'll leave it and let you do the above.

22-08-2008, 10:30 PM
Wow.., that was fast:respect-applause-00. Thanks keano.

I have dl'ed the files, and an unoff. manual. I'll be trying to do what you said.

I guess after that I'll be going to setup the IP address and such. Am I right?

I'll get back to you.

Thanks again,


23-08-2008, 06:38 PM
Hi keano,

I just loaded „uboot” bootloader
then loaded the latest ***** „all_noboot image
then plugins through ftp, installed them through "blue" botton=> ipk (mgcamd, etc..).

The "spaced used on var" shows %75, but the embeded cam is not working. I have an art sports card in it.

Do you know what is wrong? I am clueless!!

thanks in advance.

23-08-2008, 08:40 PM
sorry if this sounds dumb but did you choose your emu and start it? also is the card in the right way?

basic questions I know but !!!!

23-08-2008, 10:09 PM
@ scrupples,

thanks for your reply m8. Well, since it my 1st ever experience with a linux based stb, I am not 100% sure.

However, I can see under "feed-sf-addons-options" that both mgcamd and gb** have green circles in front of them.

Does it mean that they have been activated?
M8, do you know how to remove the newcamd from the VAR directory?


24-08-2008, 05:43 PM
if iits the g e m i n i image press blue button, and in there you can choose which cam to use, normally pressing left / right, also choose the option start it!! I dont use g emini myself so not too sure, which option its under. as for removing newcamd, just go back to the addons bit and in there instead of choosing install/download addon choose delete addon.

hope this makes sense!!



24-08-2008, 10:41 PM

thanks so much m8.

However, before your reply, i did something stupid:confused:. I installed gemini 430, and when i couldn't make the "BLUE PANEL" work, I tried to change to sif and HL images respectivley, but in vain. The only thing I got was errors such as hal7 and then a fatal error about the images not finding the dreambox 7000 rc mapping, etc....

Now I have gone back to fantacy image.

I'd like to know which addons and plugins should I bang into it to be able to use the gb** and mgc*** facilities?

And how can I enable the cardreader?

Thanks for your patience:medal-028:.



25-08-2008, 01:01 PM
fantacy image should have all you need already installed.

just press the blue button, and on the fantacy menu you choose which emu to start.

25-08-2008, 01:50 PM
Hi scrupples m8,

There wasn't any emu installed, so I downloaded emus (through menu>plugins>download) and installed them.

The problem is when I try to start them I get the following message :

example: " MGcamd/NewCS is starting".

it remains for 1-2 minutes, then disappears and I only get a blue screen with f*****y team logo in the upper right corner.

I read somewhere in their forum that this is because the menue-1 in the script cannot start the emu, or something like that. However, I couldn't fine any fix for that.

Now the odd thing is that when I try the DB-INSTALL function in the plugins menu, options 2-4 (install db.dat SE, NL, UK) have "not in use" in front of them. However when I try the option 1 (install db.dat NO) I get "no contact with server. Aborting".

I can connect to the FT database (I have downloaded the emus, and I have also used network update to download Geckow).

I appreciate any help thrown at me.


25-08-2008, 02:48 PM
its an old image now so the db-install bit may not still work. have you scanned in any channels yet? its hard to find a channel list. you will need to scan them in yourself then edit them with pceditor.

25-08-2008, 03:22 PM
yes, i have scanned a few TPs on Hot B.

Should I flash a newer version of fantacy then?


I checked. this version (the latest one) does not contain any emus.
Any suggestions on how to make it work?
I've been working on it since 3 days ago, and I'm close to giving it up.

26-08-2008, 10:09 AM
The latest Fantcy image is 2.16a.They have changed server since the image was released.
In order to use the install panel youll have to update the scripts in /var/scriptx/ via ftp with the menu scripts in the attached zipfile.

26-08-2008, 11:47 AM
yes, i have scanned a few TPs on Hot B.

Should I flash a newer version of fantacy then?


I checked. this version (the latest one) does not contain any emus.
Any suggestions on how to make it work?
I've been working on it since 3 days ago, and I'm close to giving it up.

Getting yourself a linux box can be a long hard process and is very time consuming.
When I first got mine about 4 years ago I spent so much time with it that the wife nearly left me (not joking either) I would be up till 2 or 3 in the morning then go to work at 5.

I want you to register here _http://www.fantacy-team.net/forum/

Its a Norwegian site but the guys will do English too and will answer any questions you have.
Guy called Knugen runs the forum and he's a good bloke and will make sure you get sorted.

Don't give up, to easy to do that. You'll be happier when you have conquered it.


26-08-2008, 06:06 PM
When I first got mine about 4 years ago I spent so much time with it that the wife nearly left me (not joking either) I would be up till 2 or 3 in the morning then go to work at 5.


I'am nearly there mate:king-041:.

As for the the site ur reffering to, I have already myself registered there (does foobar sounds familiar to you? I couldn't login with my own username because I didn't get the activation mail:redface:).

One last question m8. In order to flash a highland image which bootloader is aplicable?

Thanks again,


26-08-2008, 06:10 PM
The latest Fantcy image is 2.16a.They have changed server since the image was released.
In order to use the install panel youll have to update the scripts in /var/scriptx/ via ftp with the menu scripts in the attached zipfile.

samot4 m8,
thanks for that. However I had already done that. I can download everything from their site but I get the no connection message when trying to d/l the db.dat files.
Very strange indeed.


26-08-2008, 06:22 PM
they never released a uk db.dat file thats why I say you need to scan all sats in yourself. or import a dreambox listing into pceditor and try that.

26-08-2008, 07:32 PM
they never released a uk db.dat file thats why I say you need to scan all sats in yourself. or import a dreambox listing into pceditor and try that.

Thanks m8, I'll do that.
I flashed it with highland serial_all_noboot_216 and everything went smoothly. I think I will keep this one;).

Thanks all for your help:respect-040:.


26-08-2008, 08:07 PM
Its me again, sorry.

Do u know on the RUC unit which botton give ne access to the Premiere portal subpages?

I tried the teletext ********* and the audio bottons, didn't work.

Thanks in advance,


26-08-2008, 09:32 PM
Dont know about the 250 but on the 400 its the lowest button on the left.