View Full Version : Cyfra+..a new coding system

23-08-2008, 09:50 AM
Cyfra+ introduces new encoding system

Rafał Tomasiak

* source: Inf. własna

Cyfra+ has began introducing a new encoding system for cards sent to a cable networks. There's a new ProvID 0068 on some of the channels (so far Seca 2 was identified as 0065). Subscribers will get new smart cards and instructions with the September's issue of Magazyn Plus+.

A new version of the system used by Cyfra+ is called Seca 4. In practice, the receiver sees the card as Seca MediaGuard but it's only a communication layer with the Nagravision system located inside.

The exchange of smart cards is an action against illegal subscribers who use forge cards. Everyone with such card will lose the access to platform's offer in the moment when old system is out.

Channel's with provider 0068:

tp. 110 (10,719 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- HBO 2
- HBO Comedy
- Canal+ Sport 2/Info+
- MiniMini
- Movies 24
- MTV Two
- Orange Sport
- Planete
- TV 4

(Hallmark still only 0065)

tp. 119 (10,892 GHz, pol. H SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- Ale Kino!
- Canal+
- Canal+ Film
- Canal+ Sport
- Jetix
- Kuchnia TV
- TVP 1
- TVP 2
- ZigZap/Hyper

tp. 128 (11.075 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- Comedy Central Polska
- MTV Polska
- test MTV HD (encoded only with ProvID 0068)
- VH-1 Polska

tp. 4 (11,278 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=2/3 DVB-S2)
- Canal+ Film HD
- Canal+ Sport HD
- National Geographic HD

tp. 15 (11,488 GHz, pol. H SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- Animal Planet
- Cinemax
- CNBC Europe
- Discovery Channel
- ESPN Classic Sport
- Extreme Sports
- Kino Polska
- TVP Info
- Zone Club
- Zone Reality

tp. 74 (12,188 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- AXN Crime
- AXN Sci-Fi
- Cinemax 2
- Fox Life

tp. 78 (12,265 GHz, pol. V SR=27500 FEC=3/4)
- HBO HD (with tp. 4)

Other services will be consecutively added.

01-09-2008, 10:00 PM
so when, if there is a date, will 065 be cease?

I assuming all of with a cyfra card are gonna be knackered, lol.

03-09-2008, 04:13 PM
New Cyfra+ cards since 18th of September

* source: inf. wł.

18th of September 2008 is the date when Cyfra+ officially introduces new smart cards for its new subscribers. As of September 18th distributors will be giving only new cards. Clients who order Cyfra+ before that date will still receive old cards, but later they are going to be exchanged for the new ones.

Subscribers will receive a new cards with accurate information on how to activate it. A few days earlier - on 4th of September, subscribers will have the access to update the list of channels on their terminals, taking into account the change in technical parameters of the channels.


During the initial tests ******* splitters (with the newest software!) calmly cope with the separation to several client cards. Similarly, GreenEightSystem splitters should not have any problems - the company has announced it a long time ago.

11-09-2008, 11:11 PM
MMmmm... Yea moscing want be so easy , ofcourse if Armadghedon isnt applyable to it.
Sharing will be running I think , as long the communication between card and cardreader stays seca. If they dont use all that asic stuff as the german once


12-09-2008, 12:52 AM
my new card will arrive soon.
just got phone today from our neighbours in poland that it arrived so they are sending it to our home here in belgium on monday.
So by the end of next week i should have it and then i will know if the sharing will still work or not hehe.

Card comes with a letter explaining how to activate it ect ect.

If only the old card was of any use after i update the new card that would have been nice.

19-09-2008, 03:13 PM
Well i received my new cyfra card with provider id 0068 yesterday.
It got activated in a few hours during the night.

Sharing still works perfect as the communication between reader and card is seca :).
So decoding is still done in seca without any other crap :)

btw anyone has an idea what i can do with the old card now ??

Dr Watson
22-09-2008, 07:39 AM
the card cyfra 0065 can be upgrade to 0068 or must to replace card ?

22-09-2008, 09:26 AM
You canīt upgrade - if you have a sub they should send you
a new card

22-09-2008, 10:11 AM
22-09-2008 08:39 AM
Dr Watson the card cyfra 0065 can be upgrade to 0068 or must to replace card ?

They will always send u a new card with a letter included how to activate the card.
This letter will be to ur registration adress with cyfra+.
If ofcourse u have a pirate card then u can enjoy cyfra+ untill the end of september.
After that provider 0065 will be shutdown.

Dr Watson
24-09-2008, 12:27 PM
the cam aston will be work on new cyfra card or need box original ?

24-09-2008, 02:43 PM
my card works in all my receivers directly without any cam.
i dont own a aston cam so i would not know.

03-10-2008, 12:08 PM
Well its October 3rd 3 days after provider65 was suppose to be turned off.

Its still on and my special card is still working fine.

I suppose I'll just take each day as it comes and see what happens.

05-10-2008, 09:51 AM
According to the cyfra web site they have extended the deadline for new cards to 8th October. We'll have to see what happens then.

05-10-2008, 10:21 AM
I do wish Polish satellite TV providers would stop making constant changes e.g. moving channel locations, encryptions etc. It is a real pain - especially as none of these changes are done OTA. Even worse there is no information from them (on TV) about the changes. You have to keep checking web sites and forums etc.

05-10-2008, 03:37 PM
My special card updated to the end of Nov (after a bit of a worry for 2 days), so lets see what happens

08-10-2008, 11:31 PM
0065 - off today

09-10-2008, 02:05 PM
Hi All,

Have recently received new official cyfra+ card - cyfra website say if you have a receiver other than official decoder then the card should be activated ok if you leave it in channel wymiana kart on 10892h for 10 hours maybe. I have echostar ad3000ip and have tried to activate the new card for many many hours and have tried it in trex, diablo, dragon, aston 1.05 and aston 1.00 and also matrix reloaded - all no good. Anybody know how to do this activation - we followed the instructions I think that came with the card. Old cyfra cards have never been a problem in echostar ad3000ip receiver and trex cam for example.

Today the current new card , although never successfully activated works ok on tvp1 and tvp2 but not tvn,tvn24 or any canal + channels. If I look in cam menu for trex, smartcard - it says cyfra+ and cyfra+1 both ok until 31/10/08.
If I put the old card in trex, no channels work but the cam menu says cyfra+ ok until 30/11/08.

Can anyone help me - tried calling cyfra for days but cannot get through!

09-10-2008, 08:58 PM
Translated from Satkurier.pl

Anyone who activated the Cyfra+ before 30 September did not have practically the smallest problem with the reception of the channel platform. Most receivers and modules can cope with the CI Seca 4 However, as reported web forums, many users enable their newly received cards on 30 September or later, have problems with the correct reception paid package of Cyfra+ channels.

The problem manifests itself expire of the channels or, at worse, the whole package paid by the subscriber programs (as if the card has not received permission).

Cyfra + inform their subscribers, if you report the problem to the Office of Customer Service that the card should be revived at the point of distribution, or C + Center +

If the reactivation operation fails, the subscriber will be given a completely new code card, previously activated by an employee of the shop, or the center of C +.

Unfortunately, at present reactivation card by the ICA does not give any results.

Operator for the time being silent on the matter and may not know what may be the reason for this.

Be assumed that the card activated too late not got the appropriate permissions, which results in a vicious action and the loss of a few dozen hours or offer access to the platform.

Subscribers were required to activate the card received by 30 September.Those who were late, or have the problems as described above - will probably have to visit the nearest Cyfra + distributor.

10-10-2008, 12:55 AM
thanks for reply polzmat - but what is ICA ? Sounds like i try update too late but didnt get card befoe end of september!

10-10-2008, 10:10 AM
ICA - polish: Internetowe Centrum Abonentow; english: Internet subscribers center.


10-10-2008, 02:54 PM
Thanks for ICA explanation - stupid I didnt work that out

02-11-2008, 06:38 PM
Hello !
I received the new cyfra plus card (seca 3) one month ago and I activated it without issues.
No, since this 31/10 no more signal. I try to reactivate it with the ICA system without succes.
I use dreambox with emu CCACM Thank...