View Full Version : bush lcd flickering

23-08-2008, 11:00 PM
hi all.i have a bush lcd tv,its about 15 months old and has just started flickering off and on.the sound stays constant,its just the picture acting as if its being switched on and off stand by.it is ok for hours then has a fit then is ok for a while again.does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?thanks,Andy

keith mawer
05-09-2008, 08:36 AM
i know this is a bit of a old thread ,, but went into one of the leading electrical shops!!!!! and didnt see any bush sets at all!!!!!

05-09-2008, 10:20 AM
It is probably the Cold Cathode Tubes inverter that is duff.

LCDs work by having a few CCTs shining through a three layer (Red, Green and Blue) LCD screen. The CCT is like a small fluorescent lamp and it gets driven by an inverter circuit. Just like when a starter goes duff on a fluorescent lamp it will flicker badly.

They are a s*d to fix as the sets are not very user friendly and need a lot of dismantling to reach the offending parts.

@keith Bush is just one of the marketing names of Alba International and the sets are mostly Chinese made. They are usually sold through supermarkets and the like but may be badged as a variety of Brands depending on the outlet. You will probably find some Bush stuff in Tesco in the UK.

05-09-2008, 01:22 PM
plenty of bush stuff in tesco,s normally pushing trollies:D:D [sorry couldn`t resist.

24-09-2008, 12:45 PM
thanks for that.i will try and find some more info on it